*1 SPOT OPEN* (Rank #13) Heroes United - The Casual Guild that Could. COME AND JOIN THE PARTY

Invite send, glad to have you :)\


-Rules of membership more defined.
-Party hats required.

Hi there!
Iā€™m currently in a guild that has become very erā€¦sedentary as of late. My friend and I are both active contributing members but in a guild of 30 members where only 5 of the members are contributing, it feels very one-sided. Weā€™d very much like to stay in a guild together but itā€™s been hard to find 2 spots so weā€™d very much like to get into this one. I have screenshots of my contributions to the guild if you need them but otherwise our invite codes are LILITH_13 and KORENDIS respectively. Please please please invite us and we will provide much love, gold and trophy-age to your cause =)
PS We went ahead and left our guild so if you send invite codes we will get them =D
Also both of us are over lvl 100 if it makes a difference

Hi ya,

Talk about luck ā€¦ second space opened today!

Two invites sent :smiley:

Pre-emptive welcome to Heroes United :wink:

PS I have been trying Snooka all week and still in a guild ā€¦ first in, best dressed :confused:

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Yay thank you! I saved my arena rewards for this lol. See ya in guild =D

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We have 1 open spot at this moment, so if you wanna join this awesome guild. Leave a reply

Woodchucks! Lasers! Smurfs!

Now with new Steam chat!

One spot open. Join now. :smiley:

Hi, lv 316 here. Will like to join ur guild. invite code is WILSON NEO

No, you silly little goldfish.

Been down that road before, we may be casual, but blatant mooching still not tolerated :wink:


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(I think he didnā€™t know that the guild heā€™d been part of until recently was named ā€œHeroes Unitedā€.)

But, back on topic, guilds are an interesting social experiment that Gems of War has going on. They can fall into vicious or virtuous cycles. If members feel taken advantage of, they tend to contribute less and feel bitter. If members feel the generosity of others, they tend to contribute more and feel gratitude. Heroes United has the latter going on. :slight_smile:


Thank you for the positive feedback. Seriously.

Running a GoW guild is kind of stressful post 1.0.7, especially one without explicitly defined minimum contributions. It involves walking a fine line between fun-stifling authoritarianism and letting the guild rot from neglect.

I was worried about how the new policies would be received and itā€™s been a huge relief to see such a positive response. The guild is stronger than ever and I have all of you to thank for it.


Had to make a couple cuts.

2 spots open to active players willing to donate with the rest of our gloriously generous crew!

Iā€™m interested if you still have a spot. Iā€™m fairly new to the game (level 40) but a daily player and active in PvP.

Hello Blackagar! I tried inviting you under the name 'Blackagar" but that name does not exist. What is your invite code?

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Itā€™s on his/her profile page:

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Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated. Invite sent thanks to dhjl!

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dammm pew you are fast

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Iā€™m basically a wizard :slightly_smiling:

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So slow, you would think there would be more interest in a guild thatā€™s active and climbing :confused:

Ah well, Pew doing the work of 4 or more for now :stuck_out_tongue:


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