Guild Wars unfair? cast your votes for the devs to see!

This sounds like a great solution and would put much more effort to rank first in any tier. And ranking first even in tier 20 would mean something.


Lol no that’s not related but thanks for playing. That change was made because they originally made the rewards based on having to fight each day (I really don’t have time to rehash it for you; I’d recommend you go back and reread those threads you supposedly know so much about). So maybe check your ego at the door and quit being such an ass, lol or would you like to fail again. Roflmao.

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I think it’s a little early to be complaining about never making it to the top in guildwars. We haven’t seen a bracket adjustment yet. The time delay is, I admit, a little odd. In almost every bracket your rewards for the week where set as soon as your bracket was picked. You’re not actually fighting for this week’s rewards, you got those just be signing up. You’re fighting for next week’s rewards, which you’ll get just by signing up.

Like so much about GW we just don’t have numbers. We know you can move one OR MORE brackets at a pop. But honestly I don’t think there will be a huge amount of movement at the top. In general they’re already full guilds of curated players, the big shakeups will be in the lower brackets where the number, activity, and power of members is more disparate.

Is Guild Wars completely fair? Almost certainly not, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Should it not be changed? Patently false, it would be incredibly bad game design to keep the system static and they’ve already made changes based on player feedback before the system went live. Does Guild Wars favor higher ranked guilds? Yes, but is that strictly a bad thing? They did a lot of work to get there and the bonuses do eventually flatline. Should Guild Wars be changed to static point bonuses? Depends on what the devs feel should be rewarded, strictly GW activities or guild work as a whole.


I say this often - there are no “strong players” single. There is only strong players plural. If you aren’t in a guild with 29 other very active members it doesn’t matter how active you are as a single entity.

I hate the way rewards are split up.

Personally I think the only thing that needs to be done is for the amount of rewards from the very top tiers be spread out over 4 or 5 brackets. That way the top 50 guilds are all getting a good amount of rewards but the top is still getting the most. Just not insanely more.

I don’t think it’s a all fair for the bracket 20-49 to get 20 (or was it 24?) cards when the top spot gets 100. That’s so much quicker to ascend !

I feel like the very top spot should only get like 20-50 more. Then the rest can be passed along. Don’t put all the rewards into 3 guilds!

THERE IS NO WAY to get within top 10 guild war rank even after “bracket adjustment” because their guild statues are level 199 with a 80% point bonus(ive seen this from tacets video). unless half of their guild members choose not to battle in guild wars there is no competing with them.

also if anyone is curious my guild is rank 48 and our statues are in the 90s with a 45-48% point bonus.


A couple points in HP/Shield will rarely make a difference between win and a loss (or losing a troop).

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Define what you mean by “stronger player” because I am Hero Level 1073 with all but 1 troop in my collection and the vast majority of those troops are fully traited. Furthermore I have not lost a troop let alone a battle in 10 attempts, yet my GW points will be never be higher than players in older guilds because the grossly imbalanced color bonuses are based on the level of the GUILD statues. A player in an older guild is hardly a stronger one.


There are other problems with the calculation. Guilds that can afford to put more glory, gold, souls and most especially gems into the sentinels than the rest of the lower echelon. Plus you have the regular guild statue bonuses that they complete all 6 per week usually on Monday and most guilds can’t compete with that either.

So basically NO bonuses at all. No statues, no sentinels and most especially no unequal color bonuses. All the same bonus for color would be fine, then it comes down to who can build and win with a certain color the most. That’s fair; the other is not.

Think about what it says: It’s guilds vs guilds there shouldn’t be any advantages just because you’ve played forever and have no life.

A 4000 ranked guild should have just as much chance for the number 1 prize as the 1st ranked guild. When you go to a jousting match you don’t get to bring bonus sentinels and statues. :slight_smile: You bring your wit ad wild and strategy. :slight_smile:

NO; let’s don’t; let’s kick it in the bud right now and not wait for the disease to spread. :slight_smile:

So you want the Devs to make major changes based on 2 days worth of data (2/3 of GW completely unexplored) and a handful of threads on the forum? That sounds like very rash decision making to me, with potentially vast business consequences. Unlikely to happen IMHO…


lol people are scared of death mark now because of the Death Knights ability to lay it on all the opponents cards when it dies. It’s very strategic where it is as that’s my strategy by putting my death knight in 1st slot. Live with it; love it. :wink:

MatchMasters (my guild) is presumably the most obvious case (there are others) where legacy performance doesn’t quite match current performance: on the all-time chart, we are #3, and were #1 for the longest part of the last 2.5 years, but on weekly activity we are somewhere between #6 and #15, and volatile.

I feel there’s something to be said for the legacy and pride of being up there so long (MatchMasters is a GoW institution, and not just because it is full of the mentally ill) - we are one of the game’s most famous Guilds - and this should be reflected in some way in the Guild Wars, which is indeed a competition about Guilds. However, the 80% point bonus, and how it builds, is too great a differential.

It may feel fairer as:

  • bonus to points caps at 50% at max statue level
  • bonus grows linearly as statues level up
  • legendary tasks also give statues XP, so lower guilds can catch up faster

To address @slayah’s post above, as I sense a bit too much anti-establishment angst there:

The stat gains from Sentinels seem minor really: winning or losing is usually down to RNG death mark or getting devoured or a bone dragon chain cast, not from having 5-10 more hit points.

Also Sentinels is the only direct way for this major investment in dev time and tech to monetise; as a business answerable to the publisher and owners, that is there to stay.

Disagree completely. Guild Wars is a competition between Guilds, not just a one-on-one joust between players.

Partially agree and disagree as I said above: I feel it should be there, but less drastic.


Well, of course that’s :“your opinion” :slight_smile: We all know what opinions are don’t we? :slight_smile:

Well, I disagree with your “opinions” as well. Save for the last one which of course I am right on. :slight_smile:

See, you can make an arguement for anything but the whole is what is fair for the whole not what is fair for the higher echelon. I’m thinking about the other 4000 guilds not just mine and certainly not yours. :wink:

Considering what @Nimhain said in another of the complaint topics, my opinion seems be shared by the ones in charge… :wink:
Point number three in that post is pretty clear on what course the devs have chosen…

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You do realize a dev can post anything about the AI? That doesn’t make it so. Devs can stretch the truth as much as anyone that is human.

They also can send code that is not in the game to another source. A company awhile back tried to do that; Ever hear of SecureRom?

You do realize how bad for business it would be for them to be caught stretching the truth (or flat out lying)?

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Forums are fun, aren’t they.

That all rather depends on your opinion of fair. :smiley:

Of course but that doesn’t keep it from happening in business. People do things every day and don’t worry about it till they get caught. I’m sure you’ve run a red light or stop sign or two and not used your blinker when turning. :slight_smile:

Exactly so my opinion is just as good as yours. Even better in some respects :slight_smile: