Fire in the Hole!

Fire troll is giving arcane spirit when it needs arcane plains console. Or is this intended?


Nope, should be using Spirits. Working on fixing that now.


So if we traited him with plains do we submit a ticket then?

If you want the spirits to be used rather than spirits, then yes, please submit a ticket. If you’re ok with having used plains to trait him, then no need.

And can we submit a ticket because this bloody Pharos ra doesn’t show up in forge ? Start to think he’s lost somewhere in some pacific’s island since 3-4 month and need some help. :grin:


Well, i would gladly accept one Pharos-Ra in exchange for my two missing Fire Bombs… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Didn’t we used to get x2 troops in the common glory reward pack ? Certainly got two of something in the past but cant remember if it was commons or not.

3 common
2 rare
1 ultra rare
1 epic
1 legendary back in the good ole days


Fire Bomb is amazing (as expected). I just wish the pack was working as intended.

Looks like it was fixed after I posted.

I restarted my game just now and the pack contains 3 Fire Bombs now. But the troll still needs the wrong traistone to upgrade.

Coolest looking troll ever, great artwork, such a muscle clump…

This is an interesting look under the hood. I assumed before that the mana colors of a troop determined its traitstones automatically. Would never have guessed that they could be separated like this.

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On ios I have only been getting 1 fire bomb in the glory pack. I have spent an enormous amount of glory getting it to Legendary + 27.
Can anyone work out how many I have actually bought (at 1x 300) so I can send a ticket in as I am unsure of the numbers of cards needed to attain each level.
common to rare = xx cards
rare to ultra rare = xx cards
ultra rare to epic = xx cards
epic to legendary = xx cards

  • 1 common
    5 rare
    10 ultra-rare
    25 epic
    50 legendary
    27 towards mythic

118 you bought

x 300 cost per

35400 glory spent

DANG! :grimacing:

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So you’ve bought +90 packs. Normally 64 packs should be enough for Mythic.

e. ninja-d

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Thanks Lardy and Bolatsi. I will send in a chit to get back some of my hard earned glory :grinning:

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Mana colors are indeed separate from traitstone costs.

The snotstones are not being displayed by the portraits like usual inside the Battle screen
(even though we do get credited for them at the end).

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Maybe because any pvp enemy?

0 Troll with yellow mana

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