(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Indeed. I’m open to being surprised. I would laugh if that was the kick they needed.

However, until we know the recipes, I still stand by my statement. The cursed rune thing might be money gated, who knows.

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Any hints or spoilers about what The Star is needed for ?

They’d have to be some of these, really, or they wouldn’t be a functional gating method and probably wouldn’t need to exist at all.


Pay-gating certain recipes would well and truly accelerate and solidify the divide between f2p “endgame” players and paid endgame players that has already been fostering with since campaigns and the campaign pass, and soon new kingdoms with the kingdom pass, meaningful progress gating through otherwise extremely rare drops (tarot-rarity vault drops, and now mythics crafted from said drops). Fully expect, at least, the “runes” and therefore recipe unlock progression to be a stark contrast from the first 10 levels of “just grind out some battles” by time gating with limited opportunities to obtain that may or may not be able to be accelerated with cash, meaning an optimistic outlook would be everyone could eventually get all the recipes but paid players will get them weeks or even months earlier. Thats if they even balance them so people would want to use them.

I advise everyone to manage your expectations, as there is almost without question going to be a “downside” here we don’t know yet. And even after if you think you know the downside it can still get worse.


Well included in another part of that sheet it does indicate that there will be a ‘Cursed Gnome bait’
if it’s the same as the pet gnome bait then it can be bought with cash.
Also does that hint that curse gnomes will be limited to certain game modes, like pet gnomes are. Maybe.

How many levels do we think they’ll add to the forge? 5? I could see the medal crafting ability ascending each level, with orbs also ascending

11: Yasmine medals, guild gifts
12: Orpheus medals, vault keys
13: Aranaea medals, clan orbs
14: Anu medals, minor chaos orbs
15: Nysha medals, major chaos orbs, scrolls

In my head canon 5 steps (50% increase) or a doubling (10 new steps) makes sense.


If we’re adding new recipes to the Soulforge, I still would like to see one to “upgrade” treasure troops to make it easier to upgrade delve Hoards. Not in preference to Doom scrolls, because that would help the most players. But I’d take treasure troops ahead of badges/medals because I’m not stuck there just yet and I suspect most players aren’t.



Even if there was a huge soul-sink involved in the conversion, or some terrible ratio like 10:1, I’d be stoked to change my worthless purses, rings, and chalices into useful crowns, lamps, and elephants.


Just realized (to my pleasant surprise) that Journeys-during-Guild-Wars might be the plan going forward, to mitigate the Event-Medals-make-defenses-bad problem.

Still not as good as attaching medal loadouts to teams, but it’s something :man_shrugging:

(Also boooo that I’m going to have the pressure of Wars hanging over me as I’m trying to enjoy all the new stuff)

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Good Gargoyle Gems will cause a random ally to gain a random positive status effect. Bad Gargoyle Gems will inflict a random negative status effect on a random enemy.

Do we really need this many heroic gems?

Also in spoilers today, deed packs and deed book packs. More stuff to sell :frowning:


Just wait till we get a heroic gem for every status effect. Poison gems! /s


my bet is that odds will be even worse → like 4:1 or 5:1 :stuck_out_tongue:

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And there will be a soul cost tacked on. Looking at the worst average soul cost when gambling with low rarity medals on less than 100% success chance my guess would be 30000 souls for each medal upgrade.

Journey and Kingdom Pass on news;


Love how the “Learn More” buttons literally give no details at all — just kicks one out of the Events tab :roll_eyes:


“Working as intended.”


To quote Bethesda’s Todd Howard “It just works” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So in regards to the kingdom pass — I know nobody has the nitty-gritty details, but — since they’re limiting people to 5-10 crowns a day to unlock the reward tiers, won’t that actually slow down people’s acquisition of new cards (exclusives aside).

Like, if one buys the pass for card copies, presumably one does not want to spend keys chasing after the cards they’ll already have “acquired” (assuming they play enough, which I think they would plan to do since they’re paying in the first place). So a purchaser will have to wait the whole 5-ish weeks to get enough crowns to get their copies for ascension as opposed to the key-spender who can max things out day-1 (assuming they have enough keys), right?

Seems weird, if I’m not off-base. There’s this weird liminal space between “get it quick” and “get it efficient” that I don’t think typically accompanies new content, especially when passes are typically marketed as “purchasers have first-dibs on the new stuff” :thinking:


I believe there will be troops that you can solely get from the royal pass and that will not be in chests for the time being.

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I get that the legendary and Tarot will be faster. It’s everything else I’m wondering about — are people who want to have max power right away SoL, in other words, if they also want to avoid wasting keys to get a things they’re already purchasing?

In other in other words : say someone buys the pass for the Tarot. Well, now they’ve also bought a bunch of common copies, right? So this person would be disincentivized, at that point, to spend event/gold keys chasing the common. Meaning that, until that person gets their tarot (and thus all the commons along the way), they’re also “missing out” on whatever max kingdom power in the meantime would have been :man_shrugging:

I might not be making any sense :laughing: