Top 10 - Anonymous Recruiting

@dhjl invite code River Song. Level 537, usually do 3-400 trophies per week and multiple k gold. I will not leave my current guild until I hear back from you.

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@dhjl. I’ve left the guild. Waiting for invite.

I want to join. Invite code YONIZAF. level 181. Tell me if I’m accepted so I can leave my guild

We are full until further notice.

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Just to congratulate you, beautiful ascent in the top guild :clap:


Thank you! It’s very nice of you to offer congratulations.

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invite code Voivode, friend of Catrien

Just got kicked out of Match Masters immediately after donating 100k gold and 50 trophies. So I would like to join a guild that is vying for that number one spot. :wink: PONY SLAYSTATION is my code. =)


Do you guy have any spots open

Level 75
Play every day
I try to reach PVP level 1 within 48 hours
invite code cntrlX


I’m lvl 61, started 10 days ago and can contribute a lot of gold :slightly_smiling:

Any open spots? Level 121, 5k gold contribution daily, level 1 every week. Average 50 trophies weekly. Invite code: IDIDOTH

Looks like you’ll be in second place in around a day or two. Congrats.

I’m hoping we can hold you off until Tuesday.

Thank you. Although I have to confess, I miss having you as a guild mate.

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Also let me know if you have a slot, doing 300-500 trophies a week and 300-400k gold. Send me PM if interested.

Wow River… that’s… a lot of wiggle room! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! :wink:

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I was wondering: are there any requirements for donations or trophies?