[Known Issue] Game is laggy

You might be partially right.
Something is transmitting much more data than before, to load the Pvp area. By my estimate, every load contains about 5 Megabyte. This could either be dead data, that cycles until it times out, or a strongly inflated flow of information (I mentioned elsewhere, that every single enemy is recalculated after fights, instead of doing it when accessing kingdoms).

It might be, that the servers, that store this stuff, were given a bit more power to get this load done, which they previously hadnā€™t needed.
This could help a number of players, but wonā€™t change things on my end, as in my case, the server is not the limiting factor.


I just tested on my phone and also got 5MB per PvP load. Wow thatā€™s a huge amount. GoW has been pretty light on data usage before this.


We should have more improvements going out for the lag in the next week, but the team are still working on further improvements as well and weā€™ll have an additional team member working on it next week as well I believe.

I appreciate everyoneā€™s patience with it, I know itā€™s an incredibly frutrating issue.


I guess, if it is the assumed amount of data transfer, that is breaking things down (and only in this one specific place of the game), the easiest solution should be to split it up.
Load enemies, when opening a Pvp kingdom. Thereā€™s quite a difference between 3 and 30 accounts to check.

Weā€™ve pushed out a fix roughly 10 minutes ago that should have significantly reduced the lag.

This is still an ongoing task though as it hasnā€™t brought things down to their usual load times yet.


Thank you for getting all hands on deck to reduce the lag. :pray:
I do notice there is a significant reduction already! :heart_eyes:


Just fyi, this showed up after a match and also in the PvP screen.

It takes 1-several clicks to get out of it.

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For me it only took 3 seconds for the very first time. On Playstation

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Sorry one rogue server hamster escaped momentarily but we got it back in the hamster wheel real quick when it happened.


Thank you for the quick retrieval! Good catch! :+1:

Loading/waiting times really seem to be much better now. :smiley:


Definitely still working on it though! Glad that one made a bit of a difference though :slight_smile:


Down to ten seconds of loading time with my minimalistic 1000 kbit connection. Feels good, I would consider this as working properly already. :slight_smile:
Now Iā€™m feeling sorry, that I got increasingly grumpy over it the last days.

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Lag is literally the worst when gaming, so I totally understand the frustration.
You still remained respectful while talking about the lag and voicing your frustration so youā€™re good.

Thanks again everyone so much for your patience while we keep working on this.


I appreciate you keeping us up-to-date on the fixes and work thatā€™s being done. It makes issues like this much more bearable.

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It really did! I had 90 seconds wait for 3 weeks until around 36 hours ago, then it dropped to 6-10 seconds (which was better but not ideal) and just recently itā€™s gone to 1-2 seconds <3

Thank everyone working hard on this, it makes such a difference. Unfortunate that it happened right before the break, but getting right onto it after coming back and improving things so much is great to see.

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So today even loading the game in took longer.

And everything from collecting daily to going to any feature is laggy today.

Dunno if itā€™s just me, but Xbox is slow today not just PvP , but everywhere. :disappointed:

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The team have just pushed out another minor improvement for the lag.


Itā€™s working! Great job kafka and team!


For me, it works fine on PC (Steam) whether its PVP or Explore.

However, i have 2xLoading issue on my phone (android). It started a week before PVP update and has been there ever since. Not sure if they are looking at doing something about this but just thought i ll call it out.

No, its not my phone as I did not have this issue for the 2 years I have been playing so it is definitely something in the game and whatever they changed at their end.

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