1.0.9 - Known Issues

Got this error which (if accurate) could explain a lot of things:
On android: this application performed 8502 requests within the past minute and exceeded its request limit.

If the application is making too many calls now to the servers that could explain the sluggish performances since patch 1.0.9 and why we often get server request errors

Got the same a moment ago on steam performing ascend. After quit, restart going to ascend (with 25 clicks – shame!) same message.

So the hero class magic bonus is still active in Arena, there wasn’t an official statement about it since the patch and it has not been mentioned in the “known issues” list yet.

I would just like to know the Devs are aware of that problem and it is difficult to fix, or if they changed their mind about hero class having an impact on arena altogether.
I guess what i am asking is, do i still have to have a guilty conscience when i two-shoot the entire enemy team with any of the AOE weapons, or is Arena really supposed to be that way now?

From personal experience, 9 out of 10 opponents seem to be using it by now, so not joining in is like begging for a beating. It’s actually quite an interesting twist to the standard Arena run, deny the two colors the opponent needs for the nuke at all costs. All of the sudden Spider Queen and Cockatrice qualify as top tier picks. :smirk:

I didn’t see any comment to two previous issues I raised, so maybe it’s just me who has them.

(1) In the post treasure map scoring, I have problems with traitstones. If I tap the screen to advance to the next stone, sometimes the total number of stones I see is not what the end-of-map screen says I was awarded (yes, I am aware that two identical traitstones are only displayed once, with a “x2” modifier) This has now happened twice even when I didn’t touch the screen during the traitstone sequence. I was connected to my home wifi at the time, so it probably isn’t a dropped connection issue.

(2) I thought that global chat channels 990-999 were supposed to be silent. I routinely get notifications on channel 990 about people drawing legendary troops or ascending to mythic. I’ve just switched to 991, and will see if that clears the problem. If not, how do I join guild chat but not global chat?

Don’t even try channel 999, lots of us there :smile:

994 is my favourite…

I’m on a channel somewhere in the middle of the range, which is perfectly empty and silent. I highly recommend it over the 990-999 range.

For obvious reasons, I’m not specifying which one. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Warlord Hero not counting as a unique giant on a team. I don’t play this myself, but I noticed this when playing with team makeup. Please fix.


On the screenshot you haven’t actually chosen any of the perks?


@Gouki is correct. The three perks are not like traits; only one of them can be active at a time. You have to choose which one, then it will get a little halo around the symbol for that perk.

@Gouki is right, When you have a perk selected it should be highlighted in yellow a bit ( mine is the ‘Deadly Power’ perk)

DOH, it’s 1 perk at a time? Doesn’t sound very good.

The perks unlock pretty early in the game for new players. When they do, they are very strong.

I haven’t seen all the special weapons yet, but looking at the Priest one, 6 life and cleans, vs some of the mastery unlock weapons like Yasmine’s Chalice, and you wonder if the class weapons are suppose to fill niches early to mid-game.

The class traits look strong, but costly to unlock, so I suspect they are balanced for late-game.

Doh! Makes sense. Though I can’t see a hero in a deck competing against all legendary decks. None of the weapons hold a candle to some of the advanced traits a legendary can have.

What? The warlord weapon deals 40+ targeted nukes easily on regular high attack troops, significantly more on stacked goblins or any attack buffed up troops.
The AoE weapons deal almost 20 damage to all enemies (Sorcs or other classes might probably push that higher, i haven’t unlocked a lot of classes and their traits yet).
Statwise they seem at least as high as most legendary troops are.
I don’t see why they wouldn’t be a viable option.

I just noticed a glitch with the new weapon Sand and dust. When you use it, the troop you move to the front doesn’t lose any armor.

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I have a glitch with Sheggra. In some instances, the red gems are converted in skulls and then it creates the red gems (which remain red). Happened to me twice over quite some fights, could not find a pattern

I just came across a bug with a card called Marid. His spell is deal 6 damage and inflict a random status effect on an enemy when there are more than 10 green gems. There were only three green gems present and he was able to silence my troop.

strong text

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Yes, Marid is broken. He always applies debuff, no matter what’s on the board. At least it worked that way in my case, 2 times AFAIR.