POLL: How do you feel about the Valkyrie changes?

I quoted from an above post…

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I like the change. Go look again at the graph.

At 55 votes the consolidated standings were:
Neutral or Haven’t tried:…42%
Dislike or strongly dislike:…36%
Like or strongly like:… 22%

At 84 votes the consolidated standings are:
Neutral or Haven’t tried:…37% (-5%)
Dislike or strongly dislike:…39% (+3%)
Like or strongly like:… 24% (+2%)

My vote is influenced by the fact that in my stage of the progress, I don’t need to farm souls any more.
Based on that I don’t care. If that happened few months ago, I would be pissed :slight_smile:


Yeah that’s my fault for making that option too big of a bucket; I should have made a distinction between those that needs souls still but don’t care and those who don’t need souls anymore and thus, don’t care. :slight_smile:

The ‘I dont cares’ should be discarded at the end.

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Agreed. The real, important distinction is between those who like and those who dislike the changes. Ideally all changes should have an overall positive response from the player base and while, even at 88 votes, the sampling size is very tiny, the overall trend is not looking good. Probably not bad enough for the devs to truly reconsider changing it but definitely not something that is having an overall positive effect on the game (at least as far as players’ opinion is concerned).

When I think about that I should rather say that I like it. Because Valkyrie receved trait which is more usable for me now :slight_smile:
In addition I would say that players who still need to farm souls are not limited to use Valkyrie now. It should be also possitive.

The ‘like’ figure is being inflated by brown nosers too… in my opinion, which means nothing.

I dont see the issue with removing soul generators completely and giving everyone that same soul reward through natural play. It doesnt affect peoples monetary investment in the game and improves the experience for all.


I generally like it. I do expect that my soul income will drop a bit as my explores will end up with less souls (due to typically being done with one cast of valkyrie), but
A) guild souls tasks definitely makes up for that.
B) There’s a very good chance there is an equally fast team available using a different soul generator and/or necromancy support. I just haven’t found it yet.

For background, about level 430 and kingdoms mostly at three gold stars.
PvP team is EK/Mab/Valk/Famine, (old) explore team is Mab/Rowanne/Valk/Mercy

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I am neutral towards this. Valkyrie never stopped me from trying out new combinations. Gaining less souls was never a reason for me to stop with this.

I’ve run Luther/Orion/Alchemist/Green Seer for months in both PVP and explore. Leveling up a troop to maximum took weeks. Did I care about that? At that moment not really. I just enjoyed Orion too much to just throw him away for a more effective team. Effectiveness always seemed to drain fun out of video games, not just here.

What I like is that I can finally use Avina in my Stun team. It needed a red/purple troop for all colors. Before the update is was Amira. Now I changed over to Avina for more souls.

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I was on my iPad and it’s sometimes hypersensitive. You can count me as a “like” if it makes you feel better because I’m sure I will end up there. Given that, the accurate answer is “haven’t tried it yet”.

The personal attacks really aren’t necessary. It distracts from the rest of your post, which is spot on.

Nothing personal in it. I didnt identify anyone.

Put me in the same group. I’ve been experimenting for a long time and just had to deal with the fact that I wasn’t getting the souls I knew I would need.

I’m level 1055 but I’m not really an end-gamer. I leveled faster than I gathered other resources. I’ve still got a lot to do, despite being past 1000.

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That’s bit disingenuous. You implied that there are people in the “like” group that only like it because they want to please the devs. That implication is, quite frankly, ludicrous. It’s a FTP game and brown nosing the devs accomplishes literally nothing.

If you want to make ridiculous assumptions, how about we assume that the “don’t like” group is inflated by people that don’t like anything the devs do, no matter what?


Unfortunately, the graph Sirrian posted earlier is far more demonstrative than a small poll of vocal, mostly hardcore, players here. Valkyrie is being used by literally thousands of players, many times more than the 2nd place troop. They had to do something - it just comes down to whether or not they did it right. Based on the stats, I wouldn’t count on them backing this off.


If that’s your opinion then go ahead; I will not be offended by it.

It’s not my opinion at all. I don’t make ridiculous and demeaning assertions like that without any shred of actual evidence.

Ok keep your pants on inspector. I dont need evidence to state an opinion. And if I provide evidence it would be a personal attack.

Edited it to clarify that it isnt a fact; if that helps.

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