What is wrong with moa?

Yeah one random troop

One random troop on one of the three PvP choices. Including a Moa in your team makes it so your team always has a Moa and always counts for the event, not 1 in 3 chance.

Edit: apparently its 50% to have a random troop replaced with a Moa per team. Having a moa on your team already means that you are guaranteed to have a moa on your team and therefore anybody fighting the team would get the bonus traitstone, regardless if the system decided to replace a troop.

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So as I’m trying to test defenses for PvP. The numbers are going to be inaccurate since the AI will be replacing a random troop with Moa? Wow…

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Follow up question…

It’s been stated that the AI in Guild Wars is exactly the same as Ranked PvP. How can that be if one system is able to make certain troops appear while the other isn’t?

They better not touch GW!!!

If you’re testing GW defence teams in regular PVP, your results won’t be representative since attackers won’t be constrained to the daily color anyway. If you’re testing teams for regular PVP, then I guess you’ll just have to wait until the event is over and ignore any results for however long this lasts.

The numbers are inaccurate regardless. My four moa team got 14 wins in the short time it was up, doubtless because people were farming it in casual PvP which still inexplicably awards you with a win.


When people talk about AI I believe they are talking about what the computer opponent does once in battle, eg what gems to match and when to cast spells.

What you fight in battle is separate to that, and is sent by the server before the battle even starts.

So the game is using the same AI, it’s just playing with Moas now.


Best explanation ever!

I know the numbers aren’t accurate, but unfortunately, it’s the best (and only) way to test. Agreed, The Moa thing is definitely causing a bug. So 4 Fire Bombs it is. :relaxed:

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No, thats a long standing bug. Getting beaten in casual PvP has been adding a win for as long as I can remember. Putting a Moa just makes you more likely to be targeted in casual PvP, for people looking to get through all the event bonuses at the same time by refreshing with gold. You’ll get a large number of wins with full firebombs too. I’ve had nothing but firebombs and moas up all week, and I have more defense wins than losses.


Yes, putting up a comically inept team has always increased my win rate due to this bug.

Does that mean I can confirm HL3?

Yeah please that would be good news :slight_smile:

I must say I’m loving this special event. Something different to spice things up. I hope they do things like this more often and double xp weekends and double gold weekends etc.

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That isn’t a meme, it’s a fact.


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And just like that, the whole Meta has been fixed.:joy: I haven’t lost against a single wannabe-Kraken/Troll/Mab team since the event started anymore because there’s a Moa in there now. :stuck_out_tongue: Also had a replaced Famine and a replaced Psion in the other PVP-meta-hellteam-combo so far. No more complaining!

Well, as my cellphone’s notifications woke me up, i decided to edit my previous post to be more clear on the memes thing.


With things clear, good night mates! Guess i hafta try counting kangaroos instead of lambs until i sleep…

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You should have named your team “Flaming Moa’s”

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