[Known Issue] Game is laggy

Just letting you all know we’re still working on this as the top priority at the moment.

It’s possible it got worse on Friday as more people play on the weekends.

Sorry, lag is the worst.

I’ll let you know once any further improvements have been made live.


Too little, too late. I haven’t been able to play much this weekend. I’ve had to restart so many times. I have thought about just uninstalling the game and being done.

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I am suspecting, every time I enter the Pvp area on a fresh game or end a fight, the game refreshes the information on all three enemies in all ten kingdoms.

I just saw a case, where a player team switched, after I finished a fight in a different kingdom.

[Edit: Confirmed]


Insane wastage of time!!! Disgraceful situation!!!

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Wow the loading times on pvp are longer than the battles.

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It actually feels better to play inefficiently as the variance between battle time and wait is less. That’s his stupid it is. I think it can take close to 10 minutes just to get through 5 battles!


Here’s what it’s currently like for me, unlisted video:

10 minutes of game but just 2 minutes 30s of actual play (with a reliable but not so quick team). The rest loading and lagging.

75% of total time spent not actually playing, more than half of it just watching circles move from left to right. Used this clip because the short lag at the end shows that once in a blue moon it does fetch new teams quite a bit quicker at just 10 seconds (and apparently this 10 seconds is as bad as it gets for some?).


If the request for the battles is a live query only god can help us. I hope they pre cache queries like this, but it does not look like it. The query for the next game could be send as soon as the current game is over or even earlier, but I think their spaghetti code does not allow this.
Even a query on a database with the right index can not take that long. It puzzles me all the time how this is tested and profiled.
Good luck to us all, may your postgres be vaccumed and your cache misses low.

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The new introduction of Mydnight has now given me this massive issue too. PVP load lag has made it utterly unplayable. Takes approximately 2 minutes per battle… sometimes longer. Considering actually uninstalling the game and, after 2 years of playing, just forgetting it. I really enjoyed the new PVP concept - but making it unplayable is a massive turn off

PS5 player here.

What exactly does “top priority” mean?

Since way before start of holiday season no noticeable changes for the better were achieved and no further information about the status of the issue was given.

Is someone capable of solving this finally/currently actively working on this communitywide issue?

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I very much hope, this issue remains on the top of the priority list, whatever that may be good for.
While a lot of other things popped up during the holidays and with the new kingdom, this here, along with the scoring system, is what currently harms the game the most (in unplanned ways).

[Edit:] Just noticed, the “top priority” claim came from Kafka. Is there any official and/or trustworthy source to confirm this?

Fell back to sleep twice doing PvP early this morning before the rest of the house were up, something about those spinning balls and that music (yes, I have music on) make it better than any counting-sheep-tier method of dozing off.

still cant play if anything it is now worse please fix this ****!!!

Hello Kafka. Did this change get reverted recently? Right when this was mentioned the lag got a whole lot worse for some of us and just stayed terribly bad (up to 90 seconds between games, when selecting PvP from the menu and when obtaining hourly tributes).

My PvP matches all had that 90 seconds lag between games around 10-12 hours ago working up to the weekly rewards, buuuuut… when I popped back in just now the lag that’s been present from the day you posted this 3 weeks ago has gone back to being more like 8-12 seconds every time. Which isn’t ideal, but also no excuse for an extra nap.

Try it now if you can and see if it’s any better as it was for me.

45 seconds. Slightly worse than my usual 41 seconds, but within regular variation.
Let’s call it unchanged.

Whatever changed the loading time for you, is nothing they did, and can revert anytime.

Since the PVP update I have not been able to play PVP fights properly on a single day (always an average of about 2 minutes per fight) @kafka, please fix PVP or throw away PVP please, my patience is running out in any case.

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We had senior programmers working on it before Christmas and since we got back from Xmas/New years break our Tech Lead is working on it himself actively, like right now as I type this.


That sounds promising.
Thank you for the confirmation/explanation on that.

You don’t know that, it didn’t just change by itself. And it’s still good this morning around 120 matches in. By good I mean under 10 seconds every time, not a single instance of over a minute. I can live with it like this for now no problems, wish it was better for everyone, but for some it’s never been more than a blip anyway.

Also just a assumption.

My personal experience today: Loading times 10h ago were around 10-20s for me on pc, connected with lan cable, no known flaws in my connection. With mobile phone connected via wlan loading times were around 10s and connected with mobile data around 5s. Right now loading times on pc are around 20-25s, definitely way worse than 10h ago. Mobile phone being equal to 10h ago. Could still very well be that loading times are just quicker at certain times because of less people playing (maybe even a regional thing?) which means less server load. Loading times were at no time “good” for me because I don’t consider 10s or even 5s loading times as good or “playable” without getting slightly mad about it, it is just a pain, expected has to be next2none loading times.
But some guildmates report as “unplayable” due to much worse loading times than what I described and gave up the whole thing. With loading times in the minutes while others experienced much less over the last weeks a understandable reaction, given the fact of no real received support from the devs on that matter, despite it being a top priority since before holiday season. Maybe not the brightest idea of getting such a untested? update out before holiday season when noone is around, willing, capable to fix things quickly. It is just sad because many people had vacations as well during this time and would’ve liked to enjoy some gaming, especially with such a highly praised reworked gamemode and new content.
But must be some very loading time lucky players in top spots of global leaderboard judging by the acquired points. At least for some the system seems to work just perfect.

Let’s see how long this situation will drag out. Hopefully we get some updates and things improve for everyone to make it not only playable, but enjoyable.

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