What is wrong with moa?

Thank you. I just invaded twice, one had a single moa, the other four moas, but perhaps it will indeed increase my chances of finding four-moa teams.

Not complicate you get 2 traistone for each moa kills

I think that must be one for each moa. Got three with a red team against one, six against four moas.

I keep getting 2 traistone for 1 moa

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Well, this is just to ilustrate things.
But iā€™m not sure if the devs intended to give us so many traitstones and this could be considered an exploitā€¦
Personally, until stated otherwise, iā€™ll avoid PVP for a while.

I donā€™t see 4 moa team yet but i keep doing pvp, i really donā€™t need stones i got plenty so i donā€™t care if they take it back

I mean im not running aftet these team but if it is in 3 trophy i will do it

If I understand this correctly, this can only possibly benefit me if I happen to get an arcane or celestial in the same PVP battle where someone has put up 4 Moas in defence (since I already have more minors, majors and runics than I will ever use)? The odds of that are pretty remote, to say the least. Seems like a traitstone bonanza for new players and a momentary oddity for endgamers.


A chance to live The Great Emu War. :laughing:


So should we all be using 4x Musketeer in PVP then?

I think weā€™ve successfully decoded this weekā€™s eventā€¦


Iā€™m honestly expecting to read a funny story from @Sirrian for such event. :joy:

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I wonder if they remove completely the arcanes with team that contains 1 or more moas, I`ve spent 2 hours farming teams with 4x moas and not a single arcane drop, never happened before ever.
So if you face a team with a moa you get no arcanes. At least for me.

Just had 3 celestial drop.

The odds of an arcane dropping in PVP are only about one in 32 (about 3%), so it wouldnā€™t be really improbable to get a run of 50 or even 100 matches where you donā€™t get an arcane. Iā€™m sure someone with a better stats background could determine the probability, but I wouldnā€™t assume too much just yet.

Itā€™s working as intended. It was just released earlier than it was supposed to. Should get official word of it tonight.

How do you know this?

Canā€™t reveal my sources. Sorry. :wink:

Well someone told me that you smell like pickles. But I canā€™t say who.


Both are sources seem to be knowledgeable then.


Just got 2 celestial @stan :stuck_out_tongue:


Was that from using an all-red team or was there a Moa on the defender team?

If it was from a Moa, itā€™s interesting that everyone who has posted multiples here has had Celestials and not Arcanes, though.