P.S.A. (Pet Saving Announcement)

Second weekly pet rescue and… it’s a repeat? Awesome.


It’s as if… Hey the pet thing seems to be enjoyed by most of the players. Let’s find a way to make them mad about it. Lol

That’s not it at all, promise. It’s just the opportunity to get more Snow Bunnies!


Salty, in all due respect. That’s what the normal days are for. Days like this should be reserved for the chance to get pets that players may have missed because of real life.

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Since it’s not 100% clear to you, having the event pet same as the free give away makes people MAD.


Of course, it will be more and more difficult to get a never-seen Pets.
It will be worst…

  • when you will get 35 unique pets and so missing one.
  • each time a new pet will be added
  • when there will be 80 pets in the pool and you will need a copy one particular pet

Of course, you can give gems and get much more copies… that’s the only purpose of this feature.


Does not equate to the joy of having one of these. (In all fairness I expected a repeat troop today. But for me… Not 99% of the player base.)

That stupid Bunny pet wasn’t even supposed to be released yet, no other pet boosts mana mastery. But we all know how it slipped in…

So you give everyone a free bunny to make that One person happy, now we need a 24hr event for it too?



Honestly, this statement really upsets me. While I have no idea if me being part of the community played any role in the devs choosing to a) give out a free pet and b) what this pet would be, I see no reason to complain about any type of free stuff.

But okay, let’s go with your statement of the devs giving out the free bunny because of me. That means people wouldn’t have gotten the bunny otherwise and there is no conclusive proof that a different pet would have been given out. Given how new players might not be able to finish the rescue events and not everyone is in a guild (or… in a guild with more than one member), the free bunny has been the only 100% way for every player to get a pet so far.
Heck, given that I don’t play very much anymore, not giving out the free bunny (and not having it as today’s reward) would have meant that I would have likely started to check more often to get a bunny. Which, given that I used to cash a lot on the game, would have likely been more in their interest.

I get that pet events block people in active guilds from getting a larger number of pets for a whole day. But not everyone is in a guild that active and given how completionists want to get every pet to mythic anyway, it should - at this point, so few weeks into 3.4. - not even matter what the repeat pet is since no one will have it at mythic yet. I only have like… I dunno, ten? different pets. But for me, it doesn’t matter if a pet is still locked - since the bonus is so small - or not. I value repeat events (and this is what today is, just another repeat event like normal repeat events) the same as events for “new pets” which I don’t have yet.

The point that the bunny is a repeat for players who otherwise have no other pets aside maybe Lucky is valid, yes. Just your point is not - if we got the free bunny because of me and otherwise wouldn’t have gotten anything, then people who can clear the event would have one bunny now (assuming no second drop from a basket) and instead now have two. And people who can’t clear the event and get no lucky basket drops still have one bunny thanks to the free one.

In the end, I don’t feel like anyone lost anything from getting a free pet. Which… is kinda obvious, given that it was a free pet. Complaining about free stuff is never good. And it was, from Taran’s website, clear for quite some time that today would be bunny day. This is not a thing the devs decided today. The free pet was way more likely the “bonus” on top of this day and not meant as a “let’s troll people with a repeat”.

Given how the first pet was Lucky and cats are popular, it seems more like the devs had the original plan in mind to give people chances on pets first that a lot of people might like to own for their looks/because they own a pet of that kind in RL.

So yeah, I get that you’re upset, but you will need the copy of the pet anyway to get it to mythic and the event would have blocked hour-spawns anyway, so…

ENJOY THE BUNNY! And it’s very much not a stupid bunny, but a very cute one!:triumph: Also one of the most dangerous thing for a bunny is getting wet as they usually die from it and it was captured by Merlantis troops, so go and save it instead of complaining!

I didn’t complain when the free pet was a rabbit, rolled my eyes a bit, but whatever, it’ll make sheba happy. They were always going to give us a free pet, and EVERYONE here knows why it was a rabbit.

But weekly event for the one pet everyone has? No thankyou.

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Given your logic above, would it have made ANY difference what the 24 hr pet was, as along as it was a pet you already have in your collection?

Yes, players got a free bunny in the mail. Now, they get a chance to throw gems at it for leveling, if they so desire. Completely optional.

I’m choosing to look at this like the Legendary/Mythic rotation in the Soulforge. Now, if the bunny shows up again as the weekly pet rescue again anytime soon, then you have a reasonable argument. Otherwise, you’re not exactly on solid ground with your assertions right now.

Tutintutor is exactly right with the intended mechanics of the pet system. It’s the Coupon Collector’s problem (go google that). In short, the closer one is to completing a collection, the exponentially more difficult it is to find the next item in that collection that a person is missing. And yes, it will become more and more difficult to roll that one pet you still need in the future. The pet rescue shop is essentially a Soulforge with RNG that cost gems to roll the dice with a ~75% failure rate at crafting a pet (pet food or jewels = failure to craft a pet).

What a poor choice for a 24 hour event! Yes, we need a day off from nonstop pet chasing, but they either should have given us a different free pet or not made an event based on one they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 99.99999% of the player base has. I’m missing one pet, ONE! That damn mushroom just does not want to show for us. So today just makes me angry. Yes, the vast majority of pets will be repeats for me but this isn’t even a good one. Adding to gem mastery is pretty much useless at level 1300 (I’m half a level away so I’ll get there by the end of the day). At least if it gave a team bonus it would be somewhat worthwhile, preferably a colored team bonus because GW is right around the corner. The pigeon would have been the perfect pet to go this invasion, but no, here have a semi useless dupe.
I feel bad for people who aren’t in super active guilds or can’t get on much and look forward to these events as a chance to fill in the gaps in there collection. It’s a little early on for most people to be focused on raising their level caps, the events are supposed to be a way to even the playing field and guarantee that those who had only two pets so far could get a third. Too bad for them, hopefully they still have something new to look forward to next week. That’s a long time for people to find one on their own though so it’s more likely that they won’t be. For people already frustrated because pet gnomes aren’t dropping like flies this only serves to fuel that frustration and bitterness about pets in general.
We’re getting a ton of repeats now, but most in our guild just need one or two. Even from what I see in global a surprising number are trying to nail down less than half or only a handful. And for them this is pretty much a wasted day, might as well play something else.


Really to me this is a “human factors” issue.

Deep down we all get that, especially for hardcore players, the pets are going to get repetitive. I’ve got enough pets now it’s statistically more likely for me. Whoop de do, this is what I get for playing a lot.

The primary complaint about pets is that less active players or players in smaller, social guilds cannot experience the content the same way the active/competitive guilds do. The devs mentioned, as explicit motivation for the 24-hour event, that they wanted to do this to help out those players.

So this is an event targeted at people that we believe probably have 3-5 pets, at best, on week 2 of pets. That makes giving away the free pet again particularly against the previous goals. It’s pissing players off, and I think it should have been obvious enough.

Many players are very upset about pets. Designers have to worry about human feelings. Having Lucky this week would have ALSO been a face slap. Sure, for some of us, this is pet #100 or whatever. For others, this is “the third chance at a pet I’ve had”. Think about that. They got:

  • A free Snow Bunny.
  • A chance at Lucky.
  • A chance at Snow Bunny.

3 pulls from a pool of 30+. 2 pets. I can’t imagine why they might be unhappy.


We should get Alex Jones to investigate this Conspiracy theory !

and all the others in this game

or mabye CNN lmao

Wait, wait, wait.

A guaranteed free pet that lets you improve a pet’s rarity and bonus is…bad, somehow?

Um, OK. I’m sorry the event wasn’t the one exact pet that you, personally - yes, you, right there, with the face - needed. Meanwhile, the entire pet system rewards dupes, so…

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A lot of active players who get multiple pets daily making fun of and condescending to less active players who don’t.


I agree about 24h event, it should be a new pet it would make that day more special

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I don’t expect it to be the one pet I needed. It’s almost like you stopped reading after that line because you missed the entire point. I don’t begrudge others who want a day to focus on one pet. If people have limited time or terrible luck that they rely on these events as their primary means of acquiring pets, devoting an entire day to a pet they were already given for free last week is a crappy thing to do. People who only had two pets so far and were looking forward to getting a guaranteed third today are in for disappointment and that’s unfortunate. There’s a lot of negativity about pets and some people’s lack thereof so giving THEM a duplicate this early on is not the best decision.


Btw where are the cosmetic pet? I thought it was the purpose of these 24h event