New Kingdom - Bright Forest

just leveled up didnt get radiant jewel how do i get it? :frowning:

Event too as you can drop everything with glory keys.

For example, if you open on Friday 2k glory keys for the Mythic, you could maybe drop also the new Legendaries.

I guessss.

But probably not six of each. If you are going for mythic ascencions, you are probably okay spending a few event keys now, and whatever you need later to finish what you didnā€™t get.

Itā€™ll be from a future event.

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The new hero weapon look interesting

Fey caps not out or just not out on xbox?

Not out on console, salty just said they are fixing it

Well, I spent 20k gold keys.

Well you wasted them :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m sure they give me an appropriate amount.

Donā€™t need to buy Florian bundles lol.


I noticed that to. Itā€™s obscene how many of those Florian I have.

Love Glitterwhattsitsnameā€™s tiny worried face.

Donā€™t love how much Fey Cap looks like Giant Toadstool, expecially in the battle screen.

(Fey Cap is in the chests, and how)


How many keys did you have to go through to get that much

no one thought this troop should be nerfed like, RIGHT NOW?


in a same picture maximum is 200 keys
so I guess 200 keys

Indeed, 200. Gonna get more tooā€¦

The most kawaii kingdom in the game.

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Iā€™m already planning a fungal team! :mushroom: :mushroom::mushroom: ā€¦ maybe w Bogstrider and Giant Toad? :frog: