What is wrong with moa?

It was for killing a moa in pvp

I have yet to see any Arcanes this week.
Usually, during a double TS event, Runics, Arcanes and Celestials seem to drop even less.

Hmm. Itā€™s conceivable that they would replace Arcanes with Celestials for the special event since we can now craft any Arcane we want with 2 Celestials and a few runics and souls.

Bro im pretty sure itā€™s not intended :slight_smile:

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Usually these kind of event reward you for using it or killing it but they give you the choice if you want to participate, in this case it force you :slight_smile:

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For the few double-traitstone events that weā€™ve had on console, Iā€™ve usually just ignored the condition knowing that I can pick up as many Arcanes in 30-60 minutes of explore than I would get as bonus traitstones in a weekā€™s worth of PVP (for the amount I play).

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For the record, I did PVP vs. 4x moas teams only and only in casual so I could repick teams using gold.
And I used a red team too.
Sunbird / Ragnagord / Infernus / Firebomb +1Red + 1Brown banner.

You have about 1/50 chance at an arcane from PvP, so 1/1050 chance at a specific arcane from PvP, and closer to 1/17 for a specific one from explore. Not to mention, even the fastest PvP teams are half as fast as the fastest explore teams. Long term, even 6x traitstones over a short period is still a drop in the bucket given how many total are needed. Short term, it is still not impactful enough to make any significant strides to any specific goal. Seems perfectly okay to me to give people at least the illusion of big prizes for however long it lasts.

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p.s. just saw another person post thisā€¦ 3 Arcanes from killing Moasā€¦


Fortune smiles :grin:


Another one with 6 arcanesā€¦


You all going to be banned moahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

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The devs clearly talked about the ā€œInvasion of the Moasā€ on their twitch stream (HERE: Twitch) so I believe this is working as intended.

Happy Thanksgiving! :slight_smile:

Yup @cyrup just confirmed

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No more 6x traitstonesā€¦ only 3 :frowning:

Well that was pretty fast fix.

Honestly i would prefer goodies in the mail and they leave my defense alone lol

Yep only one bonus traitstone no matter how many moa you fight.

It was a fast fix as it was already implemented and ready to go out later today, but the moa escaped early!

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Using this for the rest of the week regardless, so youā€™ll get the bonus no matter what, even if it is only 1 extra now.

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Im not sure but i think the system will automatically replace one of yout troop for moa so no need to set this

One troop of one of the three choices, not all of them.