(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Plus, isn’t 5x5 a square rather than a circle.

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You are giving the spell too much credit, it will likely destroy less than a 5x5 square.

Either this:


Or this:


and I thought about


Still not a circle though.

This is frustrating. It’s almost good… but the people that design troops don’t check synergies with similar troops to make sure it actually makes sense. (just like Rattigar Cutpurse releasing same day)

As a Blue/Green/Brown troop, it would have been an easy troop to match up with Xenith’s Red/Purple as an obvious synergy… but The Colossus (sometimes) makes Good Gargoyle Gems instead of Evil Gargoyle Gems and now they have no synergy at all together.

As a Blue/Green/Brown troop, it shares/blocks 2 colors that Tourmaline does, yet stacking Good Gargoyle Gems doesn’t actually amount to much as Tourmaline will boost off any kind of Gargoyle Gem.

Despite this… I still don’t think The Colossus is the worst Mythic… Stoneskin + controllable partial Destroy paired with sometimes Good Gargoyle Gems + Armor and Life gain can lead to ok results. (destroy Good Gargoyle Gems to power up the team).

Its pretty far down there though, since it lacks synergy with the things it was designed around.

  1. If they changed the 3rd trait to make Evil Gargoyle Gems, it would actually be good support with Xenith. It would help set up Xenith’s 1st cast and Xenith can snowball from there (theoretically).

  2. I’d like to see 100% chance and not 50%. 50% is just too inconsistent, even for long games.

  3. Honestly, if they wanted to make a good Mythic… just change Destroy a 5x5 Circle to Destroy [Magic+1] random Gems. It’s easier to conceptualize (what’s the circle? outside circle? robotic square shape? regular circle? do we get everything inside the circle?). There’s hasn’t been a Destroy [magic] random Gems Mythic yet and there hasn’t been a Blue one yet of any rarity.

Point 3 is all I would ever need and it’d be a solid troop indefinitely. (life and armor gain could be nuked in value for all I care)

2 unrelated notes:

  1. I’m more annoyed by Rattigar Cutpurse, which is releasing on the same day. A gold steal troop in a faction that doesn’t involve gold. It’s out of place for that faction and frankly just bad even in regular gameplay.

  2. I’d say Libara is worse than Gargantaur and Shade of Zorn. At least Garg/Shade lead players in the right direction… Libara gives uncontrollable results. Garg has Impervious and can gain damage to its spell via 3rd trait. Shade is worse, but can summon and can get fast mana under some circumstances.

At first glance, getting either result on Libara seems positive. Gaining life when you want life is good (see Holy St. Astra). Gaining life when you need damage to not die is a different story.

In a practical standpoint, what’s Libara’s extra life on cast going to do vs Raid Event Zuul’Goth or a Centuragon or something similar? So if damage is needed, players might be looking at 44, 66, or even 88+ mana just to do 1.5 magic damage to the enemy team. It’s such an inefficient mana to damage rate.

Damage to all is usually used as convenience to spread a lot of damage and win fast at the cost of defending against the most threatening enemies. So… what happens if you’re trying to go for a fast win, but can’t actually get the fast result when you need it?

Best case scenario, the player’s team is stronger than the opponent’s team, in which case both sides of Libara feels strong and you’re bullying the other opponent’s team. The player still plays much slower for it and very likely never needed Libara to win that match in the first place.

Worst case scenario, the player is weaker than the AI and is desperately trying to keep even. Sometimes a good result can happen, but other times the wrong result comes out at the worst times and Libara will feel bad to play for 22 mana. At least Garg/Shade can focus fire on the most threatening enemy (unless stealthy) to buy time.

tl;dr Garg/Shade > Libara due to consistency

It’s also possible to say Hoard Mimic is one of the worst Mythics for the same reason, but I feel like HM is slightly better if only because some of the effects it can do can be backbreaking (enemy team armor tear/devour) where as both of Libara’s effects are generic jank.

Just curious: what about next kingdoms? We see 5 stubs for them (and 5 stubs for their factions). Is anything else known about them, except their placing?

Or it will simply end up like 5x5 block.
Some probably remember what happened to Second Claw Anhur and his non-standard (triangle) gem destruction pattern - caused games to lock when on AI team, temporarily changed to 3x3 block (hopefully set to be reverted back in 5.6 patch) and completely forgotten so it’s still a 3x3 block.


37 new pets :astonished: Looks like a starry version of an existing pet in each kingdom. Wonder how these will be available :thinking:

Starry Beelz  (x5)
Starry Billy Kid  (x5)
Starry Black Beast-kin  (x5)
Starry Chomp Chomp Chomp  (x5)
Starry Crimson Batling  (x5)
Starry Dawn Bird  (x5)
Starry Foxite  (x5)
Starry Gray Malkin  (x5)
Starry Grimcrag  (x5)
Starry Hellpuppy  (x5)
Starry Itty Bitty Yeti  (x5)
Starry Kit Sith  (x5)
Starry Lil' Kerby  (x5)
Starry Manticub  (x5)
Starry Minfernus  (x5)
Starry Mini Maw  (x5)
Starry Pegaset  (x5)
Starry Pinguin  (x5)
Starry Puppybot  (x5)
Starry Rockweiler  (x5)
Starry Sacred Cub  (x5)
Starry Scrappy  (x5)
Starry Shallow Borer  (x5)
Starry Shortlong  (x5)
Starry Shrynx  (x5)
Starry Shymera  (x5)
Starry Slimeball  (x5)
Starry Snowball  (x5)
Starry Spiderling  (x5)
Starry Squidlet  (x5)
Starry Swampie  (x5)
Starry Tiny Tentacle  (x5)
Starry Tinycorn  (x5)
Starry Trogpole  (x5)
Starry Twigant  (x5)
Starry Weenie Wyvern  (x5)
Starry Whelp  (x5)
# Item name Old New
1 %1 %2 Trial of %1 %2
2 %1 %2 Epic Trial of %1 %2
3 [ACHIEVEMENT_TRIALSCONQUEROR_1_DESCRIPTION] Complete all milestones in a Gold Campaign Task
9 [ACHIEVEMENT_TRIALSCONQUEROR_TROPHIES_DESCRIPTION] Additional trophies for the Trials of the Conqueror Update
11 [AP_KINGDOM_TRIALS_DESCRIPTION] Complete Trials to learn about new effects in battles, while earning rewards.
79 [TRIALS_UNLOCK] Play Trials in %1

Looks like the trials might be something like kingdom challenges? They seem to be unlockable through the Adventurer’s Path (AP).

Also, hehehehe, Booty Gems :smile:


I’m surprised there isn’t an achievement for making the Booty Gems clap :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:

New event in 2 weeks:

Oddly, although the next campaign was rescheduled to May 1, tarans is still showing a World Event “A Matter of Faith” starting on Monday. Glitch, or did they forget to reschedule that part of the campaign?

@Maisie : Why can’t it be a one-off standalone related to the Glory Shop troop?

On another spoiler-related note, I notice that the Holiday troop coming out Monday had a stealth revision to its’ 3rd trait. It went from “Give 4 life to all allies when I match Green” to “Give 3 life to all Green allies when I match Green”. Which, in my opinion, is actually a good change in terms of things like power creep and base rarity balance. Because two of the Zodiac mythics (Libra and Aquarius) have similar 3rd traits that (almost) match the revised version; it’s probably a better look that a mere Legendary doesn’t have a 3rd trait that’s outright superior on top of an ostensibly useful spell.

I really don’t like the change.

I’m actually ok with the value being decreased from 4 to 3…

The problem is that Beltrane is a dual color converter but now its locked into Green related teams to get any 3rd trait benefits. Any Yellow it makes has to be a Green/Yellow coloration to get benefit from the dual conversion and still qualify for the 3rd trait. Its too narrow.

In my opinion, the 3rd trait should benefit both color conversions or be unrelated to any of its conversions…

Before, the player could focus on being a 6 color team (like for Explore) and still get light benefits from the 3rd trait and now that’s basically off the table.

Drop it down to 2 life and make it for all Allies…

I don’t see this troop being used with this 3rd trait for any serious teams. (I could be wrong and it could be useful, but 16 mana to go off is slow when I can stick with one color and go off in 10-13 mana on a color change of my choice… even if stacking positive status effects (I’d laugh if it was any status effects) is pretty nice.)


Nobody was going to use Beltane for his 3rd trait, either before the change or now. Just like nobody uses Aquaria or Libara or The Gemini for their 3rd traits. Or probably how nobody uses any of the Zodiac Mythics for their 3rd traits.

If you were going to use Beltane in a team, it’s because he synergized with the rest of the team to begin with, such as an all-Wildfolk team. Or because you find his spell useful with what you’re trying to do with the team.

There are very few traits in this game that are wonderful enough to justify using a troop if the rest of what said troop provides is inadequate.


Before the change, it was a green and yellow converter that gave the entire team of any color any time you grabbed green gems… which is basically any time you used the troop. Passive life gain on top of its spell effect gave it potential use.

Now that it only gives life to green troops, it doesn’t give that life to a majority of troops and loses that possible interaction.

An example of another fringe use troop: Emperinazara. Since that troop has “Give 2 Life and Magic to all Allies when matching 4 or more Gems.”, it has practical use to sit in the back and give passive benefits and the occasional cast that gives life. If the trait was changed to “Give 2 Life and Magic to Green Allies when matching 4 or more Gems.”, it would be too narrow to be useful. A similar narrow version can be seen on the Dungeon Dragons. At least their spells are powerful, since it’s not practical to design a full team that can benefit from their 3rd trait.

There are very few traits in this game that are wonderful period. It’s not an uncommon experience to see troops used for their traits alone. Example: a good majority of the Guild Wars defenses I’ve ran into uses empowered troops, hero book weapons, and troops solely based on their traits and not the rest of what the troop provides… like Medusa, Enraged Kurandara, and Leonis Tower.


World events aren’t part of the campaign, the campaign just attempts (and fails every once in a while) to base some tasks on the world event. It’s like PvP, Adventure Board, Dungeon and Delve, those are also independent game modes that the campaign generates tasks for.


as a new update comes out, a few more troop spoilers trickle in.

Looks like we get to have fun with Death Mark gems next. Oh boy.

Grosh’nak continues to have terrible mythics and I don’t know what point they’re trying to prove with that kingdom. Let me guess, well balanced?\

Eye of Arges
Troop Type: Daemon, Orc
Troop Role: Assassin

Eye Blast
Explode a row. Deal [Magic + 6] damage to a random Enemy, boosted by Red Gems, Brown Gems and Skulls in the row. [8x]

Mana Color: Red, Yellow, Brown
Mana Cost: 24

Trait #1: Thick Head
Immunity to Stun.

Trait #2: Orc Cunning
Gain 2 Magic when I take damage.

Trait #3: Eye of Destruction
Create 2 Doomskulls at the start of my turn.

3rd trait is good and immunity to stun is a positive. However, that spell is a stinker… Exploding a Row and hitting a random enemy. Imagine being an “Assassin” that can’t even hit the right target.

Single Target Damage to a random enemy. The Boost Ratio can add damage, but still isnt really enough to justify paying 24 mana for that.

Next campaign mythic Aravata… it seems fine, not great. There’s probably enough life support troop to make it a one shot machine, but its a lot of setup that other troops don’t have to jump through.

Death Mark Gems = Yellow, fwiw


what is this ??? new kingdom ???

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Booty gems, Loot and Boot

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