Quit Bugging Me

There was definitely someone (OK, maybe more than one ;)) asking for such a change, but, AFAIR, the devs never directly responded if they’re going to make it or not.

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Ha, and for once it wasn’t me.

Sadly true. Many of us asked for it, but devs never promised an interim change AFAIR. Presume that there will be knee-jerk outcry and some rage-quits when a favourite brainless autowin troop gets balanced back to normal: with a true fix coming, devs probably don’t want this twice.

Changing the subject…

Correction: she’s thrown to the wraiths @lyya.

Maybe something on-topic:

This missed some essential Krystaran Bears:

  • Grizzly Bear - like the brown one, but grizzlier
  • Koala Bear - small deceitfully cuddly species that gets close and chews off your face (that really happens in Australia, like all the time)
  • Polar Bear - bigger, and white, and known to Wander
  • Forebear - this one came first

You forgot:
Drop Bear - drops from trees and attacks humans wandering underneath. Likes eating eucalyptus leaves and human flesh.


That’s another name for a Koala Bear… as are also: Killer Bear, Cuddle Bear, Fangmaergle and Grey Death.

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I think the Drop Bear sounds like a good troop for next Australia Day



Rare Forest Of Thorns Beast Green/Purple
Spell: Plummet 9 mana
Destroy a random column. Deal [Magic x3 + ?] to a random enemy of the colour of the bottom gem of that column. If there is no such enemy, deal this damage to itself.
Traits: Plague Touch, Agile, Empowered

[I hereby disclaim all intellectual property and other rights to this troop concept, so the devs can darned well put him into the game!]


What on Earth is the language of origin of that word?


Lower that multiplier to x2, 1 more mana and I would say that’s a balanced troop.

If there is no such enemy, deal half the damage to itself and half to a random enemy

increase mana cost 10-12? depending on his base magic stats?

that could work (again depending on his base magic stats)

Well since it destroys a random column and damages itself if it misses it can afford to have a higher magic.

I just imagine it dropping from high and going splat if it misses.


During Australia Day those plushies are sold for survival training?


Thats kinda terrifying


That’s exactly what I was trying to capture in the mechanics.

Don’t like @Annaerith suggestion of still doing some damage if it misses. Should hit hard, or hit itself. I look forward to the wheeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuw-crash sound effect it’ll make.

Given that its chance of hitting goes down rapidly as battle goes on, I feel the x3 multiplier could be justifjed. @Shimrra you must see DropBears all the time, what do you think?


I refer you to my cheese :cheese: ratio post some time ago. Am on mobile so can’t easily search it out right now.

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I missed that it was a random column at first and was wondering who would ever let it miss??

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Honestly I think a 3x ratio is pretty bonkers. Also, funny as it is, we have a history of hating on troops with obvious downsides like that. Basically its extreme on either end. Sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

On another note - what happens if the last gem is a skull?


I’m guessing that it would count as a miss since no troops have a “skull” colour.

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The only troop that really has a downside is mummy king and that is just plain bad because it doesn’t have an upside.

Gar’Nok would like a word. Or Dwarven Slayer etc.


And Bombot, Sacrifice, Sacrificial Priest, Elspeth could also be considered to have a downside.