Console Task Update!

There has been quite a bit of activity regarding the new tasks high-level players have been getting since our last update. We would like to thank all the folks who have had such useful & insightful things to say. And those who have been less insightful… well your thoughts still count!

One part of the revamp was to change the endgame tasks such that you can only complete 4 a day, maximum. We’re very happy with that thus far, and don’t have any plans to change it.

But there has been some call for more varied rewards, and shorter tasks. And we’re inclined to agree that those sound like good changes. And so we’re ready to make a small change to the server-side data which will change those tasks later today. If you have a task in-progress that changes, you may experience some slight weirdness… that’s to be expected. Your completed tasks should give the proper new rewards, and your new tasks should rotate in on the next day without issue.

NOTE: This ONLY applies to console players who have progressed enough to be finishing the “repeating” tasks.

As of later today, the new list of possible repeating tasks, and their corresponding rewards, will be as follows:

  • Use 3 gem keys : 10 gems
  • Contribute at least 50,000 gold to guild tasks : 12 gems
  • Earn 40 trophies : 20 gems
  • Use 5 treasure maps : 40 glory
  • Make 100 5-matches : 15 gems
  • Use 100 gold keys : 10 gems
  • Use 30 glory keys : 10 gems
  • Make 25 successful invasions : 15 gems
  • Win 10 battles using 4 unique troops of the same color : 10 gems
  • Win 10 battles using 4 unique troops from the same kingdom : 10 gems
  • Win 10 battles using 4 unique troops of the same race : 10 gems
  • Win 75 battles : 30 gems
  • Earn 500 souls in battle : 12 gems
  • Win 15 battles using at least 3 unique Knights : 10 gems
  • Win 15 battles using at least 3 unique Monsters : 10 gems
  • Win 15 battles using at least 3 unique Beasts : 10 gems
  • Win 15 battles using at least 3 unique Humans : 10 gems
  • Win 15 battles using at least 3 unique Constructs : 10 gems
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Adana : 25 gold keys
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Broken Spire : 3 gem keys
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Pridelands : 5 glory keys
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Khaziel : 2000 gold
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Khetar : 100 souls
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Drifting Sands : 5 gems
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Zhul’Kari : 4 maps
  • Win 8 battles with troops from Whitehelm : 40 glory
  • Win 12 battles using 3 unique blue troops : 6 gems
  • Win 12 battles using 3 unique red troops : 6 gems
  • Win 12 battles using 3 unique green troops : 6 gems
  • Win 12 battles using 3 unique yellow troops : 6 gems
  • Win 12 battles using 3 unique purple troops : 6 gems
  • Win 12 battles using 3 unique brown troops : 6 gems

Wow - thanks for the rapid rebalance! I don’t know if you’ll satisfy everyone with this, but I really like the change overall.

One clarifying question - is this a comprehensive list or a representative one? I.e., I assume there are quests for other troop types and kingdoms that you didn’t list for the sake of redundancy…

I like it more variety its very nice, still would prefer at least 1 task who can be done multiple time but still good thanks for listening your customers

All I can say is, this looks great. Thanks.

At first i was like: this list is terrible but i wanted one, then as i scrolled i was like hey this list is not bad, then i got to the bottom and was like not a bad list and worth doing tasks daily.

Looks very promising! Thanks for the quick turn around time adjusting the rewards, and for reading all the comments players have posted concerning Tasks.

This is the comprehensive list of repeatable tasks. Not all kingdoms/troops are represented, by design. (It can take quite a while to get 4 dragon troops, for example)

More changes will come to the tasks in the future, I’m sure. But this was a quick adjustment we wanted to make. Originally I had planned to just increase rewards a bit, but a few discussions about “varied” rewards led to the kingdom-specific bonuses like gold for Khaziel, etc.

Cool. Just noticed that Wild Plains was gone. That one stood out as a particularly brutal run of 20 battles for me. Oh, and Zaejin is gone too, so no easy goblin runs (which is fine, btw).

Thanks again - I am really looking forward to getting back into this when I’m back from vacation next week.

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Definitely better but still a couple things to mention. Winning 8/12/15 with restrictions is still a lot. And only 4 tasks per day, what could possibly made you think it has been a good choice?

Win 8 from khaziel seems very liw reward.

Do we have to clear the tasks that are currently there to make these ones start to show? I haven’t done a single one of the BCD tasks and dont intend to

It’s a start.




Holy cabbage, you actually made tasks somewhat fun again. The B, C, and D tasks were mutually exclusive to me (20 with Monsters, 20 with Wildfolk, 20 with Wild Plains) so I felt like it wasn’t worth it. Although you should extend the kingdom and troop-specific tasks to include all kingdoms and troop types. The other 12 or 13 kingdoms we have and the Fey, Wildfolk, Marauder, Undead and Giant troop types will start to feel lonely.


Much improved list. I’m not 100% on board with all the tasks still, but leaps and bounds better. Glad the feedback has been productive.

With the initial pass of tasks, most of them were of roughly the same “length.” Now there is much more variety in length. This not only helps people who were asking for shorter tasks - it also gives us another data point for how aggressively people complete tasks, since we can compare tasks against one another.

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Oh tht is a great idea.

Going live right now!


adorably happy squee


Well, let’s go check this out…

And 4 Task Completed. Check again tomorrow.

Guess I have to wait another day.

I have prepped and done things to parts that can not be mentioned in polite company for this.

Aren’t you a PC/Mobile player?