New Kingdom - Merlantis

So what do ppl that got Leviathan and have messed around with him says? Is he any good?

Can you give a bit more information?
How do you use her? Does the Dispell come handy?

This made me chuckle, as a habitual spelling and grammatical one man wrecking crew, I can sympathize. I can also completely forgive this error. Because it’s a mistake, not on purpose like other aspects of 3.2…

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Am I the only one who can’t complete the last challenge of the kingdom and get ‘Internal error’ every time after the first win?

Nope it’s been reported several times

Azura’s dispel is good against barrier.
But I think the best thing about her is explosion + skill decrease.
The skill decreases just cripple the enemy, making the fight that much easier.
I use her in this team:
Dark Troll, Azura, Kraken, Plague.
It’s not a perfect team, but just fun to see how many stats you can get down to 0

We put a fix out early today so you should be able to finish the challenge now. You may need to restart your game to get it.


Good news @Jainus,
(upcoming terrible joke - no offence intended but I just could not resist)
Your Dr called, you’ve got crabs…

Thanks everyone, I’ll be here all week, try the buffet and don’t forget to tip your waitress

(Sorry again, but you rack 'em up and I’ll knock them down)

*Also an automatic watch parameter that is configured to alert when we get troops that are new or not mythic and highlights them would be neat - @Saltypatra

Wow that actually sounds really good.
I am in need of a blue troop in my party, so I will give her a try and see how that works out.
Thanks for the info!

Azura actually affects different stats on each troop, fun

Oh, dear. Merlantis does not play nice with 3.1.5. (Not particularly mad at the devs about this, since it’s my choice to remain on 3.1.5 for the moment; I can and do hold a grudge for the UI changes that made me want to stay on 3.1.5.) My opponent is using the Merlantis banner on his/her team. There are three things wrong with this screenshot:

(1) The counters at the top are entirely messed up, showing some combination of the treasure map and PVP counters?

(2) It is both the AI’s and my turn at the same time.

(3) The board never got filled with gems.

I had to retreat, of course. But I learned an important lesson about how 3.1.5 plays with the new additions since 3.2 came out: it doesn’t.

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Ok, so since this Kingdom is now out a little bit, what are the feelings about the various creatures?

How good/bad do you feel they are?

If you can, would you grade them 1-10, and maybe give a short explanation?
Really curious.

Giant Crab

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Azura - One of the best Epics in the game. Very useful.
Waverider - One of the worst Epics in the game. Next to useless.
Leviathan - A fun and useful Legendary, although its 3rd trait is below average.
Merlion - Another great troop, and Impervious is icing on the cake.
Lamprey - Good troop, but won’t see much use except for GW blue defense days.
Kuotani - Meh.
Hippocampus - Meh.
Giant Crab - Using his main power more than once is like pissing in the wind.
Over all, not bad. The standout troops are: Azura, Leviathan, and Merlion.

Azura - I’ve levelled Azura, and, oh my lord. She is so much fun.
She is the literal box of chocolate!
You never know what you’ll get.

Leviathan - I am considering levelling Leviathan, but what he does, X amount of damage (since, currently, we can mostly ignore dispel), other Dragons do better. So, kind of on the fence about him.

Waverider - I see what they try to do with him, but it feels the game has no breathing space for anything that doesn’t generate gems or does damage.

I’m considering trying Merlion out, because there have been quite a few matches in which I feel the silence seriously makes a difference. And you hit two with it.

Kuotani - He feels like he’s supposed to be a tank, but he doesn’t have any tank traits, so, kinda weird.

Giant Crab - Feels a little bit Gimmicky. I can see it work in Dungeon fights, when the last monster cannot be devoured, and stops Kraken cold.

Lamprey - Seems oddly limited. Only 30% chance to devour something, and then they also need to use blue mana. That sounds very restrictive.

Hippocampus - Nope.