Thank Sirrian, more free content is always welcome! I’m enjoying the story. That spoilt little bitch is like so like annoying! As someone who has to ensure the word ‘like’ all too regularly it made me chuckle!
Wow, either common drop rates are much better on console, or you got absurdly lucky. I don’t think you guys are that far behind on commons. It took me over 20k gold keys on PC/Mobile, which is what I estimated ahead of time.
The Unicorn Banner is absolutely fabulous IMO because with 2 Magic Link Troops alongside Green Seer, it allows for team comps that can get Seer ready to cast in a single 3-match of Purple. Sheer insanity.
You should absolutely expect that on Monday. I’ll open event keys on Monday to target Krystenax and will even wait until next Friday (when Jotnar is scheduled) to open my glory and gem keys to fill out the rest of the kingdom. Gold keys I’ll open tonight when I get home to get the new common and rares.
If the Silverglade event is coming up in a few days, I better save up on event keys so I can have an attempt to get Krystenax.
All my missing legendary (and mythic) troops as of now:
-Shadow Dragon
We should be getting a Glacial Peaks event in the next few weeks (I would guess first week of April) so you can target Borealis, as well. Shadow Dragon needs a Sword’s Edge event, and that won’t come up again for quite a while, probably.
The mythics are tough - I’m missing the same ones as you except for Abynissia.