Guild Recruitment: BLaCkGoLD

Welcome aboard!

I’m active and contribute daily, my invite code is DJEVIK. would love to join

@Analogue, Hi, can you please check again your invite code? It says it doesn’t exist (DJEVIK)

I found a guild, i appreciate the invite though!

I would like to join your guild as well. Currently Level 64 - but steady increasing. invite code: urdarkoettur.

Looking forward!

@urdarkoettur invite sent, welcome!

I am level 33. I play everyday and I understand the concept of working with the guild.

Game name: Philo Morin


We have 5 open spots 25/30
We are on rank #33 with 44k + trophies
Masteries +35

@pherimon sorry for late reply, I tried to sent you an invite but you are already in a guild, let me know if you still are interested. Thanks

You guys are advancing nicely!

@Machiknight Thank you :slight_smile:

We have 5 open spots 25/30
We are on rank #33 with 44k + trophies
Masteries +35
We don’t have any specific requirements at this moment just to do your best (contribute gold and win trophies as much as you can) and be active. Just leave your invite code!

We have 5 open spots 25/30
We are on rank #33 with 44k + trophies
Masteries +35
We don’t have any specific requirements at this moment just to do your best (contribute gold and win trophies as much as you can) and be active. Just leave your invite code!

Bump …!

Hi @Pixie. Level 59 who plays daily. Would love to be part of your guild.

Invite code: KAIRYU

I would like to join .Level 56 , Name : MADALIN

@Kairyu @madalin0129 Hey, you need to leave your current guild in order to send you the invite. Let me know when it’s done and I’ll send it asap. Thanks

Hello @Pixie, am level 21 and I play daily. Loves the game a lot! Would love to to join your guild, please!

Invite code : FIONA

Have left. By the way, @Akai_tenshi is a friend. Appreciate if you’d let us both in :smile:

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Invite sent, welcome!


Cheers. Looking forward to dropping those trophies in :slight_smile:

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