Double Traitstones! Turned Spoilers in the 115s

+1 @Namour

I for one hope the dev team starts doing this regularly. I think it’s awesome. Gives a nice little incentive to try out new troops and literally has no downside. It’s free Traitstones for crying out loud! Would you rather they just go back to not doing anything?


I am in complete agreement.


I too like the event and hope that these kind of events will become a regular thing.
As for the people that don’t like it, think the new troop is too weak or the payout doesn’t justify not using such interesting 4x dust devil excitement machines i can only say, just don’t do it then.
It is an extra option, events like this are not there to make everyone happy at the same time, they are however exciting incentive to test new stuff and get something out of it for many players, if it isn’t for you then don’t do it, it is just a suggestion, the next event will likely excite you more.

Also as for the complaints about the troop being weak, so what? People on these forums were complaining for weeks that base rarity should mean something, and at the same time yelled that events should yield ultra rare troops and not just epic+ ones, and the Devs made both wishes come true, and now you are suprised that an ultra rare that you probably didn’t ascend much nor trait isn’t up to snuff compared to your mythic legendary super farm troops?

Anyways, i think it is a fun event, and it made me try new stuff and get something out of it, and i am always happy about that.
It is not fitting the needs of everyone, i understand that, but that’s ok, the next event will maybe suit you more, you all sure liked the double gold event.


the reason I am trying it is because if I were so lucky to get 2x arcane’s that would be awesome. Of course arcane drops are insanely low so that probably wont happen in the time I get to play but hey! It’s fun and interesting!


Because not everyone is into the stupid farming? O,O

Except a chance for an actually fun event or play opportunity.

I would not complain if the troop did something interesting like chance devour, twist the other team, etc. If stat bump at least if it was magic, it would fit a plenty of team ideas.

If even Tacet didn’t come up with a hot team let’s accept as fact that its pure ballast.

Absolutely. New cards are not necessary for the game as we have close to 200 already. Each new one should pass the “is this improvement for the game?” question. Preferably with flying colors.

Can you explain why wasting dev resources on irrelevant stuff is good?

How else are they going to have the time to clean your dirty words from guild chat? Maybe if you said crap less the game would be better.


This is a good point. The trip needed something interesting…and is severely lacking that.

So… People expect that they will just get all the traistones they want in a blink of an eye? Then what? If they did get every traitstones they wanted, they would just leave the game as they wouldn’t have any purpose anymore…

Tacet is a good player, but he isn’t the only one that can come up with good stuff you know?
But, yeah, I’ve not heard of many Sparkgrinder deck, and none of them could afford to switch him out for Runesmith…
All we can seem to be able to do is building a 3 man deck where he is added either as meat shield or 4th useless troop… That or simply ignoring the event, kinda sad.

You kinda tend to blame the devs a lot these days…
Instead of running some kind of hate campaign, you might want to try some constructive criticism…


I had a team for it. I just found it to be too slow. I then tried some that were mentioned on the other thread, but they were all too slow too. The initial build I came up with was just my true shot 2x skull deck with 1 bat less:

Crimson Bat***


I’m using Golgotha (slime or spider) necro with burning scythe and runesmith… wins at a good clip.

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I think the keyword was “hot” team. Hence the inability to create a team that felt usable.

I currently use
Giant Spider, Infernal King, Sheggra and Runesmith, inspired by some posts here and it is not bad at all.
It is quite fast, can beat anything and offers some good control, though it can be a bit clunky with an unlucky board, but in general it is nowhere near twice as slow as my regular teams which is what matters.

And yes the Runesmith is clearly the weak link, i only fire him in empty turns, when there are just weak 3-matches on the board (including skulls now and then), and while he isn’t great, firing him still speeds up the game a bit so he is not just dead weight.

Anyways i play all my revenges (you know, when you are generally more interested in the particular traitstones) with this team as long as the event is on, and i am confident it is worth it.

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My current lineup is similar to the above. Mercy*** is superior to Spider if one only needs a single cast to charge IK.

Runesmith has a couple of advantages over Sparkgrinder - notably, the combination of a lower mana cost and Fire Link. But he doesn’t interest me enough to trait him, and I don’t need anything more in Khaziel of course.

I do keep looking at my team and thinking ‘this would be better if Runesmith was X, Y or Z’.

I use:

-Dwarven Miner
-Fortress Gate

I used to use a thrall in the last spot, but the gate stops everyone else from running away from the damn goblins.


This team is perfect. Very effective way to use the Fortress Gate.

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I have already complained about tyri and how her map drop is too low.[quote=“Jainus, post:34, topic:5524”]
So what if Runesmith is bad

i like the new troop. :sweat:

me too

Great Maw, Mercy, Goblin Rocket, Runesmith.

Mercy fills up Maw, Goblin rocket sets up skull matches. Runesmith sometimes used to boost attack to kill in one hit. Kinda wish reds were taking off the board with runesmith so it is possible to get an extra turn.

Am I the only one who sees this thread at the top of the forum and thinks:

:notes:Double traitstones all the way across the sky! Yeah, yeaaaah…so intense!:notes:

Yeah, it probably is just me. :stuck_out_tongue: