What is your opinions about the Gun Laws in America?

The Gun laws in the Weimar Republic were arguable more strict than the ones of the Nazi regime. While the Nazi Regime did in fact disarm certain groups like the German Jews, the German Jews weren’t well armed to begin with and could not have successfully resisted with what they had before the disarming took place.
Gun Laws for the wide and general public were actually loosened under the Nazi Regime.
The whole "with everyone armed Hitler might have been stopped" theory is a fallacy often used to argue pro guns.

@Gouki: Sorry, where’s the fallacy in my statement?

I can’t believe you have that attitude. As someone pointed out, “in your days” there weren’t social media outlets like there is now. “Back in the day” you might’ve been bullied by a few people or classmates, but now you can be bullied by the whole school or whole world. That feeling sir, you couldn’t possibly know how that feels. We are talking about teenagers. How could anyone deal with that? Part of “correct” gun laws would also help prevent numerous suicides.

I grew up on the coast, where guns were rare/unheard of. I live in a rural area now, where guns are common. Mostly hunters, and hunting culture is big where I live. People drive around with stickers of bucks on their pickup trucks, that sort of thing.

I hear gunshots all the time. It’s mostly just gun nuts firing their guns at trees or deer but it still terrifies me. I’m careful when I walk outside, even on my own property.

During hunting season, all these goons build really elaborate hunting blinds and then they spend the day getting drunk together, waiting to see a deer. Then they shoot drunk and drive drunk and basically, I don’t leave my house much in October.

I know that a lot of people think this is the “healthy” part of gun culture, the aspect that needs to be defended, but I find it horrifying.

I’d take every gun from every American citizen if I could, and I’d start with the hunters.

In the assumption that the Nazis disarmed the general public or introduced more strict gun laws, when they in fact loosened gun laws compared to the Weimar Republic.
Only ethnic minorities were disarmed. So an “armed population” posed no hindrance to the overtake that took place and it is idiotic to think nowadays it would make a difference.

We also didn’t have anti-bullying laws to coddle the weak.

I remember plenty of people bullied by whole schools, nobody ever got killed over it. I wasn’t popular until high school, and moved 1-2x a year (so I was ALWAYS “the new kid”) so you assume wrong that I don’t know how being bullied feels.

In my day, you put the bullies in their place. Today, you get expeled for even thinking about reprisal

false. false. false. false. I never said you didn’t know how bullying feels, everyone does. Though everyone doesn’t know how the new bullying feels. Times change, change with them grandpa. Stop telling war stories.

This sounds horrible. Almost any alternative would be better.



Actually the Nazis were skilled manipulators of propaganda and gun control laws that were on the books then modified. It took a couple years after that to start rounding them up. I’m not saying that every Israeli in Germany having a gun would have stopped anything at all, but if it were me, I would fight to the death before being carted off, separated from my family, slowly starved and worked to death before finally being gassed or shot.
Read Pol Pot, read Stalin, read Mao, all took away the right of the people to defend themselves before slaughtering them. Saying it can’t happen to me doesn’t make it so.

Of course we would love to think you can just talk to bullies and they will stop, but it rarely or ever works that way, even before anti-bullying laws and policies.

I make no apologies for sticking up for the other kids I protected, and I’m sure they preferred their lives afterwards as opposed to before.

Is it time to bring up the Chicago war zone yet? Strictest gun control laws on the books…

I am from Texas we own and always owned guns. and guess what I never shot anyone. crooks will always have guns in America just the way it is. can take them away from honest sportsman/hunters/regular citizens but crooks will have there’s.
to say America is so bad because there was a Fanatical nut living here that went on a rampage is not America as a whole. comments like that sound like racism. and this stuff occurs in almost every country there is. America gets a lot of Flak/ feedback on it but we bigger than most country too so ofcourse more happens.


I was a bit of a bully as a kid. I got counseling. Now I’ve been a vegetarian for twenty years & can’t even imagine tapping someone on the wrist in anger.

But, hey. Maybe I’d be better off if there had been someone like you around to punch me a lot!

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First, Americans aren’t a race.

Second, my statement about America was rooted in historic truth and not my opinion at all

Nothing like a good punch to bring you around and solve the problems! lmao (sarcasm) 2 people bonding over punches, that sounds like a sweet Kodak moment.

I said my piece I not getting into endless debate about it. so enjoy. also did not post directly related to anything you said

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You sound like a moderate bully, most aren’t or weren’t. And who said I had to resort to violence, and when I did that I instigated it?

All it took was to say, “Leave him/her alone” and the fists came at me? I took multiple beatings so other kids wouldn’t. That’s what I originally meant.

I bashed American culture, so you DID respond to something I said

my post is in general is about non americans and there thinking about americans. but feel free to think what you will. I know I will.
Talking to a Brick wall isn’t going to help so have fun

Well, you originally used the word “retaliation” and seemed contemptuous of solutions that are built into the system, institutionalized. Basically, “Yay vigilante justice” and that’s often violent.

This is not something I talk about very much, though I think about it often enough. I have a really visceral negative reaction to violence of all kinds now and it’s obviously learned. I didn’t start out this way. But I don’t think it could be unlearned anymore–it’s too much a part of me.

Maybe I was “moderate” maybe I wasn’t. I was certainly very young and very impressionable. And when the adults around me reacted by offering me help (in addition, I’ll admit, to some punishment) it worked.

Who knows what I would have become if I’d gotten a different sort of intervention? I mean, it would have been worse for me–not only in the moment but over the long term, over the whole course of my life.