Arena - too much advantage for experienced players?

I would agree that the arena is probably used far more than this tiny amount of people on the forums think.

Wow. Not only belligerent, but arrogant, annoying and projecting as well. You win the trifecta!


Okay, letā€™s calm it down and try and be civilā€¦ Not that I really disagree, but letā€™s keep it nice pleaseā€¦

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Donā€™t forget that low level troops will get raised to level 15 as part of the deal. Still, Iā€™d prefer an option to buy at one gem without the level up deal attached.

Thereā€™s one approach you might find useful, keep some souls stashed away just for buying arena troops. The price gets calculated once you retrieve the reward, so you can push it down to a single gem at that point. Decide on a small subset of troops you will pick every time they are offered, once those are covered itā€™s quite common to either directly get the one gem deal or only having to level up one troop for it. Donā€™t forget that 1000 gold will let you restart arena with a new selection of troops if you absolutely donā€™t like what you are offered.

Arenaā€™s cost is like that of the old chest system. Let me explain why i believe this. First off both cost you 1000 gold. Secondly both gave you 3 troops. Now when the old chest system was in place you had the ability to get higher rewards for your gold. Thirdly the rewards for both were luck based. You had a larger pool from chests sure but you could only get one of each rarity from arena but the troop pulls were always random. This is not to say that the arena was inferior to the old chest system but that each had itā€™s good points to them. If you are not in a guild then arenaā€™s rewards might feel like a waste of time do to the fact that your trophies get trashed. Back then souls were not vary important either. Now with the new chest system you can target to some degree the rarity of a troop in order to get them. That alone would make arena seem useless to players unless they are having trouble getting a specific troop. I think that arena still has itā€™s own upsides but that it is no longer comparable to the new chest system. Also let us not forget that experienced player by this point already have maxed out their commons and possible rares so the advantage is minimal at best. i would wager that those over 200 have gotten every common already and that those over 500 have maxed them for kingdom stars. The reason i think this is because those experienced players had to go through a previous update where by troop levels effected kingdom levels.The devs decided later to make it gold instead and then later implement troop leveling into the mix along with the gold cost but they also added in the required trait cost as well. The only reason you want extra troops is because you want more stars in your kingdom which does not always help you. Asending a troop is only as good as the troop itself and most troops from arena are not very good as far as the meta in concerned.

Thanks for your input!

Yeah, also you will have to run a ton of arenas if you gonna make an common into mythic. From Legendary to Mythic for a common you need 100 copies, f.example. Starting to get some sense now of the arena. :slight_smile: I would probably try it later, but that would surely mostly be for fun.


Glad to hear this. =)

Nothingā€™s more important than having fun in a game anyway! :slight_smile:
Hope youā€™ll like it. :slightly_smiling:


So true. :joy:

Glad to hear that you were glad to hear it. lol :slightly_smiling:

For commons (and rares), you want to rely on gold keys. Use arena to buy ultra-rares and consider the two other troops a gift. Ever since patch 1.0.8 removed iron keys I find it next to impossible to get ultra-rare troops otherwise. You either have to be in a top guild (which will get you up to a few dozen glory keys each day) or you have to spend your glory (which is a bad deal, considering this will cause you to miss out on event chests).

Yeah, thats spot on. Some of my ultra rares is so hard to get. Herdmaster already is Legendary here, Giant spider is just Epic. Arena would been a good help for some ultra rares:)

Not trying to go off topicā€¦ but being one who enjoys playing both Arena & Treasure Hunt and find them to be a nice addition to the overall GoW experience, I must askā€¦ do a lot of the ā€˜hard coreā€™ players simply play PvP, and nothing else? - I have to be honest, that in itself sounds to be quite boring. (my own opinion of course) And yes, I understand getting the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak, as far as profits acquired and wanting to gain as much as possible for minimal efforts. But I just canā€™t imagine that playing PvP alone would hold my interest, at least not for long. So yes, I too play for the fun/enjoyment of it all, as some other good folks have stated above.

And yes, Iā€™ve only been playing for just around 8 weeks, with a guild thatā€™s only been active for maybe 7? Itā€™s only casual, but active. Iā€™ve already donated nearly a million gold so far, and this is simply so others get the additional keys and gems and to build up the guild masteries. And since Iā€™m only missing something like 9 troops, and having like 3/4 of what I do have already at lvl 15, I almost feel Iā€™m rushing through the game as it is. But all this was accomplished playing all parts of the game and just having fun. And hope they even look at adding some additional mini-games to be honest.

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I guess you could call me a hardcore player - Iā€™ve played every day since last August - and I play all three modes of the game every day.

I only play pvpā€¦arena is ok, treasure hunt canā€™t hold my attention.

I mostly play Arena. PVP is okay in small doses (once a week is generally enough for me). I like Treasure Hunt while Iā€™m playing it, but I generally get bored after a couple of maps or so; then they pile up and eventually Arch plays them for me. ^^

You play one PVP invade/defend every week?