What was Valk like Pre-Nerf?

So I keep hearing about Valkyrie being amazing back in the day. I still think she is very good and use her as my soul farmer with 3 warlocks. At Ultra-Rare and with all 5 magic kingdoms to 10, I get 9 souls per cast, which basically maxes me out in 4 casts.

So what was the big difference for Valk before she got nerfed? Was having the magic kingdoms leveled not required or something? Did she even get nerfed at all, or did I misread something? I’m just curious!


She could farm souls all by herself. So you didn’t need to use 3 warlocks. You could use Emperor Khorvash instead, for example. Basically all it did was make soul farming slower.

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I should be able to answer that, I had her before she was changed. She was one of the first troop I had back when I didn’t play this game like I do now. I can’t even tell if she’s different. I know I didn’t like using her because she falls in the list of troops that don’t attack except by skull matches and I can’t stand them, but she has won her usefulness back. The folks convinced me of her strength. I would like to know how Maw was like before the change, hopefully someone can answer both of our questions in one thread.:+1:

She had necromancy instead of Mana Shield, but necromancy didn’t raise the cap. It was possible to use a team with two necromancers on it (valk and one other necro, or two valks) and reach the cap of 40 souls per battle in a single cast, or, by herself, reach the cap in two casts because she herself had necro, but that cap was always 40.

Post patch, since they kept necro at 50% and not reduced it to 25% as originally planned, you have other “farming” options by stacking otherwise weak Necromancy troops with her in things like challenges and explores (or weak PvP), but just using valk as support in a “normal” team will generally get you less souls than before because you have to cast her more times to get the same amount of souls as before. Basically, if you are tolerant to farming, you’ll be faster and have more options now. But if you love that one special team that just uses valk as a blue gen and gets souls incidentally, it will generally get less souls than it did pre-patch. Had they actually changed necromancy to 25%, though, it would have been almost universally slower, because you’d need two “bad” troops just to get the same amount of souls per cast as she had before.


Maw was broken. No other way to say it. :smiley:

Maw used to be able to devour with skull damage. The stated % was actually low. However, if you used a skull spam team, you pretty much had guaranteed devours. This of course pissed people off when Maw was on defense.

It was low but not low enough.

After all you don’t see Kruarg / Bone Dragon combos devouring entire enemy teams in one turn, do you? :smiley:

What was Valk like Pre-Nerf?


I think someone made this thread just for me.

It still hurts, and I think about you every day Valkyrie. #I’llneverletgoRose


Thanks for all the information everyone. I see that with her having
necromancy and a static soul cap of 40 that she could hit that cap while
supporting a powerful team.

I wouldn’t qualify my 3 warlocks as “powerful”… but they get the job done
when I’m questing or farming for traitstones. I do enjoy having the soul
cap raised by necromancy now.

I think that the addition of pharos made valk a useable troop for soul farming team in pvp. I use ek pharos valk event troop on pvp and have no difficulty with teams with a power of 9k or more and whats more is i get 210 souls per pvp match! So i can earn my gold while at the same time farm souls! Its magnificent :star2:


Super boring because she was on every team if you wanted to bother leveling troops

She’s still on a lot of teams because of her blue affinity. Mostly it comes down to whether the team is Khorvash or Bone Dragon. If it’s the former, you can expect to see Valkyrie too. :smiley:

Or Mab!


I don’t see her as much anymore. People have figured out that Sylvanimora is more annoying. :wink:

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