Things that make you angry while playing GoW

Did not buy tier 1?

Many delves are possible without a Tier 1 purchase, so it is a bit of a pill anytime the 30 gems is “required.”


Despite doing all rooms and no Valravens escaping, I ran out of sigils after the level 60 delve because the second Valraven refused to show up, so I had to buy Tier 1 to finish. It really sucks as I had a little over 71,000 points after the level 80 delve, which is how far I usually get with free sigils. So if it weren’t for the second Valraven being so late to show up, I could have finished all stages for free. :rage:

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To get all stage rewards from any individual event should probably at least require a Tier 1 purchase though.

And anytime it doesn’t. Can be seen as “entitlement” if frustrated by the Requirement though right?

Is it okay to Prefer to get all rewards for 100% free? Absolutely.
To vent frustration for 2 Chaos Orbs being exchanged for 30 gems (plus time and energy understandably) when daily offers values each orb at 200 gems seems like @Denthegod may have a point. If we just complain about everything then how can the devs possibly know what the real issues are and what aren’t?

We can’t trust them to know the difference between major and minor issues anymore.

My apologies @rbchaffe I’m sure you were just venting a minor frustration on the thread that’s 100% designed to do so on. So I’ll excuse myself from possible further conversation on the matter.

But it kind of me wonder if that’s how the devs see a majority of our complaints is all. As if they give us so much free stuff already, is it REALLY a big deal to ask a few gems here and there.

(Completely different matter than the actual real money micro transactions that seemingly every major update now Requires a new implemention before it can be released.)

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What bothers me more than anything is just the inconsistency.

If all faction assaults required Tier 1 for full rewards, fine. Tier IV, fine; free, fine; something else, fine (though I would complain or be otherwise annoyed / fail to participate if the gems:rewards ratio were really out of wack with other events).

But when one delve is free, another is Tier I, or possibly Tier II, then I’m annoyed in just the same way as I’m annoyed if different game modes’ rewards don’t square.

Doesn’t make the rewards less rewarding, though — if the rewards are a thing I want, I go for them as long as I deem the cost reasonable :man_shrugging:

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Usually I don’t mind (too much) being required to spend 30 gems. But, because I was only 13 points short? Good grief.


I’m sure it’s linear. The first factions I assume were designed where it’s not possible. And over time the devs just didn’t make it worry when designing room layouts.
I always do Tier 1 so I can’t know for sure.

Be mindful though, if too many stop buying Tier and taking Stage 8. Then they will definitely “fix” your inconsistency issue. And mentions of any such issue will only bring it quicker to their radar than if it doesn’t get mentioned at all.

I mean, Infinity Plus 2 was “acquired” by 505 Games less than a week after I alleged that Cyrup works for 505 Games and not Infinity Plus 2. So clearly words have power. :wink:


Selecting a defense to counter what it thinks would be a great counter for your Arena team.

And it being correct.

Thanks for the waste of time video game, that’s exactly what your goal should be. :person_facepalming:

Egg Thief is, was, and will forever be a bull shit 4th position troop on defense when on offense the player is severely limited on what it’s allowed to use against it.
In this case. I wasn’t even allowed to know I’d be facing it. And no… It wasn’t bad luck…shits rigged…GoW isn’t rigged… Just the defenses in the Arena are not selected randomly…no franking way. Nope. No. Negative.

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These rewards stages in general can get to me, stage 14 a lot more value in than the stage 15.

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But… it’s not Stealthy in Arena, is it? You should be able to snipe it early with just about any damage dealing troop. Unless I’m missing something? :thinking:

One damage dealer on the team that could target a troop. Taken out to early by the AI. It was a skull damage based team that did very well against all the other teams that didn’t have have Egg Thief in the 4th position.

I know how to draft a winning arena team. I just can’t draft a perfect team when the AI always has the advantage of cherry picking Defenses to counter it. To a certain extent.

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Never managed to get that to work, there seems to be too little skull support in the lower rarity troops to luck into some reliable enough team. Maybe if they allowed us to pick some preference at the start of the draft phase, like “skull damage”, “rainbow mana” or “dragons”, and offered troops based on that. Not going to happen without devs though, and it doesn’t look like they’ll be back.

Fenrir. The rest of the team usually doesn’t matter. :+1:

I actually find that amazingly funny. It’s magnitude instead of quantity, it wouldn’t ever have crossed my mind using it, I can see that it works though. I would have wanted something that converts into skulls, possibly in a controlled way, even if it’s just Aziris. I can almost hear myself cursing louder each turn for a skull match to finally become available with Fenrir. :joy:

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I can only speak from my own experience in the arena. But the issue for me is usually too many skulls on the board. Not lack their of.

too bad the faction weapon is linked to the wrong kingdom :rage:


I tasted a similar pain when it came to pets, finally managed to push through when it showed up this Easter.

Oh look, a copy of the pet that I spent a couple of thousand gems on to max out 2 days ago. Coool.

Would have saved me 100 gems if I knew this was coming.


Ure not alone, if that helps you.

How many months are we in?

I have yet to get a Imperial Deeds offer from the Daily offers.

Something is horrible off when they make them that rare. And no, I do not want to torture myself through arena for the currently low % it has to drop a Imperial Deeds offer.