What is your opinions about the Gun Laws in America?

Well if we are going to resort to personal attacks then I’m sorry I offended “'MERICA”. I know how sensitive Texans can be.

Guns are tools nothing else.

Inanimate objects do not kill, people kill.

If you don’t like guns don’t own them.

Guns are the most modern weapon out there now so obviously most murders will occur with the most modern weapon, it is not rocket science.

People have been killing each other since the dawn of time and will continue til our species is extinct.


I am not attacking you @TaliaParks. I know your mind is set and I am not going to change nor try to change your thinking of America. so was going to stop there.

the above is almost perfect description of rascism though. you say America is a race and your bashing them as whole. I am sure there is a few Nutty Canadians to but I not going to Bash Canada for it

Simply anyone that reads your posts can tell you are trolling. You are just trying to anger people on the internet. You are absolutely part of the problem. How many threads have you gotten closed simply because of your obsession with getting into fights on the internet. Moderators, please?

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The point is not to change human nature, which is relatively static & mostly a burning trash fire. It’s to reduce the number of people who die.

Gun control works. It’s been proven to work. If a maniac decides to go on a spree but because he has a knife he kills five people instead of fifty… well, that seems like a fantastic improvement. I’ll take it.

People are also victim to uncontrollable impulses and whenever a regular person feels the need to do something drastic like killing someone it is good to not provide them with the perfect tool for that at any given time.

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I agree with both @Personette and @Gouki above post but sad thing is how many people you think will die in the removal of guns. as a Texan I can say for sure many will die in that process

not saying I would shoot someone but I know people who would

Well I for one will not trade in my firearms for the illusion of safety. Gun control benefits governments and criminals.

The point should be to address human nature, that is the root problem. Inanimate objects are not the problem, humans are.

We are the most violent species on the planet, always have been always will be.


other thing to note Is I doubt removal of guns will ever be the case. too hard to do. is actually guy lives next block over will make you and unregistered AK for $500 so how do you get rid of gun problem?

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Humans kill other humans with hands, rocks, bow and arrows, knives, swords, guns, cannons, bombs…And they will continue to kill each other with lasers and robots and whatever else we create.

If someone wants to kill they will.

If people want to get real about addressing the problem, we will have to address human nature. Everything else is just feel good illusions.


Exactly correct. Governments just talk about new gun laws to make people feel safer. (which is fine) but it’ll never “fix” the problem.

Oh i agree, ironically the only time a gun “acquired to defend against a possible tyrannical government” is actually used against a government is when that government is about to take that very gun away.

No one uses these weapons when your government incarcerates ethnic minorities, or when your government wages unjustified wars of aggression against other countries, when it assassinates people all over the globe or when it breaks all laws and conventions on personal and private rights while spying on the whole world.

But damn them if they want to take my gun away.^^

Yes when someone makes the conscious decision to kill someone they will find a way.
But when someone has an uncontrollable impulse that may only be there for a split second, a gun lying around is the best way to make sure these impulses are made into dead bodies.

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Well find a way to address and correct the impulses and problem solved!:grinning:

that is very optimistic thinking :slight_smile:
guess I am more on other side of things there. Guns and Drugs will never leave America . not without huge body counts

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used drugs in the above post because lots of times the guns that are used. drugs seem to play some kind of role most times

If you want to kill a ton of people a knife is the best choice. If you are reasonably trained with it you can kill hundreds before anyone is even aware of it. Granted it is messy as hell but very very quiet. A gun would give you away before you really started to build momentum.

Except I didn’t assume that. In fact, I only went as far as registration because I wasn’t assuming anything beyond that. There was no armed resistance precisely because those who would have the strongest incentive to resist were the ones who had no guns. Most Germans had little incentive to resist Hitler, at least early on, because they were his enablers in the first place. But as to the notion that an armed populace couldn’t stop an army, I think you’re assuming quite a lot yourself. No tyrant is going to carpet bomb a whole country just to maintain control; a ground war is inevitable if there’s a determined resistance. And in a ground war small arms are hugely important. Just look at the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Rooting out an armed population isn’t as easy as you think.

On another note, I’d like to make the observation that it tends to be those with no significant experience with guns who are the most stridently against them. Why do you figure that is?

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The most important thing people seem to forget or just plain do not understand…

Criminals do NOT follow laws, you could make thousands of laws and it only hurts law abiding citizens. More laws do nothing to stop or hinder criminals.