3.5 update screenshots (part 2)

It won’t take as long as you think, if your hero class is already level 20 you will be able to use 4 perks

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there is also the champion class exp to gain on top of class wins

What in blazes does a player with every mythic and all legendaries spend gems on that makes them more valuable than diamonds? I feel like at that point both gems and diamonds are pointless.

what about orb of ascension for Aurai?

I guess gems continue getting you mythics and can be spent on a bunch of other stuff? I dunno, I still have to buy my weekly weapons with gems because I haven’t got all the mythics! But that was the only reason I could think of for people crafting weapons on the reg

This will be a disaster…

Let’s hope (against hope), that tributes aren’t made worse and that they’re not going to introduce more shops to drain resources in order to force purchase of gems.


Don’t get me wrong, I am totally all for making it clearer for newer players! And I am also a fan of clear goals! The issue is what those goals are. From the screenshots and data known, I find things like unlocking the hero class (which means doing all the quests) perfectly reasonable. As is traiting X troops or leveling X troops (because this is how it was until now).

But upgrading a weapon of a kingdom to whatever is bad. First, you need such a weapon. We all know that, besides the free weapons that come with levels, weapons are either real-money only (weekly weapon of the kingdom), in the invasion/raid shop (gem sink) or in the soulforge (diamond sink). On top of it, these things are not available forever, but only in their respective weeks, so saving up gems for three weeks to afford a weapon is not a thing that can be easily done for a new players who will get very little tribute to begin with.

And then there’s this upgrade system, which is, according from what the beta testers say, structured as a walling system. As in, you can accomplish two of the three goals to upgrade the kingdom in a reasonable time while the third one walls you forever. And that’s not a good mechanic in any game. Being stuck is never good. A lot of people like to grind - either PVP or Explore and forcing the players into PVP with the new system is already bad enough - and GoW is grindy in itself. But if you are stuck with no progress, that’s not good. Gating things in a way that you need gems/real money to progress is never good. Giving free players the feeling of “I am steadily progressing, just slower than cashers” is the way to go. But making players stuck forever on a task while they are long done with the others is really, really frustrating. Especially if that task also forces you into a game mode which you might or might not like.

So, tl;dr: I like the idea behind the new system. I just don’t like the tasks shown; in particular the weapon task. The others seem okay. Even the “get a mythic” task is okay for the higher star levels, given that they can’t be gotten these days without the mythic, either (I am missing only Gard in Whitehelm, for example, and it’s blocking me from 9 stars even before the patch).

Basically, I approve of the idea of clear tasks to level the kingdoms, but some of the tasks shown are just crap.
As for the weapon system… there is still absolutely zero I like about it. :confused:

I hope that made my point clearer.


I strongly disagree.

The devs have shown a repeated propensity to listen immediately following a release, NEVER EVER days after it has been submitted to the platforms for release into the live environment.

We will see. I have been “campaigning” for changes for over two and a half YEARS, Multiple times for a myriad of fair changes to daily tasks. So far it doesn’t look promising, but I’ll wait and see.

They should be the same as they are now.

You already know the answer to this. :wink:


Go sleep you need to stream in 6h :stuck_out_tongue:


From what I saw, they didn’t nerf tributes. However, you could argue that it will be harder to reach juicy tribute levels like 9 star with the new system.


Once again I urge you all to wait and see how things are once the update is live then provide feedback.


When will the update be released on PS4?

Usually 5-6h from now

They honestly need to lead with the negative way way more often. When you trickle out a bunch of information trying to build hype for a new update but conveniently avoid anything that players might view negatively until a last second reveal or just until the patch itself hits, obviously this is going to be the main topic of discussion. Instead, they try to hide the bad as much as possible, diverting attention away and even going as far as slightly misrepresenting changes to highlight only stuff that they feel will be universally liked. And this is not new, this is done pretty much every single patch (“we removed infinite repeat guild tasks, but the new guild task system is actually a resource buff for everyone but the top 1%”, “we had to nerf tasks because 4x speed gives more gold”, “we changed kingdoms players didn’t understand the old system”.) By trying to hide the bad, they are just making it more intently scrutinized as we go into a good patch, even when I can objectively say that the change itself may be better for the game long term.

One could argue when people find out about the “catch” since complaints usually blow over within a week or two every time, but as it stands, pretty much every patch for what should be me looking forward is tainted by negativity because we weren’t told up front and us actively trying to find out what has been nerfed since they aren’t up front about it. It ends up feeling like I’m being worked against rather than them crafting my game experience for the better, even though the latter is certainly the goal. The way it is now, once you’ve been through a few patches, its hard to even reach a state where you are honestly 100% looking forward to a new patch because you don’t know if this is the patch that will rip away the last bit that lets you connect with the game.

tl;dr: Bad news first, rip the band-aid off, then build hype. If I can trust that information that might “negatively” affect my ability as a player is always relayed up front, then I’d be much less apprehensive about patches, and more more forgiving about the “negative” changes that do happen. Having them always revealed last generally leaves a bad taste in my mouth and negatively impacts how I reflect on patches in the future.


Is it coming today or tomorrow? If today how much clock

I believe it is planned to arrive in the next 12 hours.

I actually agree with your sentiment. But, I haven’t seen a single game company, or any other company for that matter, do this. Companies generally lead with the sparkles/positivity while minimizing the things that the player/consumer won’t be happy with. So, I’m not at all surprised that the companies behind GoW follow that same path.


Today, depending where you from. Usually they release it around 20-21h EST
Pc and mobile get it first then xbox then PS4

We are from Germany near Luxembourg