3.2.5 Feedback and suggestions

I don’t know why there are so much posts about a X/Y/Z option, when devs can implement an interface where the players can choose by themselves how many chests they can open at one time.

But no, players ignore our solution and prefer to continue with their click theory… :frowning:


When the rat’s nest is the only good solution, you build a rat’s nest. I only brought up the rat’s nest because “it’s not a fast implementation”.

I don’t personally mind your suggestion, it just seems like some people are really picky about the number of keys they use at a time.

What’s funny about it is I notice a pattern: as the devs create new UI, they pay absolutely no attention to maintaining functionality no one complains about. Then, suddenly, people want the old behavior back. I wish the devs were more careful about arbitrarily changing how things in the game behave. Then people might focus on finding real bugs instead of asking if they can do what they did last month again.


If they would just ask us what the effect of changing something would be, we could tell them. Instead, we don’t even find out what they are thinking about until it is done, then we have to tell them why they had it right in the first place.

There are numerous avenues available to get some functional feedback (e.g., the forums, an army of volunteer beta-testers, user panels/focus groups, etc.), but the first we see or hear of this is a quick mention on a livestream that is run after the update was already submitted for approval. I get that it takes time to test and get feedback, but dealing with complaints and fixing poorly implemented ideas takes time, too.

It’s exactly the same thing with the animated status effects. Any one of them looks nifty on its own (with the exception of Frozen which needs to be more obvious), but activate two or more at once and it is impossible to distinguish what is going on. I’m pretty sure I know when I’m on fire, but that’s about it.


From what I know, beta-testers suggested heavily to the devs to move the gold keys to the leftmost spot in the chest opening menu screen. See how much good it did… Also some things that got announced on stream or even posted here on the forum (like the question mark tooltip showing what traitstones drop from explore) never made it into the update. Things like the guild task mockup window, which gained so much more support than the one from the devs, got completely ignored. It appears that feedback is simply not wanted and even things the devs want to implement don’t get implemented for some reason…

Also, totally irrelevant, but…

It’s likely the facts that it’s 1:25am here and I’m on heavy flu meds, but I laughed like five minutes at this sentence. I hope everyone who’s ever on fire will know that they are.:rofl::joy:


I was watching the livestream with Sirrian and Cyrup and a couple of people, including me, suggested that swapping the locaiton of the glory and gold keys would be helpful.

I have different information from two people, but as I’m not a beta tester or anything, I of course can’t say for sure.


Most might know, Ants In My Eyes Johnson, can not. Haha.


Thanks, this issues have already been raised with the dev team.

There is only so much feedback we can implement. As mentioned in this article, the major UI updates were going to be implemented anyway and we’re usually at the point where we can’t change stuff. So while we will certainly listen, sometimes we can only implement small suggestions. There are also many many many suggestions on the forums so it’s difficult to sift through them all - but we’re getting better! :smiley: I’ve added the Gold Chest adjustment idea to another list just to make sure it’s got dev team visibility. There have been some changes which, though we took on board, didn’t make that update due to the build being basically ‘locked down’ as Stan put, but which we hope to incorporate next update.

We did beta test the update
Regarding Stand’s comment, code lock is a serious thing! :scream:

RE All other feedback, has been generally added to the list!

This is my last day before going on holidays for a few days so I’ll see you all in a bit. :cry: :heart: :australia:


I hope you have a great holiday!:grinning:

That makes sense and I understand that now. May I add the suggestion then that these things get more clarified? To post an example, I had - after the preview was shown in a stream - asked about the traitstone tooltip, for example, and Sirrian had replied right afterwards:

To me, “it’s on our to-do list” while showing a work in progress (and stating like two posts above this one that it’s a work in progress that’s still being polished) implies that it will be done. While I understand better now why it could not be, maybe just adding the fact that these things are not going to happen in the next update would help to stop disappointment. Telling us that “yeah, thanks for letting us know your suggestions, but while what you see is a work in progress, there won’t be any big additions anymore because of code lock” would have helped, I think. This seems like just a case of miscommunication then.

But I am also not a native English speaker. I might actually misinterpret something here into the setences. Maybe it was actually clear that these things are not going to happen in the next update and I just misread it?

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I’m late to the party so I won’t nitpick, just one big positive and one continuing negative.

The big positive:
GW Defense teams appear to be sticking now. This was a great new feature that had been pretty much ruined by an unfortunate bug and I now look forward to really working on my GW Defenses. :nerd:

The continuing negative:
The new UI is not all bad, but it remains uncommonly ugly to my eyes. This is a subjective opinion, but I have to say that I really hate most of the design decisions that were made. Specifically:

• The traitstones remain hideous and hard to decipher.

• The kingdom stars on the main map are improved over the previous awful white things, but still worse that what we had pre-new-UI.

• The particle effects in the battle screens are stupid. Do you think this game is played primarily by 12 year olds? In my experience most of the players are adults. This is a total victory of faddish style over substance and makes GoW look like a dumber game than it is.

IMHO the flashing explosions are the bell-bottom jeans of 21st century gaming. You’re going to look back on this crap in 10 years and be embarrassed that you pushed it on us.

On a practical level, troop status effects are much harder to decipher now. THAT IS ANNOYING!

Sorry to be complaining about this (again). I love the game and will get used to the new UI eventually. In the greater scheme of things I don’t think it’s a gamebreaker… Anyway, we’re finally done with all that (right?) and I look forward to future improvements.

Y’all have been right more often than you’ve been wrong, so I’ll try to overlook the 80’s disco effects! :sparkler:


When you select/change a defense team in GW or PVP, you will automatically select your next attack team in GW or PVP.

Please separate the attack teams more clearly from the defence teams.

So you always have to re-elect your attack team as soon as you change a defense team.

This is because the “<” is a return button, and “X” is an exit button (e.g “X” appears above a modal popup window rather than “<” which takes you back in the menus). What if the X button was made smaller?

This would be fine if it were consistent; if there was always a return button in the upper left AND an exit button in the upper right, for instance. Or if you’re only going to put one of the two on any given page, then put them in the same place, and we won’t much care what the icon looks like. The problem isn’t the size, it’s that the way you get out of any particular menu page moves around the screen. So to get out of a menu three levels deep in the tree, you end up having to hunt around on the screen to find the appropriate button three different times, instead of just tapping the same spot three times in a row, with the next exit button just appearing underneath your finger each time.

From your point of view as a programmer there are, I’m sure, significant differences between modal popups and menu screens. From the point of view of a player its just a screen I want to leave - it should be the same way, every time.

I don’t really like the new chest UI and it has less to do with those buttons and more to do with “it’s harder to collect my stuff now”.

In the old UI, you had a kind of tabbed interface where along the bottom you could see at a glance all of your chests and how many keys you had for each. Tap, claim. Tap, claim. Tap, claim. Real easy. The number of keys was a high-contrast white-on-red badge just like my phone uses to tell me there’s notifications in an app. It’s the kind of thing you expect to get when the designer plays the game.

Now you have a hub page where every chest’s button is a different size, and the number of keys is next to an icon that blends in with the background. Tap, claim, back. Read. Tap, claim, back. Read. Tap, claim, back. It’s the kind of thing that looks great in a meeting but isn’t very fun to play.

It’s not “hard” by any definition, but it used to be almost muscle memory and now I have to slow down to make sure I don’t burn the wrong kind of keys. I feel like the UI is consistently moving in directions most easily explained by:

“It looks really cool, but is clunky to operate.”

I don’t want to spend a lot of time in the chest menu. I’m there to pull the lever on a slot machine. The harder it is to pull that lever, the more I’m going to think about if I want to pull it.


I want to add that not just the key numbers are hard to read, but the fact that the interface makes 0 keys = nothing displayed makes it somehow even harder. I wish that there would be a 0 displayed if I have no keys. A consistent display among all buttons helps a lot with having your brain remember where the number is, even when it’s poorly readable. Consistency and brighter colors/bordered text would make everything better.

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Sorry for inevitable repeats - I have no time to read all 194 replies, so I’ll tell everything that missed for me and don’t mentioned in head post.

  1. No Kingdom on card. I cannot hunt the Stryx, if I have no idea where they live! It was before as kingdom symbol. It was suggested already as plain text on upper card border, like type on lower border.

  2. No numbers in clan tasks. Come on, If I see 8 500 from 15 000, I can do my math. But if I see 65% from 15 000, I am lost!

  3. Very slow mouse scroll. It was fixed recently in troops (even if I would prefer slider). But Clan Roster still painfully slow and additionally bugged (I reported it already).

  4. No visual Kingdom power indicator. It was here before previous patch. It looks like it must be here - color band over kingdom name is still here. But no actual progress bar! I believe, it’s some sort of overlooked bug.

  5. No ability to sort armies. I need the way to take army and put it into other place - otherwise several “good” builds lost in heap of test ones. Copy/paste army template would do too, but I believe, drag&drop armies in list would be simpler to implement.

  6. Too much auto-sorting in unit list. Minor QoL improvement - can I ask do not scroll list to unit that changed it’s place after my manipulations? Right now it gives me a lot of dumb work. “Sort list by level, rise lowest troop for 10 levels, leave, found yourself in the middle of list, scroll”. I hate this thing.

  7. Very slow chest opening animation. It was quite good before last patch. Now each card opens about ten seconds. It’s unbearable for any amount over five. I can “skip”, of course (and I do it now every time), but it removes thrill of possible jackpot. Not good for me.

Otherwise (and taking into account already given feedback) game is quite good in technical design. Visually I am very displeased with all your current monocolor icons, but, well, it’s old news already. :expressionless:


Given the flack the devs are receiving for making certain buttons overlap precisely, it’s okay by me if the exit buttons on consecutive menus require me to move my thumb a little bit.

However, I agree completely that the frequent shifts between left and right of the screen are frustrating. It was something I brought up repeatedly during beta testing and previews. (I also kvetched about the buttons appearing on the left side of the screen, but I would take consistency on either side over the mishmash we have now.)

Yo Devs, Nice idea - place REFRESH button in PVP (costs 1 gem) just under claim-buttons.

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This is correct for this point in time.


I’ll complain about the one thing no one has ever.

Please get rid of the ‘Press A button to continue’ when GOW loads on the Xbox.

Seriously, why would I not want the game to load? Gamer tag change maybe, but I’d like it to go…

I think the devs said somewhere that the “press A” message is there to meet some sort of Microsoft requirement for XBox games.