GW every other week

What you wrote about Salty was just plain rude and slanderous. I’m surprised you weren’t banned for it.

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Lol… Wanting a change in Gems of War is contentious?
It literally took you like a hour to write that. It’s only contentious because individuals like you feel it’s their divine right to share your thoughts. Usually when it’s a topic that you don’t agree with.
How dare I post speculation under the speculation category. That many would love to see, and understandably many don’t want to see.
They are free to speak their mind. And I didn’t argue with a single one of them. But you “Mr. Kettle”… Tend to try and argue you with me regardless of the topic any chance you can get. As evident by your profile having me as one the most replied to people.

Except Salty refuted it as soon as she saw it. Which should’ve ended the discussion. Not every topic posted on the forums needs to be debated over.

Cause Salty is a great person and isn’t quick to judge nor ban anyone. Including a member that she jokes around with a lot. I may have mentioned before that I do not understand how procastination can be deemed so offensive. But since I wrote it… The word you’re looking for is “libel”… Not Slander.

Btw… Where were you (Intrim 2 right???) gentlemen prior to Salty seeing it? Or did you wait until she didn’t agree with my statement to then judge me to be “bannable”.
I’d love to play with you guys more. But I have Bracket 1 to prepare for.
My advice for you both… Worry more about your game play… specially guild wars… Less about what I write on the forums. Good day.

I’ll check back in a hour when you’ve finished writing your one paragraph of information.

Well yeah… It’s getting late and I need sleep at some point. But hey only a half hour is great improvement so kudos to you!

Stats don’t lie buddy. @Rickygervais do you share a similar experience with Vanyel here or no? And it looks like I’m gonna take first place from you. :wink:

Which caused you to chime in to complain about people complaining?

You compare to me to “a pot”… (As in I have no right to say anything)… And tell me to settle down when it “rubs me the wrong way”?? :person_facepalming:

603 days in Intrim. Winners of 24 of the 42 weeks of Guild Wars. Yes, I agree that you would do better spending your time preparing for GWs than insulting people on forums and making incorrect assumptions.


Just to pad Namour’s stats: 10 time Intrim Paragon (tied for 1st in Guild History). Not an easy task in our guild.

Anyways this whole thread needs to be deleted. it was based on an incorrect presumption and refuted by the proper authorities and now players are just bashing each other.


Not an easy task in any guild.

But so long as the topic is kept to.

Keep GW the way it is


Every other week

I think the topic can remain open. But that’s not my decision to make.

Oh and I did change the original message to illustrate the genesis of the topic, and how I was wrong. But more importantly how the idea it’s self… Is still worth discussing.

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The decision was made by Salty’s post that nothing is changing. I would prefer weekly GWs as I have been window shopping the Steam Store since the lack of GWs. As a VIP 7 member of this community, I feel this game is shifting away from what I enjoy about it and that is sad. I personally hate mindnumbingly grinding for trophies.

I still love the fact that community still thinks that we collude with I2. Doesn’t matter what I say here as the presumption is set in the stone.


Weekly guild wars please… these new modes are boring resource sinking trash


Reading this thread reminds of @vangor all over again, he would be loving this.

Either way they do it though is ok with me, but I would like to see some better rewards for the raids And lnvasions because they just don’t really feel worth it, imo, per battle especially.


Let’s ask the people and see how everyone is feeling about the wonderful Guild Wars.

  • Guild Wars as is.
  • Guild Wars every other week.
  • Guild Wars every week.
  • No Guild Wars at all.

0 voters


Honestly, I could make a suggestion for an idea for alternatives going forward, but most have been said before or it wouldn’t matter as the devs would ignore it. I could say why people like gw and beat that dead horse, but enough arguments have occurred and enough strawmen have been constructed as a result. Hell, even pointing out the rudimentary principles of respecting each other and having civil discussion fails as either the same dang points are used over and over again. Despite all of that I would rather try, than sit by as many of us fight one another and get gradually more spiteful of each other as that alternative is depressing and while it may not do a damn, here goes.

I will say that while I deeply appreciate the devs, I do feel conflicted about how well they interact with forum user issues as while overall they would cooperate and help fix the issues of the people, many others feel extremely neglected. They have fixed numerous issues that have arisen over the years and overall make certain elements fun despite the fact that other aspects of the game are archaic. While the forum is perhaps still a minority, you cannot argue that it is far more active, engaged, and one way or another, care deeply for this game. There can be almost no action that can be done that will please all the gamers. The few possible routes that would seem impossible given the effort needed and bugs or other far more insignificant issues by comparison have fallen off to the wayside and get pushed back for newer bugs and issues. While this is inevitable with such drastic changes with a small team, why does it have to be this way?

There are many things that could happen, should happen, but won’t as they are a business and many before have brilliantly articulated that before. That being said, I can’t help but feel that, once again, has been stated before that if the devs have shifted more to profit mode for their goal, they must have lost the map. They have sacrificed core principles and neglected to discuss on such matters despite numerous out cries. Numbers may “seem good” but I mainly play as I have spent enough cash to get to a point where I can efficiently chase resource goals but see no desire to spend more and removing potential rewards is not the way to do so. The shop in all aspects is way to out of date, gems are mismatched in an overinflated manner that if this were a real world economy well, I’d rather be in post WW1 Germany. You need hundreds of dollars in gems to have an almost statistically guaranteed mythic, because well we know how that goes. A mythic troop, that over time have been either mostly unusable, or are broken to all hell. Despite that, there are packs that can guarantee a mythic in a fraction of the cost either instantly or once a month. If that said mythic would be guaranteed to be the new one during an exclusive week, well you have the perfect no think mythic hunt method for a whale. However, if any dev could realistically expect dozens, let alone hundreds or thousands to do this then they are crazy, or conceited. Regardless IF anyone does this, the fact is you can’t expect anyone to value a famine as good as skyrim, an infernus a bargain over halo, and hunting for a ridiculous mythic at the gem equivalent cost of a lightly used car. It doesn’t work and putting a carrot of such a size better not suck so hard that a few jank meta teams could kill him in a 5 minute solitaire match. The shop HAS to be redone in a way that actually feels like each item has value to the player. I’m not paying $10 for an avatar that includes 30 min of rewards, I rather buy only the armor, or buy only vip points as options. There has to be better options, not just, hey buy this crappy legendary in a useless attempt to powerscale up quickly as it won’t matter on defense, and only may matter on offense. Now that may seem mean, but is the alternative better where a kid buys a bad legendary for 50 bucks? Even IF the keys also did good, would they have the resources to utilize the troops? At that point they better spend some more or else how will they use their new toys? As cynical as it sounds many shop options are overpriced, arguably do more harm than good, and the thought of paying $25 to not play a f2p for as little as 15min of work, is insane.

Now, aside from that, if they had better quality control and less bugs or badly planned releases instead of dumping them on us, well while we would all be happier, it for some reason isn’t happening but it seems that assuming it is only because of money then I don’t know why the devs didn’t upgrade the shop over gnomes or new game modes, oh wait that’s right. Not that way for a new shop :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.
Now, raid/invasion shops use gems over real money as to try and technically not be p2w, but based on various, sneaky, sometimes even nefarious resource caps, it might as well be. Now if for mid/end game purposes getting keys were easier, or if vip chests were cheaper with the same drop chance, gem hoards would not matter as much and heck, if there were pity timers, than that would be great or at least easier ways to earn diamonds with higher difficulty or strategy. The shop does in a way provide decent rewards for anyone who doesn’t want a legendary or mythic, but it still fails miserably. Anyone who could actually benefit from said rewards, would be stretched for the gems to do so and if they used the energy, would be akin to a toddler trying to fight mike tyson as battles while relatively easy for end gamers, is tough for anyone else. Now if the high tier rewards were actually good, both leaderboard wise and portal wise, than kudos, but yet, no kudos. The whole “well they will adjust rewards” is a bad argument when THEY made 2 new modes with no beta, no real public knowledge or discussion given, that to me failed in every possible way. A grindfest of this nature with poor rewards literally yields too little for endgame, and is too hard for early gamers. It forces casual players to spend so much time on it unless they become freeloaders and hardcore players waste thousands of gems to try and quickly get a bad troop by enough people’s standards. Who were raid and invasions for? While I find invasions alright and fun to an extent as long as there are sufficient choices, raids are the opposite. Raids combine all the most despised gameplay aspects in a hollow mode that is equivalent to trying to outluck an opponent where a flick equals death, and if the boss fills up, nothing can stop it so if you lose your top guy, tough @#$%. Especially as some kingdoms focus gimmicks on status effects, boy wouldn’t that suck if the boss was immune to everything? I don’t hate the idea of invasions, or even raids, but the execution is horrible and I would rather have a mode of 5 tough color matches, then 20 minute matches where the stats are too high and only one troop could possibly help make me win.

Now on the other hand, I personally love gw, but understand the hate all the same. It can be time consuming, difficult, and too competitive. Now the way I see it, raid/invasion has a difficulty curve with each battle and minus some guilds adding portal goals and “X boss damage or towers killed or I kick you” it is somewhat relaxed as its a gradual rise in difficulty where a loss is not the worse thing in the world. Other than that I do admit to having some difficulty finding the other positives of these modes over gw of the gw haters. To that extent, I implore others who prefer raids or invasions, given that the difficulty and fun should be weighted to include other kingdoms and races, to help me and others understand the issue better as I do feel that gw is still in much need of improvement as well. On the other hand, I loathe meta defences as while I don’t necessarily hate most meta templates, not enough people use their own spin. It is also disheartening to build a unique defense constructed for a given color and it loses all its matches seemingly as if it was barely a roadblock. Rng teams win out as any strategic team can be outplayed, but luck will always side against you in time. Losing in such a way is extremely aggravating and makes it feel like you had no possible way to win, which only gets worse as you trounce that team next try in less than a minute. Yet, I would still rather have gw, as it does cause creative thinking a great deal of the time, if not for defence, than how to crush it. It also gives me a reason to try new teams that I would honestly not use too often in pvp as they would be slower and a bit more risky. I do think there has to be a greater push for the 27/30 to allow room for vacationers, or just a dang break. While I would be more likely to see infernal king on ice skates, I would like bracket rewards to be improved, mainly for lower brackets as bracket 1 gems are nice, but the others are simply lackluster. Perhaps keys, whether they be event, gem or glory would be nice and maybe 1 would include a vip key or 2 to at least feel different than LTs. Heck, even a glory or traitstone windfall. You love toting non-gem, gem value so why not :thinking:? The point is that even gw needs better balancing, and we’ve had it for a while so I guess the raid and invasion mess was expected :sweat_smile:.

Once again, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE that the devs have put in the effort and they have done their best to appease the playerbase with all factions. However, perhaps there could be a compromise outside of the aforementioned switch on, switch off for gw and raid/invasion. Now while I understand the work needed for this, but if gw and a raid or invasion could be done during the same week and you either only register for one event or could do both at some other cost like souls or gold as I feel gems would only be more of the same problem wise. Of course, in the case of a pick one event, the guild can vote on which event to partake in or even a vote on whether or not to do the other event after one is selected. While the most highly competitive guilds could try for both and could in theory punish underperforming players, that admittedly could very well be an unintended consequence. However I would believe that the majority of guilds would not do this and be as democratic as possible in this manner. Of course, that even assumes this is possible, but if it were, at least it could allow more choices for the players and isn’t that ideally what we all want? Then again, there is also so much to do so perhaps such efforts would be better placed in improving older game modes rather than add more daily activities to further choke our ever decreasing, yet precious spare time?

While I feel my tldr here would need its own tldr, I will end off by saying that I do not intend any ill will towards anyone by this. While there will obviously be disagreements, I will not despise or mock a point of view and if I had appeared to do so, it was not intentional. I will say that on my part it’s due to an apparent contradictory nature of such opinions that I did not fully understand as to why they could both exist and yet be fully believed as I know there must have been something I overlooked. I welcome other points of view on this matter as perhaps if we were to pool all the positive aspects of the various game modes, we could improve them further or perhaps plant the idea for a better, permanent replacement or alternative option at least.

Now since I have talked for this long,I gotta have a pun. I hope that the raid shop wasn’t the tip of the iceberg, if not, than lettuce rejoice!


If you’re a “TL:DR” then that’s a shame cause @KYLENATOR001 makes great points about the current state of GoW. Definitely worth the read.

Now him and I only argue in global chat. :pensive: :wink:
If you miss him you should make a PC/mobile player. I’ll alert you of any sightings. Lol

While I agree with the lack of troop balance… which unfortunately raid and invasion reveal most of. I found raid and invasion required me to think more and get more creative with my troops. In gw I can just use the metas or a few select troops… out of 400 or so I’ll look at the same 20 to 30 that I see in PvP and most of the time these teams will lose on sed anyway.

As for the option on which event… I think this will hurt gw more as it requires guilds to play and lose whereas raid and invasion can have either a few guilds play or a lot play without any major change in gameplay.

Imagine that some of the higher bracket guilds stop doing guild wars as they could get more rewards from raid… then guilds that cannot compete would fill in higher slots and since they would lose anyway merely register and claim rewards ending with a score of zero… this would go against gw as a competitive event and generally make it worse and undermine the event.

Guilds wars participation is mandatory for all guilds since even dead ones are put into play so that any new guild can get enough opponents to fight for the week…lots of big active guilds not playing would mess up the bracket system


I could say that i agree roughly with 80% of your points except that they feel a little incomplete as it doesn’t cover some other perspectives that feel important like:

1 = I believe it was not viable to make beta-tests for this update as we can assume things were rushed. Is it a poor excuse? Depends of what kind of expectations you have versus the reality of the case. They had a schedule that probably wouldn’t allow extra time to create things and receive proper feedback while discussing and making adjustments because the very nature of the game runs on the tradition of constant releases. We had two kingdoms very close to each other because they had to postpone their own schedule… Sure it’s not ideal, but honestly it wasn’t surprising when i think about it.

2 = There is nothing forcing anyone to play these modes, be it casual, hardcore, newish or veteran players. That’s a fact, BUT it doesn’t means that they didn’t made some mistakes when considering the rewards from each battle in these features. The Raids and Invasions are alternatives of gameplay, and they were based on very old suggestion made by “us” in a general sense. The players chasing the silly carrot that is Zuul’Goth are doing so with their own free will and in a sense this troop sucks so much it won’t be missed by anyone deciding to not chase it anyway, except maybe for collectible reasons. When the :grapes: are dangling so high every :fox_face: will say they are sour.

Therefore, with even less motivation to engage in these events i agree it’s a fundamental failure/oversight on their part, but it’s also easy to fix i believe, so hopefully we will have a better/acceptable experience in the next events regarding the battles.

I think Glory based on the Raid Boss level and Gold on Invasion would make sense. Glory for battles against an extradimensional elder God and his minions, and Gold from plundering the towers. This increases the value of the Raid/Shop purchases which allow players to invest more time directly for personnal gains while also adding a fair share of collective work for the guilds rewards as more portals are closed and more towers are destroyed. The Bounty could probably give Trophies in this same sense, if we are hunting there are trophies. But i can’t say much as we didn’t saw the event yet…


I’m glad to see that this topic has moved on. I am keeping a close eye on it as it continues.

I’m happy to see discussing regarding the game modes and I am looking through all the feedback. In future though, let’s leave me personally out of it. I am exceedingly busy at the moment and will be going to GDC tomorrow. I will be around working as usual, but the added comments about me and arguments don’t make my life (or the devs lives) any easier. Thank you.


True, i do agree with you there. I wish they could take their time, but the circumstances don’t seem to allow it based on the devs responses as well as others in the community with similar experience. As for 2, exactly, its optional. As a collector I personally am trying to get every mythic I can (save zul). It was an attempt to try and suggest an idea that while obviously near impossible to implement and potential for breakage, allowed for other paths to attempt at growing ones collection as especially in a guild, one could feel like they let others down and I’ve had fellow guildmates burn out as I know others have here and there. I still remain optimistic as well, sarcastic maybe, but optimistic when all is said and done.

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I do agree, it was far from a perfect suggestion, but it seemed that there were so many camps on wanting nothing but gw to the cancellation of gw alltogether that perhaps if the events could be done simultaneously, it could please more people than, well even the discussion spawned from this topic and in other threads. Either way hopefully the other modes will change to be more rewarding, but not as frustrating as gw. Especially with raid at high enemy levels, all the gw annoyances, plus the endless grinding.