Patch 2.1.5 Known Issues

@Slappy @Druss

Have you tried rebooting the phone/tablet and then going to the Google Play store to see if the update is available? Don’t start GoW after the reboot until you check the Google Play Store.

I’ve had times where my phone doesn’t register the update until I’ve rebooted, and I’m sure its clearing something cached in memory. I know this could just be a hickup my phone has, and may not be your issue, but it’s saved me before.

Daemonomicon is summoning random deamons but % seem to favour abhorath lot. 5 summons and 4 of them were abhorath.

It looks like I’m not accumulating experience points with each battle like I was before. At the end of the battle it’s telling me I’ve gained 99xp, but nothing shows on the meter. The meter also looks odd, like it’s running off the page to the left.

I’m currently level 1079, and playing on iOS, if that helps.

Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile: I have unfortunately tried various combinations of rebooting and visiting things in different orders with no luck :frowning:

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iOS version:
Didn’t notice this in the patch notes, so this is possibly a bug?

Mechanist class +5 bonus to mana is no longer being applied to War & Peace weapon, but is applied to all Brown mana only weapons.

Is it by design that multi mana weapons are no longer getting bonus mana applied from classes?

Just noticed Valkyrie is missing necromancy


Lol HK :smiley:

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Just restart the game and the chat is working normally again. :slight_smile:

When exactly is this going to be fixed? It’s getting very old having stunned Infernal Kings resurrecting multiple times . It’s been happening for 3 months, I mean, come on.

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Unfortunately it isn’t an easy fix. As we have said previously we need to review at how to game handles events.

There is a couple of issues that we may be able to resolve at once when we review this. So it is something we would like to do.

Understood, but wouldn’t it make a little more sense to fix existing issues before worrying about pushing out new content that usually leads to more problems?


Nobody pays for old content. I’m sure someone has sat down and done the math to determine that more players are attracted/retained with new content than are driven away by bugs like IK’s.

Are you sure about that? What about the troop packs that come up for sale after they have been released, wouldn’t that classify as “old content”?

I was being overly glib. You’re right, of course, that old content can be repackaged and sold. But I think my general point remains: that someone, at some point, probably calculated that it’s better to produce new content quickly and slowly fix bugs than the other way around.

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This cannot be right… 10 fewer souls in the fight cap… leads to 98 fewer in the payout?

Did you loose more troops with Necromancy during the 2nd battle?
It seems yes so:

I’ve tested this extensively tonight, the result has been identical whether I lose a Necromancy-traited troop or not.

Further to this issue, I just did the same test on Warlord I (The screenshots are from Warlord II) and I got a completely different value for 90/100 souls… MORE than on Warlord II. So something is screw-y

Here’s a screenshot I just took of an explore fight at Warlord I

325 is the maximum souls given my team composition, and I got all 325. You’ll see the 1st troop missing.

Maybe there are two different bugs. I don’t know…

In my case, I test on easy PVP fight:
Valkyrie cast once with Acolye alive:

Valkyrie cast once with Acolyte death:

In both cases, the counter shows 30 souls but as you can see, the result is different…

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Yes I see that on your screenshot… more than 1 bug is probably right unfortunately!