(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

The crazy language is called german :grin:


Please tell me the troop sounds change with game language. That would make me turn the sound on, at least for a few days.

Backgrounds for both Nexus and Umbral Nexus just showed in the spoilers with v6.0.

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Spoilers from a couple of days ago include a new shrine type:

ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€”
39 [N_SHRINE_STATUE_01] %1 Souls to
44 [SHRINE_01] Shrine of Treachery
45 [SHRINE_STATUE_01] Shrine of Treachery
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This one looks rather interesting:

I hope this doesnā€™t hammer in some more nerfs similar to the weekly event key limit, like only being able to craft one Gnome-a-Palooza each week.


Turns out it burns all enemies. It also triggers on explosionā€¦

Still not an interesting mythic, but it has potential.


Soulforge getting a major upgrade.
Medal crafting
Guild gifts
Vault Keys
New weapon type
New currency


Now that your Soulforge is Level 10, future levels will unlock advanced recipes. These levels can still be obtained with Gems, but they can also be purchased with Cursed Runes which drop from Cursed Gnomes.

New gnome. And wow, everything is craftable! I wonder what the recipes will be :thinking:


Great catch, sounds fantastic.

Assuming medals will convert 3:1, this is sort of useful for people with all commons and rares at gold. There are at least a few people there now, and Iā€™ll be there soon.

Also, forge pet?

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I wouldnā€™t get my hopes up too high. Traditionally, forge recipes have an exorbitant conversion fee. This will likely at least be 5:1 and may involve some other crafting resources.

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Called it:

Why? You can already use 3 commons to save a rare, and 3 rares to save an ultrarare etc when upgrading troops. Not sure why anyone would pay the soulforge cost of converting if itā€™s no better. If itā€™s 1:1 medals + a few ingots and gold or souls NOW youā€™re talking worth it.


Inb4 cursed runes (see top-right of image) are any or all of: paid, RNG, limited, grindy.

The exorbitant gold fees that weā€™re used to are the least of our worries with this one.

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read that again. ALL common and ALL rares are Gold. And in my case, almost all Ultra-rares are bronze. thereā€™s no way to use medals of gaard or medals of Yasmine without risking failure, wasting both medals and souls.

I know I will be converting lower rarity medals into higher rarity whatever the conversion rate. As long as it doesnā€™t cost too many souls.

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For example an UR troop you can use 3 yasmine for 1st upgrade 100% chance at saving 1 UR medal (3:1). For 2nd upgrade you have 50% chance at saving 2 UR medals with 3 yasmines so on average 3:1. For 3rd upgrade you have 33% chance of saving 3 UR medals with 3 yasmines. So again, on average, 3:1. Same for all rarities of troops/medals. Yes it costs more souls to gamble but I guarantee you the soulforge recipe will cost something too. My point is, if itā€™s 3:1 in the soulforge that will be disappointing because we already have a means of converting 3:1.

If you donā€™t want to gamble just do the 1st upgrade at 100% chance. Costs you nothing because you would have to spend the 10k souls anyway for the upgrade. Itā€™s a ā€œfreeā€ 3:1 conversion.

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If youā€™re done upgrading rares, the absolute best case use of common medals is 3 plus 10k souls for a 33% (?) chance at the first upgrade on an UR troop. Theyā€™re mostly useless for further upgrades, unless you want to pay an obscene soul cost.

Itā€™s not hard to imagine soulforge conversion rates that are easier on souls than that.

But yeah, I donā€™t have my hopes set too high. Very good chance the conversion rate wasnā€™t mathed out properly.

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Now all we need is a reasonable way to obtain tarot cardsā€¦

These are great and exciting changes, but I remain cautiously optimistic until the actual recipes are revealed.

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Wow! This looks good!

The ability to forge scrolls is something I literally asked for in this thread

What do yā€™all think is a fair recipe for a forge scroll? Jewels of the color can be expected, but how much ? 1000, 500, 200? Weā€™ve been in need of a traitstone sink, perhaps 100 runic stones of color. Mythic ingots could be an ingredient since scrolls and ingots both upgrade weapons

This is all a super-welcome surprise. Beta testing team didnā€™t get a whiff of any of this, so Iā€™m glad to see IP2 still have plenty of new content coming down the pike. Once again, Iā€™m really happy the devs have heard and responded to feedback about adding the ability to craft some of these resources, especially as GaPs have tweaked the gameā€™s economy in a fairly significant way.

Always happy for new gnome types and ways to better use the overabundance of resources weā€™ve already gotten. Iā€™m interested for sure to see what those end-result crafting recipes will end up being like.