Discussion about pay-to-win frustrations

I know I instigated one of these earlier, however having now given 1.0.8 a chance, my position has changed. I now believe that even if you were to invest in gems, there are still far to many traitstone a required per troop with way to many kinds. Imo there is no incentive to put down cash because you still won’t advance significantly. Like @MrSammy said with all his resources he still has yet to fully level a kingdom. It’s definitely not p2w or even play to advance. It’s grind to win with a touch of lube on the rails if you put down some cash.


FACTS (instead emotions like @KAYA43V3R):

  • 90% less diamonds from gathering cities
  • 50% less souls
  • 95% less chance to gain legendary units
  • 150-200% possibility obtain power for any card

You might want to check your ‘facts’. Souls gained from tributes was doubled in the patch, while Arena was halved.

Oh yes gain 10 extra soul while loosing 200. Details.

Overall we gain more resources. I was going to craft a clever and vicious comeback about how you have no idea and have only been on this forum long enough to post this thread, but I’m just going to leave and wait for someone with more patience to show up.

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I can’t be bothered to re-new this endless debate either - we’ve all shared views on concerns about where the game is going, but it remains free to play, with some pay to accelerate coming in. Other threads have made these points better without the insults.

I’ve renamed the thread as well to be more helpful to newer readers, rather than an emotive title about killing the game, for which the jury is still very much out.

nice title change lol.

TO BE FAIR there is a lot of upset people out there , people who Ferrell like their ability to farm resources have been SEVERELY hampered by the change. Many of us in top 10 guilds have been in then for a LONG time and might not remember how hard it is to gather resources when NOT in one.

All I’m saying is there are a lot of people voicing discontent and disenfranchisement. I think discount then out of hand does us as a community no favors.

I happen to agree that the changes went a little too far in the direction of giving f2p players not enough reward to keep going. Saying that tribute rewards are now uncapped, doesn’t help a lot when they have been reduced as much as they have been.

I would also like to ask this question, has anyone seen a high kingdom tribute reward? The highest I’ve seen since the patch is 4. Perhaps tribute rewards should go back to the way it was, but with a cap on gems like it was.

Why couldn’t arena rewards go back to the higher also? With the massive amount off more souls needed the call to obtain them is higher than ever, with very few tools to increase our gain. Yes you get them in keys now, but after opening thousands of keys I’ve gotten maybe 4000 souls. That’s just not enough for competition.

Maybe there are other things that can be given also, free cards is a no brainer with the amount needed for ascension.

All I’m saying is the pendulum might have swing a little too hard in the direction of slowing resource gain, and could possibly course correct to keep the cheaper players interested in playing. We ALL want a large enough pool of players to battle that it doesn’t get boring.


Oh, really nice change tittle when you understand your in the wrong !!

And now how do you find this number ??? in which file can you prouve this ???

Give us real numbers before and after the patch to prove your words …
Your speculations are neither real nor based
You talk about cuts , but you do not speak the increases made ​​…
You have an obtuse vision on the subject and no recoil .

it may be time to be closed this topic because your words are defamatory about the game and never based on actual numbers or files.

PS: I own a copy of the old pre- patch file , so I eagerly awaits your demo to check your statements .

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Easy there Kaya… I changed the title as this thread is getting pretty tense and unhelpful…

Perhaps… we’ve had a few new voices - that may be an important early warning of disenfranchisement, or it may be a few toys being thrown out of prams… this forum has never been representative of the player-base as a whole, just the noisiest or most interested ones of both sides of any debate…

I’ve had seven occur once since 108 hit… but otherwise it’s felt lower since 108 hit… I used to get 3-4 kingdoms tribute every time I clicked in… now it’s 1-2 almost all the time… this may be recall bias, but it certainly feels that way…

Might well be true - let’s see how it goes and assume the devs / 505 will have a lot of data to see if their cunning plans are working…

True, and we also want the game to make enough money to stay in business…[quote=“szefo, post:42, topic:2285”]
95% less chance to gain legendary units

How on earth did you work that out?

I have no idea what that means, sorry, please explain - and again how on earth you came up with such a fact.

I give you files for your demos, and think that we can earn gems whit: task in guild (gold change), in chest (yes we drop gems in chest now) and in tribute rewards (i drop 6 kingdom tribute last time - no picture but sure i made one of it next time)

I made changes in my first post - cause of your censorship. Seems you know better what players feels, what they want. Specially now when I spoken with people and all have same feedback: Last update is totally failure. Only who are happys are developers and probably you “Faction of the Void”.

Oh please give me your demos, stop say anything without proof
And i’m not a developers, just an IT level 3 and i don’t work for GOW

all people…? perhaps i must revise my english…

Don’t forget about gems from Treasure Maps.

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I’ve noticed exactly the same thing. I have all kingdoms maxed to level 10 and was getting 3-4 kingdom tributes all the time. Now after 1.0.8 I am “happy” if I get a 2 kingdom tribute, because most of the time I’m getting single tribute or even no tributes. I did get a 6 and a 7 kingdom tribute earlier this week though…

But like you said, this may be recall bias (I doubt it though :wink: )

Ok, so I had decided to avoid the forums during the holidays (too much cake to eat dammit!), but @LegendMaker has kind of kept talking about the forums since he became more active, and seeing this thread, I really feel the need to intervene now.

For starters, I find it kind of sad that most veteran players are reacting to this thread as being out of line. Could the players have better chosen their words? Yes. Does that make their complaints less legitimate? No.

The new patch has been furthering the gap between new players and veteran players, and that’s a fact. Whether it’s become pay-to-win is a personal opinion, but the truth is that it’s far harder for new players to level up their kingdoms, to level up their troops, and simply to gather said troops. I’m a level 800+ player, and I still have two missing legendaries, even if I have opened thousands of chests, literally, during the course of the game. With the new chest system, my chances to get them have drastically dropped. LegendMaker, who is a bit below level 300, only has 13 legendaries, and his chances of getting the 12 remaining are really, really low. The new chests only give a single reward, which might not be a troop, AND if it happens to be a troop, you have to be super lucky for it to be a legendary at all, even more so one you actually need. The money needed to increase your kingdom is really high, gathering traitstones is a very very boring grind, which I gave up on to be honest, rewards from tributes and Arena have been decreased, making also souls harder to come by - and people should really stop talking about the double tributes, since it only works for people who actually CAN upgrade their kingdoms enough for them, that is, NOT the new players. Troops are more important than ever to get and to level up, but more difficult to actually gain. And of course, only those in huge guilds can really feel like not much has changed because they keep getting most of their keys/maps/masteries/gems from the tasks, which most new players (or players who simply don’t belong to big guilds) cannot get. Which increases furthermore the discrepancy.

Now the game might not be pay-to-win in the sense that spending money is more of a boost than anything else - you don’t get special OP troops that F2P players can’t have, for instance -; however, it has become even harder than before for new players to advance in the game. They need more of every resource, while being able to gather less.

Actually, that’s entirely wrong, @Jainus. If you put the time before 1.0.8 and belonged to a big guild, then you’d have accumulated enough keys/gems/overall resources to do alright when switching to the new GoW. If you didn’t, you feel kind of screwed. And the time needed to grind whatever it is you need has been significantly increased. For instance, grinding traitstones is probably the most boring thing ever, so I just went back to playing the Arena again and only have water and earth traitstones to show for it. Playing is supposed to be fun, not work.

Actually, no, you’re not an example, just like someone like MrSammy is not an example. High-level players who started ages ago and belong to top guilds are NOT examples. You have access to a ton more resources through guild tasks, you have opened a lot more chests giving you a lot more troops, you had probably gathered enough money to upgrade all of your kingdoms early on, and switching to 1.0.8 proably gave you a ton of chests to open, which meant more troops to ascend, more traitstones to develop traits, and overall more resources. That’s not where lower level players come from. You’re not an example, you’re just someone who started earlier than they did.

I’m all with @Machiknight on this, he makes some valid points.

Don’t get me wrong, I love how the new system has added some more depth to the game, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to dismiss new players’ concerns when it’s pretty obvious they got the bad side of the deal. And I hate the title change which makes it sound far more whining than it should. Veteran players might disagree, but I actually think there is some truth to what is being said. Maybe the overall way of saying it is unpleasant to some, maybe they could have phrased it more nicely, but the fact remains that the game is much more difficult for lower level players than it was before.

Edit: I removed “emotive” from the title, which I think is an addition that feels a bit unfair - you can’t criticize someone for having a harsh title and then edit the thread title with a title just as biased.


This sounds like a matter of resource farming, or to be precise, the inadequate options for resource farming.

Before, gems really aren’t that big of a deal. Most of the players only have to pay enough to get their 500-gem Suit. And every so often I would pull out my credit card during gem sales to show my support for the game. Between guild tasks and Kingdom tributes, it was also fairly easy to farm gems. I mean, I for one will admit I can get over 1000+ gems per month, and most of the time I turn those into Gold to feed back into the Guild.

Now, however, we are seeing a much bigger demand for Gold and Gems in order to push along the new game features, BUT our resource farming options have been SEVERELY limited.

This is probably fine for most of the old players, who have dedicated months and months of playtime to accumulate in-game resources and, frankly, rightfully deserve the advanced benefits of the new features. However, from a new player point of view, the game suddenly becomes harder to farm for free resources, and I can see how the power-disparity between new and old players can be very frustrating.

I remember as a newbie player, I can get all excited on a 3, 4 city tribute proc and getting 10 and 15 gems rewards. However, new players now will never get to see this. A whopping 5-city proc now only gives 4 gems. This is really a pittance compares to the kind of efforts needed to feed into the new 1.0.8 features.

I think the best way to at least appease some of the pay-to-win frustrations is to


This will at least gives the newer players a steady source of gems. To be honest, it took me almost half a year of play time and set up to be able to farm 1000 gems/month. Keep in mind that most mobile games attention span usually only lasts 4 or 5 months top. And FRANKLY, with the Gem Chests cost the way they are, 1000+ gems a month will only give about 150 Gem Keys. Given the heavy resource-dependence of the Ascending and Trait systems, I really don’t see how this can be such an Unbalance issue at all…


no I have used all my keys before the patch , I wanted a maximum of mythic , the features are a plus for me , but I prefer +5 stats

There’s many way to earn more money, level up the difficulty, prefer upgrade first kingdom that gives you money…as you can see the rewards of kingdom was improve

Yes i’m an old player, but i see new player in my team grow up fast their kindgom, and guild don’t give you money…

but who requires you to this ?? you can play for fun, it is you who want to have all and in this case yes it takes work

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Is that supposed to be a serious answer?

Ok, so you started 1.0.8 with a ton of troops to ascend. Which lower level players could obviously not do. That IS an advandtage.

I disagree. Playing in higher difficulty is fine if you actually can do it. Which means if you have troops that CAN compete with the buffed-up troops said difficulties pit you against. I don’t really see newer players able to do that, especially since the increased rewards are not good enough to incite them to do so, which means battling against harder opponents for a pretty low increase in resources. Moot point the way I see it.

Then there’s the fact that upgrading a kingdom is super expensive. It doesn’t matter if you choose one and stick to it, money is scarce when you start the game, and the two people I know IRL who are lower level than me are very far from having their kingdoms maxed. It is a gold sink, and the tributes are very long-term investment. Don’t tell me it’s an improvement for lower level players, because that’s plain wrong.

No, guilds give you souls, needed to upgrade troops and therefore kingdoms; they give you maps, which grants all kind of resources; they give you gems, useful to buy armours, keys, souls and gold; they give you keys, useful to get, well, everything really. You’re in a top guild? Of course a newbie is going to improve fast, a lot, LOT faster than any other new player who is not. That’s actually proves my point.

And where did I EVER say I want it all? I’m talking about the frustrations of new players, but yoi know, read whatever you want…


You must understand one thing , the game is like this and your complaints will change nothing

Has you to adapt and find solutions

Playing mostly as you like

Oh well, if you’re against people discussing, that explains it all. :smile: