[Weekly Event] Let's help each other out

This is why i set sorta good easy to crush teams.


Thank you Killermann for that.

Most aren’t. I mean what is the point if the first troop of the team is Bone Dragon, or EK still or worse 4 Queen Mabs (gah…)


Do you use scouting? If not, 4x Mab might be a pain, but otherwise it’s an automatic with for you. Just take an all impervious/mana shield team.

I’ve kind of accepted there is the pool of players that want to give everyone variety and/or help with the event. Then there are those looking for every defensive win. I feel like I benefit more from helping out and all the great revenge/rival combos I get for it.


Agreed. Even though I never put up a “standard meta” defense team, now that I change mine to the event thing each week, I am getting way more defenses than I used to. Not sure why, or maybe I’m over exaggerating… Also seem to get more wins than I used to (the non-meta teams I put up before were pretty wimpy, really). But anyway, I’ll certainly take the extra glory for revenges/rivalries.


I don’t put bone dragon in there but I don’t like to completely roll over so try to make my team at least a little challenging. IMO PvP would be totally boring if you could steamroll every team without even a hint of threat


Steamroll every team without threat=Boring?!

Such a thing is the reason I wake up in the morning.


I imagine this is you against one level 5 snowy owl @HKdirewolf


I imagine it’s more like this:

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I think everyone who provides event troops makes easier fights than the standard Mantibore/BD+Courage (or other standard) teams.
And 4 Queen Mabs are a lot easier to beat than that, although they can be quite annoying.
But fighting every fight against a single sacrifice would become boring too. I for one have been enjoying the different variety of 4 event troop teams I have met. Some were a little challenging, some were easier but in the end I won all. So in my opinion it’s great that everyone puts up a little different event troops and I myself also switch a little between putting 4 super easy troops out or just 4 event troops (this week I was only looking that I covered more than 3 mana colors).

I just wish there were more people putting event troops out.


Don’t be afraid of the big bad Mab.
Took out 4 Mab team using EK, Amira, Wayfinder, Corrupt Sorceress.
It seems a swarm of Froslings have descended on the land of GoW like locusts.


I love those little buggers… Put SilverMaiden in front, with Settite and off we just pound. Let them web the two lower troops…

But I stopped actively going for the 400 today. I have traitstones to farm…souls to collect.

I’d like to thank everyone that changed their teams. I’m only 10 stones or so short, so I’ll easily finish it today, playing PvP exclusively the whole week. While there are many general meta teams (or those that seem to have been prepared a week or 3 ago and not changed since ;)) there is also quite a few of them with Glacial Peaks troops - enough to average over 1.5 stone/fight - well, aiming for it obviously, but still…
Thanks again :slight_smile:


Btw, there may be a reason why we’re not seeing teams that fit the week’s focus.

Today I stumbled on a bug and was able to reproduce it.

If I am in PVP and do anything to edit the team when at the start of the match, - IT changes my Defense team to match that team I just updated.

I found my Glacier team was no longer my defender team but my #1 powerhouse team because it started to win as a defender…which was odd.

I wonder how many others alter or tweak their teams at the start of a PVP round and don’t even realize that they’ve changed their defender team (Thanks to @Lyya for the headsup on this bug too)


Indeed, it’s easy to forget about this bug even when you’ve known about it for ages, and leave your offense on defense for days…

I didn’t know about this bug and kept wondering how my defense team defaulted back to my #1 team.

Now I know… go out make changes then come back

I noticed today when I was checking how many more revenge wins I need for the gold that my defence team reverted back to my Justice/Mab team. I was wondering how my defence team was winning so much the last few days. I edit my Justice/Mab team first slot all the time depending what I’m going up against and what traits my first slot will need. I’ll be sure to check my defence team whenever I make any changes to my invading teams.

I just noticed that today too!
Anyway, since there’s no particular need for any defense set up for this week’s event, I guess I’ll share my glory-farming team instead:

Basically Incubus is getting the bench. It’s nice when he fires off tho, but most of the time he’s just there as the male cheerleader.

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Totally. I am going to do enough to get him to Mythic through the weekly chest but that’s about it.

Wonder if anyone is going to put a stall team on defence to give their opponent time to gather those stones.

good enough for you?