(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

New armour :fire: :ocean:


Oh, I like that!

Can’t lie, the new armors and the season events are nice.


Would go with the new kingdom crest


And the booty gems. :thinking:

dragons and beer 
i love this crest :heart_eyes:

Your fear has become reality, effective Monday. T_T

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Would have thought Yellow would better with some kind of Cleanse or Bless Gem :thinking::person_shrugging:

Maybe this way Yellow-dominant or -converting troops can have a bit of offensive Death Mark as well

I think (very likely) I’m wrong, Death Mark Gems might be purple. Which makes the Mythic convert 2 yellow to purple at the beginning of each turn
 which is a little different from King of Ravens blue to spirit gems blue

Which makes sense
 it’d be the only way Assessor of Mahat and the Tarot card makes any sense.

It was colorless


Could be, but likely not.

It’s called Background_Ship, and was use in the tutorial quest only, just like the prison one. So probably once and done already.

This one though

K76, yet It’s so unclear what it meant.

If it’s truly new kingdom, then we already know the quest giver too, as Eleanor have a file called Conversation_K76_Char, like other quest giver. Will be a similar case to Luther in Sin of Maraj.

I think it might just be a new tutorial, or a game mode, as it look more like a tavern sign than a full kingdom. Will fit perfectly to Background_Tavern the gnome band play in.

We will know soon enough, I guess.

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Eye of Arges. Still not a fan of hitting a random enemy, but at least now the damage isn’t a waste of time.

Fallen Satyr: 
 “Removal all Skulls” should be “Remove all Skulls”. I guess it was written by the same person that wrote Chiron’s “Gain Enchantment” (This game doesn’t have “Enchantment” only “Enchant”)


Dear Gems of War powers that be,

There is still time to make Eye of Arges create Uber Doomskulls instead of Doomskulls at the start of each turn. I will run four of those bad boys like it’s my main business if you do. KABLAMMO!

you know you want to


They’ve already given up on making good 5th Delve troops. Of all the things this faction could benefit from, removing blue gems for pitiful damage is not one of them.


I think this might at least be passable if you could pick your target and aim the damage. Because when I look at the current quartet of Necropolis troops, the lack of damage dealers jumps out at me – either you’re doing it with skulls and the Bone Golem, or you’re using Vanya to damage everybody.

A sniper of sorts could help to take out those pesky opposition troops. But this isn’t it unless that pesky troop you want to take out is the tail-gunner of the opposite team.

Under that bare assumption, it is technically sniping the enemy Vanya which is the pesky troop of the faction. Admittedly, not the first thing I thought of when I saw Negasus.

Even then, I don’t know, I still don’t like it. The damage isn’t there to run it over a 2nd Vanya. It doesn’t do anything special to make up the damage difference.

It doesn’t help that removing the Blue makes it easier for the enemy Vanya to get the gems she needs.

At the very least if it had dispel all and the ability to pick the target, then I’d warm up to it a tiny bit. At least then Draugr could finally mana drain a blessed enemy Vanya. Curse would be even better, but I think it would be too strong in this faction

# Item name Old New
1 [ARTIFACT_30015_NAME] C16
3 [CHESTS_9] Shiny Chests
4 [CURRENCY_3001] Arcane Cores
5 [DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT] daily purchase limit %1
6 [DEEP_SHRINE] Deep Shrine
7 [DEEP_SHRINE_TIMER_DAYS] Time Remaining: %1d %2h %3m
8 [DEEP_SHRINE_TIMER_HOURS] Time Remaining: %1h %2m
9 [DEEP_SHRINE_TIMER_MINUTES] Time Remaining: %1m %2s
10 [EVENT_CAPTAIN] Event Captain
11 [EVENT_WEAPON] Event Weapon
13 [KEYTYPE_8_DESCRIPTION] Shiny keys open chests for Shiny Troop rewards
14 [KEYTYPE_8_SHORT_DESCRIPTION] Earn Shiny tokens
15 [KEYTYPE_8_SINGLE] %1 Shiny Key
16 [KEYTYPE_8_TITLE] Shiny Keys
17 [LANTERN_BOOSTER] Lantern Booster
18 [LANTERN_BOOSTER_HELP] Lanterns will double rewards from battles, and will extend vision by 1 room.
19 [N_CURRENCY_POINT_3001] %1 Arcane Core
20 [N_CURRENCY_POINTS_3001] %1 Arcane Cores
21 [N_SHRINE_STATUE_02_18] %1 %2 to
22 [ONLY_THIS_EVENT] In this event only
37 [SCORE_MAGIC_BUFF] Earns x2 Score
38 [SHINY_LEVEL] Shiny Level %1
39 [SHINY_LEVEL_HINT_FIND_TOKENS] Find Tokens to make Troop Shiny
40 [SHINY_LEVEL_HINT_MAX_LEVEL] Max Shiny Level achieved
41 [SHINY_LEVEL_HINT_VIEW_LORE] Select to view Lore
42 [SHRINE_EXPIRED_DESC] This Shrine has expired and is no longer available for purchase. To refresh the available Shrines, please exit this menu.
43 [SHRINE_EXPIRED_HEAD] Shrine Expired
149 [TORCH_BOOSTER] Torch Booster
150 [TORCH_BOOSTER_HELP] Each Torch allows 1 extra battle in Underspire.
184 [TROOP_LORE] Troop Lore
187 [Troop_Raid_07_NAME] Blue Kaiju
188 [Troop_Raid_08_NAME] Green Kaiju
189 [Troop_Raid_09_NAME] Red Kaiju
190 [Troop_Raid_10_NAME] Yellow Kaiju
191 [Troop_Raid_11_NAME] Purple Kaiju
192 [Troop_Raid_12_NAME] Brown Kaiju
193 [Troop_Raid_13_NAME] Kaiju
194 [TroopXX_NAME] M Troop 1
195 [UNDERSPIRE] Underspire
196 [UNDERSPIRE_ENDS_IN_DAYS] Underspire ends in %1d %2h
197 [UNDERSPIRE_ENDS_IN_HOURS] Underspire ends in %1h %2m
198 [UNDERSPIRE_EVENT_LOCKED] No Scheduled Underspire Event
199 [UNDERSPIRE_STARTS_IN_DAYS] Underspire starts in %1d %2h
200 [UNDERSPIRE_STARTS_IN_HOURS] Underspire starts in %1h %2m

Underspire, the new raid boss?


Lots of concerning stuff here. Deep shrines? Has anyone ever bought a single shrine offer to justify this use of development time?

Shiny levels sound like they’ll enable new team combos (read: make some troops broken), which could be cool if they’re not paywalled.

Shiny troops? Is this like Elite Level+?

The “other” elite level :frowning: Upgraded spell and lower mana cost. It’s not clear what troops it would be for, maybe it will be just for the event troop.

Oh, hey. There’s another Empowered converter coming up in a few weeks. The good news is that she doesn’t have an obnoxious secondary effect; the bad news is that she can loop herself and therefore it could get obnoxious depending on what the rest of the team looks like.

first ever empowered troop that converters into it’s own color. still susceptible to snap freeze though. so that could be a good or bad thing, depends if you’re facing it or using it.