What is your opinions about the Gun Laws in America?

The Registration was already part of Gun Laws in the Weimar Republic, the disarming of the general public was even a subject of the Versailles agreement after the First World War and not introduced by the Nazi Regime.
All over the world there are governments fighting their own people, whole Syrian City blocks were bombed by its own government on a daily basis.
Your idea of a “ground war” where you defend yourself against government troops comes from bad movies or examples from countries that are either completely poor and mismanaged or just have small military and security spending.
But your country has a huge military machine, if they see a reason to incarcerate you, they will just S.W.A.T. you, and you and your 2 friends holding up at your house with some assault rifle won’t be able to resist anything when they come rolling with truckloads of specialized troops with the most state of the art gear to take you dead or alive, no matter how many guns you have stashed in your house.

Hmmmm, this thread was only ever going to cause acrimony…

As a Brit I find the whole situation horrifying and hard to associate with… I don’t understand why making guns freely available to every destitute, criminal or lunatic should make anyone safer… But I also haven’t researched, and frankly don’t want to, whether there’s any statistical basis for gun control or not, and I’m confident that both sides in that debate will find statistics to make a point.

I suspect this thread has run its course now…

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As an american, our gun laws are basically hear-say. We are allowed to carry guns in public however they must be clearly visible. If they are obstructed then you must have a permit for them. Americans as a whole are dumb and do not understand their rights or laws and require someone who goes to college for 8 years to tell them what the laws even mean. The police are a joke as they require about as much as a highschool degree to enforce the law. If americans had gun laws like switzerland or maybe england then there might be a lot less gun deaths.


Let’s assume you’re right about Hitler and gun registration. That doesn’t change the fact that registration made it easier to confiscate weapons from Jews, which made it easier to oppress them.

But quite apart from the defense-against-tyranny argument, it’s also true that guns are used to prevent or interrupt more crimes than they are used to commit, so even on a private self defense level they’re a net positive.

We just need to completely outlaw guns since it worked so well with drugs, right?

Gun free zones and restrictive gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens. Attempting to take them away or outright banning them won’t fix a thing.


To be fair i am not familiar with statistics of gun violence in the USA as i don’t care that much about Americans killing each other, so that may be true for your country, your state or just your city, whatever statistic you took for this assessment, but on many places of this world this could not be further from the truth.

That’s because in other countries only criminals own guns…


Is that derived from another statistic? Or just some NRA parole you like to repeat?

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I have found most that people who are against guns have never fired one or been properly trained with one. To most trained people they are just tools, the weapon is the human mind.

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Wow another great slogan right there. You could take the same sentence and replace the word gun with nukes, poison gas or biological weapons.

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Have you ever fired a gun or been properly trained on one?

I live in a rural area surrounded by enthusiastic hunters & every day I spend here strengthens my belief that gun control is necessary.

I meet “responsible” gun owners all the time who love to give me this song and dance about how careful they are and the safety classes they take and the rules that are drilled into them, but what I actually see are hunters who get drunk and joyride around shooting their rifles at anything that moves.

It’s completely out of control.

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seen some of that in a major hunting state. but people who are drunk/stoned whatever altered mind state do in fact kill people all the time without guns. the drugs are to blame here more than the wep.
I grew up hunting. and doesn’t involve getting plastered and acting stupid. hard pill to swallow that because there is a few morons everyone else has to suffer

Yes i have, i was in the military due to military conscription and even though the latter half of it was boring as hell, sitting around and not actually doing anything, it started out with some months of fundamental training where we were trained on several types of guns regularly.
I don’t understand though how this makes my opinion more valid or less in any way.

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Because objectivity is a very important thing😀


People kill other people without guns–great, let’s deal with that too! I’m all in favor.

However, that actually has nothing to do with the reality of hunting culture. I do know a few hunters that I really respect, hunters who are careful and conscientious and who don’t scare the living daylights out of me, but mostly I know loose cannons and no, I do not think that I “have to suffer” those morons.

If those very, very few conscientious hunters have to miss out on automatic season in order to prevent actual massacres of actual human beings, that’s a pretty small sacrifice to make. As it happens, they’re both bow hunters as well & while I think bow hunting is vile and really do not approve of it as a hobby, take away their guns and they can still head out into the woods and kill things for fun.

Frankly, every time someone says, “Yeah, but all these trigger happy gun owners will shoot people if you try to take away their guns!” I think, “Those are exactly the trigger happy people who should not have guns and I hope they enjoy their days in court.”

The truth of the matter is that hunters and gun nuts regularly LIE to coastal city dwellers about the reality of living around guns. They talk about a world that does not exist, where gun owners are even-tempered and responsible and only a few, isolated/fringey druggies are misbehaving. That is not my experience at all.

This thread definately shows how diverse the views and opinions are on guns and the laws we try to enforce to protect the rights and lives of the society on the whole.

In my opinion until the human race grows from this adolescence that dictates we fight and kill each other for pieces of dirt, for history, for power over another . . . . . . unless we get hit by an asteroid that wipes the planet -

We will be the cause of our own destruction.


I agree with you somewhat. we do in fact live in a totally different lifestyle though. I live non city ranches/cows livestock etc. and there is still some morons with guns, but for a rancher per example is he going to go knife a predator like mountain lion to protect his stock?

lots of different views and ideas. I hate the (hate crimes) but also see a need to protect. not only as above lifestock but family to

edit- and cops where I live can not protect nothing . they are useless and if they do try to do something court throws it out and criminal right back on street