(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Doesn’t the legendary rarity troop of this upcoming delve increase its own Attack with his ability? Plus he also explodes gems so it likely isn’t that difficult to constantly trigger his spell too. Based on my experience with delves having troops with similar abilities (like Wild Court and Wyrmrun), damage isn’t really the problem, defense is.

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Uh, yeah. But you’ll never be able to boost your guy faster than the AI can boost his, so you’re destined to lose the race, similar to how in Fang Moor the AI ends up with 1k attack well before the player does.

It’s King of Thieves without the Cedric-boost win condition that can barely grant a player parity with the opponent :man_shrugging:

Anything that “helps” the player with brute force helps the AI troops more, generally speaking, because their magic stats are inflated so high.


Yeah but that’s true of all delves unless you buy a ton of potions to really boost your stats. And it didn’t seen to prevent Wild Court from being one of the easier delves (one of the few I managed to complete without potions).

Perhaps the dev’s intended strategy here is to use the instakill troops to kill the opposing Bile Blackheart and then just pound the rest with skull damage. Hopefully, before their instakill troops start getting lucky.

You’re right. Just checked the room combination, Bile Blackheart is indeed in the first slot in the boss room. So although he can’t insta-kill you, his attack will be so high so fast that he will just one-hit-KO you with skulls anyway, so getting rid of him is first priority.

After that though, you shouldn’t focus too much on skull damage, but keep gaining mana to gamble on your insta-kill. Only take skulls as a defense, so the enemies won’t hit you with them.

Same also apply to The Pommel, delve’s starting room with 2 Epic, so all can insta-kill you. Gotta be fast and hope to get lucky, or your run is ruined right there.

Its all doable but it looks real ugly. For what its worth I cleared Wyrmrun on hoard 100 w/o potions, and the same logic applies there regarding the attack-boosting lead (and same again for Indrajit’s Palace). This just happens to be significantly less durable and significantly more annoying with the random slaying on both sides.

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Just pointing this out for those that aren’t aware, Wyrmrun traits are only temporary, the original traits caused the game to lock up. The troops will eventually be back to generating random skulls at the start of their turn.

Right. At which point it’ll be a goddamn freaking nightmare just as intended.

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But the main difference here is barriers. (Also the fact that Wild Knight only boosts one stat aside from attack, whereas Bile will get both armor and life (meaning twice as hard to chip down)).

You, the player, can apply barriers intelligently, with strategy. Because the AI doesn’t, you can easily dispatch their tank whilst keeping yours safe, forcing them to miscast, etc…

In this delve, you can’t. The only hope is to kill their tank really fast (re: “before you can buff yours), probably with a lucky insta-kill.

Like needing to kill either Xochi or Bladewing with your Bladewing in Stonesong — otherwise, you’re really fighting an uphill, almost-doomed battle.

I also disagree that every delve is a stat slug-fest. Any that have been done at Hoard 100 are provably not, the victory condition being primarily strategy instead. These delves generally involve some sort of summoning-smartly component (Mirrored Halls is wicked simple with spamming CopyCat and Mirror Queens, much easier than going the Doppelganger route; Emperinazar can be accomplished by smart summons despite the fact the opponent’s Emperinazara can heal a lot more than the player’s; cycle through as many Harpies as possible to boost Bladewing’s damage enough over time to one-or-two-shot their summoners) or a specific sequence of events that the computer doesn’t know how to do (In Crypt Keepers killing their Morana with luck first thing, then Spectral Knight, then victory is assured, whereas the AI will just target the player at-random; or in Illithia where stealing the magic of damage dealers shuts the opponent down to make the entire fight easy-peasy use-and-avoid skulls).

The only delve I can think of that breaks the mold and actually makes the player’s stat deficit a benefit, though, is Depths of Sin, thanks to Tartarus. But this delve, too, has a summoning component, so :man_shrugging: It falls in the first category as well.


Does anyone have a background picture for the new Nexus kingdom?

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Any predictions yet in which way the new faction tomorrow will malfunction? Possibly the game locking up when there are less than two skulls for Bile Blackheart to convert at the start of the turn?

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Looks like everything is working fine for now. :exploding_head:

Edit: Having these sorts of posts before a new release can be very useful for testing purposes, actually…

Or possibly the game crashing when it tries to convert Uber Dooomskulls to regular Doomskulls.

So with the new kingdom release coming up, are we guaranteed a game update in the next 2.5 weeks? It’s possible that the infrastructure for Journeys, whatever those are, was added in the last update, but I think they’ll need an update to push new achievements which are visible in the code.

I usually advise my guild to hoard gems for a bit before a big update, so it’d be nice to have a rough idea.

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they could share primal

Also, there is a glowing portal …

jk xD Hard to see the new one behind the spoilers troops. An ancient construction over green grass

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I think so, if only because the traits on many of the Nexus units suggest it will be necessary – i.e., the “create a gem at the start of my turn”. Which probably involves the same code that created issues with Wyrmrun.

Fixing all that probably requires a (minor?) update of sorts, including the reversion of the third traits on all the Wyrmrun troops.

Surprised no one mentioned this trait yet regarding journeys:

Hawthorn’s Pathfinder trait seems to be bounty-like. 2-3x miles to journey event based on ascension.


Guessing that Hawthorn will be in shop tiers, same as Bounty/Invasion/Raid events encouraging people to spend more gems to ascend the new troop. Otherwise having to use blue orbs.

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Not at all. Nexus has a distinct background with a half-ruined stone arch and a mountain far away. Okay, I just wait for the next pack of spoilers where this picture will surely show.

Placeholder, Allseeing Eye Weekend? :thinking:

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That’s got to be the craziest spelling of FACTION I have seen to date.