(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

can’t say I’m a big fan of it myself, back to playing 50/50 mix up on green again.

[Troop_K77_11_NAME] Haunted Doll
Looks like something about from a new Kingdom or a new Faction, since we dont have yet any K76 or K77 code for kingdoms …


121 [Troop_Boss_K77_NAME] M SB
125 [Troop_K77_00_NAME] M Troop 1
126 [Troop_K77_01_NAME] M Troop 2
127 [Troop_K77_02_NAME] M Troop 3
128 [Troop_K77_03_NAME] M Troop 4
129 [Troop_K77_04_NAME] Queen of Wands
130 [Troop_K77_05_NAME] M KBC
131 [Troop_K77_06_NAME] M Mythic
132 [Troop_K77_07_NAME] M Troop 5
133 [Troop_K77_08_NAME] M Troop 6
134 [Troop_K77_09_NAME] M Troop 7
135 [Troop_K77_10_NAME] M Troop 8

looks like a new kingdom with 11 new troops AND a boss troop?

# Item name Old New
1 [1_UNDERSPIRE_PACK] 1 Underspire Pack
2 [6025_LORE_1] Lore Text 1
3 [6025_LORE_2] Lore Text 2
4 [6025_LORE_3] Lore Text 3
5 [CHEST_DROP_HELP8] Shiny Tokens gained from Chests may be duplicates. Shiny Tokens gained from Shiny Dust will not be duplicates if possible.
6 [CHESTS_9_DESCRIPTION] Each chest contains 1-3 Shiny Tokens
7 [CHESTS_9_DUST_TO_TOKEN] Gain Shiny Token
8 [CHESTS_9_HELP_1] 5 Tokens give Shiny Level 1
9 [CHESTS_9_HELP_2] 10 more give Shiny Level 2
10 [CHESTS_9_HELP_3] 20 more give Shiny Level 3
11 [CONSOLE_TAP_TO_REVEAL_UNDERSPIRE_PACK] Press to reveal the Pack’s contents…
12 [KEYTYPE_8_SHORT_DESCRIPTION] Earn Shiny tokens Earn Shiny Tokens
14 [MORE_SHINYDUST] More Shiny Dust
15 [MOUSE_TAP_TO_REVEAL_UNDERSPIRE_PACK] Click to reveal the Pack’s contents…
17 [N_LIVEEVENTENERGYS17] %1 Torches
20 [N_UNDERSPIRE_PACKS] %1 Underspire Packs
21 [NOT_ENOUGH_SHINYDUST] Not enough Shiny Dust. Convert your duplicate Shiny Tokens to Shiny Dust
22 [REVEAL_UNDERSPIRE_PACK] Reveal Underspire Pack
23 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_LIVEEVENTENERGY_17] Use these Torches to fight battles in the current Underspire Event.
24 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_LIVEEVENTPREMIUMENERGY_17] Use these Lanterns to fight battles in the current Underspire Event and give bonus rewards and see further into the dungeon.
25 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_SHINYDUST] Shiny Dust makes Shiny Tokens
26 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_SHINYTOKEN] Shiny Tokens make a Troop Shiny
27 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_UNDERSPIREPACK] Rewards that will help you in Underspire events.
33 [SHINYDUST] Shiny Dust
34 [SHINYDUST_GAINED] %1 Shiny Dust
35 [SHINYDUST_GAINED_DESCRIPTION] Shiny Dust makes Shiny Tokens
37 [SHINYTOKEN] %1 Shiny Token
38 [SHINYTOKEN_GAINED] %2 %1 Shiny Token
39 [SHINYTOKEN_GAINED_DESCRIPTION] Shiny Tokens make a Troop Shiny
40 [SHINYTOKEN_GAINED_PLURAL] %2 %1 Shiny Tokens

Shiny dust, shiny tokens… “Shiny Tokens gained from Chests may be duplicates.” :thinking: That suggests it would be different kind of tokens?


I’m going to be really honest… I have a bad feeling about all of this


You’re obviously right, but if they learned anything from the issues with explore medals (mythic troops almost impossible to level) it’s not hard to imagine a decent system.

You could do explore 13-15 offering shiny whatever instead of mythstones, and have 3 extra elite levels to apply to gold troops.

There’s no way 1200 troops could be balanced well, so the idea of reducing mana cost by 1 or 10% is exciting/terrifying for teambuilding.

Then they could add shiny troop requirements to kingdom levels 21-25, which will never matter because deed books will never exist in meaningful quantities.


well… they can’t all be Eye of Arges, but this is bland and boring. At least give it a switch the first and last enemy after cast or something. Any sort of secondary effect? Every other higher rarity troop that hits 2 troops with true damage has a secondary effect…


:surfing_man: :clown_face:

I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to add new currencies and “more stuff to sillygrind” and ultimately just “watste your time on”, or simply said: stuff the vast majority won’t like for obvious reasons.

if you don’t play your own game you won’t see how such additions have already ruined the game for so many players and will continue to do so. devve@200iq


Most of the Zodiac-inspired mythics have been bland and boring. Why would this one be any different?

If it were up to me to boost this guy? I’d do one or both of the following:

  • Boost its damage based on its armor, or maybe even “all allied armor” given that third trait.
  • Give it stronger skull damage reduction than “Armored”, as to make it into a bonafide tank. It doesn’t need Stonehammer’s insane reduction, or even something as high as Glaycion/Morana, but 40% or 50% wouldn’t seem insane to me.

He’s not godawful, because it’s true damage and it boosts rather nicely with a blue-centric team that can fill the board with that color. But he does seem a bit “meh” compared to certain other troops that are out there, mythics and not-mythics alike.

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Troop_Boss is just the quest boss you fight at the end of the quest chain, like Voidcaller for Vulpacea.

Maybe it’s some sort of new event like holidays?

I’ll nod along with you. So far, the devs have avoided going full-PQ3 monetization in GoW. Importing lite versions of various PQ3 systems into GoW in the 6.x series of updates, the devs each time imported each system with kid gloves compared to their PQ3 counterparts.

But, this might be the point where those kid gloves come off. If so, dragonite issues here in GoW will look like the “good old days” compared to the harshness of PQ3 monetization tactics.

PQ3 has such a leveling system already in place, using an equivalent resource to books of deeds in GoW for basic troop/gear levels. If that system is being brought over to GoW for troops (and not just as kingdom star roadblocks), these forums will explode as in such a system only those with deep pockets are going to have any real accessibility to higher shiny levels as shiny currency types are going to be very tightly restricted outside of cash flash offers with perhaps some small limited quantity of gem currency-based offers per event.


Well, I say a lot of the troops are poor. So when they’re good…

Morthani’s Darkness has high damage output (and it steals the life. that’s a LOT of life). It also has a secondary effect. It’s a pet peeve of mine when (useless) troops like Cantur don’t do anything extra. Great.

It’s also not 24 mana, but 22 mana. I hate the 24 mana base line. (see Cantur)

The 3rd trait doesn’t really match what it’s trying to do with life steal. Also, the difference between 1 and 2 skull creations is pretty big and creating 1 just doesn’t work. Could be worse though.

Overall, pretty strong minus the lack of board modifications. Would use it for guild events and what not.

Thumbs up from me. Would be 2 thumbs up if the 3rd trait made 2 skulls like Eye of Arges. Would be 3 thumbs up (would have to borrow a thumb) if it boost ratio off uber doomskulls that it makes though that maybe overkill, who knows.

Damage output wise, it’s technically like Draakulis, but to 4 random enemies instead of every enemy. I prefer the fact it can potentially double hit the same enemy. That’s where it really shines. Maybe at that point, that’s where TINA-9000 shines more, who knows.


It looks like the next update might introduce some major changes to weekly events. We currently have a medal event each week during the campaign. Eyeballing the data files, there’s some indicators it will be 2 medal events, 2 raid boss events, 2 invasion events, 2 tower of doom events and 2 journey events each campaign, all running a full week, possibly in a 5 week rotation. It’s unclear what this means for weekend events.


If that ends up being true, then I’d personally consider that a positive change to weekly events. More frequent Journey events mean more opportunities to earn precious deeds and deed books, and more frequent TOD events will be beneficial to those who still need forge scrolls to upgrade their doom weapons.

1 [BATTLE_HEADSTART] %1 Battle Headstart
7 [HEADSTART] Headstart
8 [HEADSTART_DESC] Gain a headstart in the upcoming %1 Event.
9 [HEROIC_BOOSTER] Heroic Booster
10 [HEROIC_BOOSTER_DESC] The Potion of Heroism will double your Hero’s Magic for this Raid event.
11 [HEROISM_POTION] Potion of Heroism
13 [LORE_KEYS] %1 Lore Keys


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I like Journey and ToD most, so having 4 of them in 10 weeks is positive, I guess the week between campaign will be something else.
Raid Boss and Invasions are quite easy and straight forward, but it’s mainly new weapon (maybe also new troop eventually?), and medal base is the most boring, but fine.

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Does that mean double GW? :frowning:

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Is there really anybody clamoring for full-week Raidboss and Invasion events at this point?

Thinking about it a little bit, I worry that such a rotation suggests a winding down of the Gems of War paradigm as a whole with a finite end date on this game. That they won’t put as much time and effort into creating new content and new campaigns if they can simply regurgitate the old(er) stuff more often.

And it will undoubtedly be spun by the Powers That Be as a way to get the player base more in the way of Deeds (from Journeys) and Forge Scrolls (from Towers).

I understand that there’s only a finite number of things that the developers can do with campaigns and World Events, but this wouldn’t be a positive to me. There are positive aspects, but I’m between “ambivalent” and “negative” on what I view as the potential overall picture.


On a completely different topic, there’s a new troop in spoilers called " 3 Goblins in a Trench Coat" and I am beyond excited for it, even with the art not being there :joy:

Speaking of goblins…

Wonder what this one will do.