Discussion about pay-to-win frustrations

Ok you must see some post with valkyrie compostion[quote=“Archenassa, post:60, topic:2285”]
Oh well, if you’re against people discussing, that explains it all.
I’m not against discussion but against complains, it’s not productive

I have zero problems with souls, I have over 250k souls in store. AGAIN, I’m talking new players here. Please stop focusing against me. I’m level 800+, I don’t need help soul farming, thank you. And why pick souls over any other points?

Right, you’re just here to ask people to stop telling what they think when they disagree with you. That’s not being against complaints, that’s being against disagreements. Machiknight and Ctu are also older players who made some valid points, but it’s true they didn’t quote your post… :wink:

Players have the right to feel like the new update is not good for them. At my level, I’m fine, I have a lot of ascended troops, I developed some traits, my kingdoms were all maxed out before the patch, I’m fine. But the lower level players I know ARE struggling, so I understand perfectly well where they come from, and I think their concerns are legitimate. And I find it normal to express my support.


Oh @Archenassa i don’t speak about you, i know you have enough souls and so on…
When i say YOU it’s not you specialy, but all the people

I don’t want to stop say what they think, but when they say that we are forced, yes I must say that this is false…

I’m open , but not when you advance something false and without proof

I disagree. If we don’t allow people to voice their complaints how will the devs ever know that adjustment is needed?

I agree 100% with everything @Archenassa said in her detailed post.

Let’s face it, we all want this game to continue to be around so we can play it , the devs and their publishers need profit to do that, which is perfectly understandable. The player base needs the game to be accessible also however without huge hurdles to overcome to progress.

There are SO MANY resources in this game that are needed in VAST quantities. From troops for ascending and souls for leveling to good for cities. I completely understand the anger of the lower level and newer player base. If I had come into this game In the current state, I would pay until I realized the requirements needed to be competitive and then probably quit.

We want players to stay, simple as that. The devs also need profit to be able to keep the game alive. There has to be a happy medium, and I don’t feel we’ve reached it.


For the kingdoms, to increase the level 10 did not change since version 1.0.7
they add extra level, but since version 1.0.7 the cost of the kingdoms are the same no ??

Acension the troops or the features are only additions that can unlock more things, no ?

I agree that this update create a gap between the old and new players, but how the difficulty of earning money or increase kingdoms compared to version 1.0.7 change ??

Before, to mount the kingdoms in version 1.0.6 we had to have our troops level 15, but version 1.0.7 is in anticipation of change that version 1.0.8, we are not asking you to have level 20 creatures have access to the first star whose rewards we increase (+ 50% of souls)

So I consede that version 1.0.8 digs a gap between the old and new players for the match in pvp.

What I blame has version 1.0.8 is yes the reduction of saving souls in the arena, making it almost useless mini game, the traits that are bringing in the same challenges for new players

But the amount of resources to upgrade your kingdoms at level 10 did not change since 1.0.7 version, does it ?

Could you better explain to me why you need more resources than in version 1.0.7 if only to get as bonuses which did not exist in the previous version?

I also agree with @Archenassa and @Machiknight, here. I’m a more casual player, but I’ve been playing this game daily almost since the beginning, and frankly I don’t have that much to show for it.

The gap between low-level and high-level players has obviously widened considerably as a result of both 1.0.7 and 1.08, this is undeniable, but it’s more than just that. The biggest gap is between players who already had their collections (pretty close to) maxed out before those patches, and players who didn’t.

When 1.0.7 came out, I was severely punished for my procrastination in regards to Challenges and Quests, while other players were immensely rewarded for having finished them. This is an exponential effect, too, which is crucial to understand if you want to give this discussion even a decent shot. I’ll mostly take Arch and myself as examples, because we’ve seen the gap appear and widen together, but let’s refer to those two accounts as Player A and Player B, for clarity’s sake.

  1. Player A started the game over a year ago, and was really brave and dedicated in finishing all the Quests and Challenges in every Kingdom early on, before moving on to more enjoyable game modes like The Arena. As a result, Player A’s Kingdoms were all fairly high, and most of her troops were maxed out when 1.0.7 was released. With the instant conversion, all of those levels were kept after the patch, and Player A had a significant, but not that huge amount of Gold to shell out in order to reach Level 10 on all Kingdoms shortly after that. As a result, Player A’s tributes were massive throughout this patch’s lifetime, and Player A had a TON of gems to spend when 1.0.8 came out. Having had all troops at level 15 for a long time, Player A also enjoyed instant massive Kingdom Power right away when that feature appeared, and even had literally hundreds of thousands of Souls to spare on Ascensions.

  2. Player B started the game shortly after Player A, but was NOT brave and dedicated in finishing all the Quests and Challenges in every Kingdom early on, as this was just too tedious and boring in Player B’s eyes compared to more enjoyable game modes like The Arena. As a result, Player B’s Kingdoms were all fairly low, and most of his troops were still at Level 1 when 1.0.7 was released. With the instant conversion, Player B had a ridiculously unreachable amount of Gold to shell out in order to ever hope to reach Level 10 on all Kingdoms since that move. Player B has stopped giving Gold to his guild, and has put every effort towards that goal ever since, but still has only 10 Kingdoms out of 20 at Level 10 to this day and several Kingdoms still at Level 1 or barely above that. As a result, Player B’s tributes were scarce and pretty low throughout this patch’s lifetime, and Player B didn’t have a lot of gems to spend when 1.0.8 came out. Having had most troops still at level 1 and no significant stash of Souls, Player B didn’t enjoy any satisfactory Kingdom Power right away when that feature appeared, still doesn’t to this day, and is nowhere near the unreachable dream of ever having extra Souls to spare on Ascensions.

I hope this helps understanding what’s at stake, here. And of course, I’m not even talking about Player C, who starts the game today. Player C has absolutely no hope to catch up with Player B, let alone Player A, in this lifetime.

Please don’t take it the wrong way, but honestly, I think there is a language barrier at play, here. Some of your posts are pretty difficult to figure out due to your grammar issues, and I think it’s possible you occasionally convey harsher messages than you intend to or may realize. This probably goes both way, and I think you might have misread a few posts above. You’re not being attacked, let alone on a personal level. PS: it seems that our native language is the same, so if you need help with English, my door is always open. =)

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Yes, and a lot of newer players actually complained about it, but most veteran players dismissed it just like you’re doing here as well.

Except now we’re not just expected to level our kingdoms to level 10, but also to unlock stars, which are the only way to get less ridiculous tributes, for one. Which brings us to…

…needing to ascend troups (= need to get troops to ascend + souls, a ton of them), needing to give traits to troops (= need to get traitstones, a ton of them), and simply needing to get those troops (= need to spend a ton of keys). If you’re in a very high guild, life is cool, you’ll get thousands of gems and keys and souls all over. The only worry would be to get gold to level up the kingdoms, but that’s ok since the rest is taken care of by your team. For all the other lower level players though? Good luck with that.

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I’ll add a tl;dr version of my earlier post, as my examples might be a bit too long-winded for everyone to catch easily.

  1. Any Quest & Challenge you finished before 1.0.7 gave you an exponential advantage compared to players who did it later.

  2. Any Troop leveled up to Level 15 before 1.0.7 gave you an exponential advantage compared to players who did it later.

  3. 1.0.7 gave the misleading impression that it would eventually be possible to make up for this by focusing heavily on farming Gold to level up Kingdoms.

  4. 1.0.8 took away this false hope by making those stats relevant to Kingdom Power, which further increased the exponential advantages that were earned by some players before 1.0.7 came out, as described in points 1 & 2 above.

For instance, I’ve recently finished a bunch of Quests that I had never bothered finishing before the latest two patches. This gave me a (very) little bit of gold and souls, and that is it. If I had finished those Quests before 1.0.7 came out, it would also have given me +1 Level on each Kingdom, for free, thus sparing me up to 40K Gold that I had to spend to level up my Kingdoms post-1.0.7. Up to 40K Gold per Kingdom, that I will never get back. Additionally, had I had this advantage, my Kingdom would also have been at a higher level throughout the 1.0.7 patch era, granting me significantly higher Tributes than what I actually experienced. I will never get back those extra Gems and Souls and Gold either now, post-1.0.8, since Tributes were nerfed into the ground. Thus, exponential gap.

In the case of Troops, it’s even worse. Any troop I farm Souls to get to Level 15 nowadays only give me a little bit of points for Kingdom Power. Had I farmed Souls and leveled up the same Troop pre-1.0.7, then I would also have gotten +1 Kingdom Level for free, sparing up to 40K Gold per Troop, that I will never get back. Additionally, etc.

See where I’m coming from now?


Although actually present as all is better and clearer , maybe this debacle will consider any change to new players

I hope that nobody knows felt offended by my words
Sometimes you have to be the devil’s advocate …

Wow. People think Gems of War was easy at the start. I’ve been playing since the first month of the game and I did had to farm my way trought 7-8 months before having all the troops at level 15. And well yes, I know new players are having a rough time catching up, but thats something happens on pretty much every game that gets new content every two-three months… I did pick up a new game just a while ago and i’m so far behind but thats no reason to cry like this. I don’t think your frustations about P2W are bigger than the frustations many people here who actually liked the forum but now only have it filled with your s***.

Keeping it clean this time for you, @Jainus.

Well, if high level players are blind enough to think that grinding in 1.0.8 is the same than it was at the start of the game, and uncivil enough to just insult and not take into account anything said by people who disagree with them, then it’s pretty obvious discussions can’t be had. It’s ok, let’s just all post stupid memes, cry about goblins and make the new guys feel unwelcome. Sound plan all around, nothing to see here.

Please be polite and calm way down, thanks. Also, making an effort to read and understand previous posts instead of making sweep generalizations and complete strawmen like you just did would help improve this forum. I’m a bit tired of inane posts completely missing the point and also being arrogant.

And no, using pretend self-censor on your blatant insults is not “keepin it clean” in any shape or form. Grow up a bit, kiddo.

Noy saying its the same, just not easy as they think. ^^

Evaluation is pretty inaccurate. Kingdom level costs are very progressive. First levels cost ~1k and last 40k. Of the 120k full cost over 100 is spent on last 4 levels, 70 on last 2.

Player with all quests and challenges had 2 levels that is negligible cost on conversion. Those who could level the kingdom to actually high levels got the massive difference on gold cost. For that you had to own all troops and level them all the way up with souls (incl. those you don’t play ever). That is ungodly amount of souls, my guess is completing all the challanges would still put you short to up a single kingdom.

Also, leveling kingdoms high beyond your capital made no economic sense so only those swimming in souls poured them into troops off their playing plans.

I guess the 1.07 changes caught MOST of the player base pants down, esp. more active players in top 100 guilds who put most gold into guild tasks and conversion left them with zero kingdom bonus and a 2M gold bill to address the situation…

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I’m thinking this thread has run its course now…

As a community, older players or newer ones, we’re never going to agree on some things - and as usual there’s arguments on both sides…

I’m disappointed that even ‘regulars’ have let this one get carried away, and sorry to all for my part in it…

To newer players, your views are always welcome - let’s be constructive and polite please - lots of people clearly care a lot about this game.

I wasn’t just talking about the 2 free Levels per Kingdom for the Quests & Challenges, although I think you misread me on that particular point. Depending on how high the Kingdom was when moving to 1.0.7, like I said, having completed the Quest and Challenge resulted in a gift worth up to 40K, as in 40K was the best case scenario. It’s certainly not negligible when spread across all the Kingdoms. There are Kingdoms that I had for instance at Level 8 when 1.0.7 came out, and for which I could have spared 70K gold if I had done the Quest & Challenge.

I also had the Soul farming in mind. Any troop leveled up to 15 prior to 1.0.7 resulted in a net gain between a few hundred and 40K gold when 1.0.7 rolled out, and these all added up. So indeed someone who had farmed a lot more Souls and leveled up a lot of troops before the last two patches gained an immense edge over someone who didn’t. Farming those same Souls now is a lot less efficient and rewarding, and you also need to farm a ton of Gold to achieve the same result. Meanwhile, players who happened to already have a wealthy troop collection before the last two patches keep gaining more advantages since they have more rewards and had to spend a lot less Gold to reach them. => Exponential.

I made a shorter, hopefully clearer post than the one you responded to, since then. I hope this clarifies my point for you. Beyond that, we can certainly agree on your final point: indeed, I also believe that my “Player A” profile must represent a tiny fraction of the player base, and most players are probably in a situation much closer to that of my “Player B”. This makes it an even more important thing to point out, I think.

@Jainus I’m not sure the thread ran its course at all. It derailed several times when genuine attempts at a proper debate were interrupted by a few caricatures and personal agendas, but the past string of posts would deserve some decent follow-up. The OP and a few earlier posts happened to be on the harsher side in terms of tone and etiquette, as were a few more recent posts here and there, but I think those are far outweighed by the elaborate discussion that the thread eventually spawned.

In other terms, please don’t esslee this. ^^ Discussion should be encouraged when it occurs, especially quality discussion. If it happens to be in a thread that was less than that earlier on, so be it. Closing this thread now won’t make the underlying issues and concerns disappear, on the contrary.

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As you wish. Mine was perhaps not an instruction to close the thread as fatigue over extended debate on the same point, where there is no one right answer - and plenty of valid concern over the direction of the game.

I didn’t know that to @esslee was a verb now?

Cheers. Well, if there were one right answer, there wouldn’t be much to debate. =)

It was but a passing nod at an incident we both witnessed on another thread a couple days ago. Let’s not @ off-topic this into this thread.

Can anyone please tldr me whats the issue then? Yes I didnt really read this thread, not that I dont care, is just that its pretty much the same people with the same topic of other 30 threads around here. All I can see is players who havent put as much time or effort into the game to have the same thigs other people have. Wow is so weird he stared playing 2 months before me, how I dont have those troops and he does? Please elaborate it for me because I cant see anything on this game that cant be obteined just by playing, except maybe for VIP which is completly underwhelming. Even if the enemie is a credit card warrior of your same level with 4 Legendaries, If you cant win against that AI with your (Easy to get) 4 epics on normal difficulty then… Well… Thats sad. Not that level matters anyways, I get revenges against players under level 100 every now and then (Gladly would take those players for the guild when they get more experiencie.) And right now the most overpowered comp, besides probably Dragons, use only troops under the ultra rare tier (Goblins.)

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That’s the problem Serale, you didn’t read at all, you just saw the title, decided what it was about and went on to tell people rudely how they’re wrong. If you had actually bothered to read - and various players put a lot of efforts into making long and coherent posts on the topic at hand -, you might actually have something to contribute. As it is, you’re just another rant in the flood of messages.