Vn4ever (Top 5 guild) is recruiting

@illusion @Legolas1991 Hi there, thank you for your interest in our guild! We are currently full right now but I will let our guild leader YOYO know! We are a very friendly guild, with our very own @Tacet here, and not to mention many weekly top 100 leaders such as tatooie, Trevor, techne9neee and many many more (sorry if i didnt put down your names ;P). We look forward and welcome all of the future gem warriors to join our journey, who enjoys the game and work together to take back our number one spot!

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Forgot to say we always have first hand source for redeem code thanks to @Tacet :grin::grin:

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Hello thx for geting back to my message , but im curently in Anonymous they where recruiting as well and got me in today thx for the offer thow and yeah i know tacet he is so god player and person too !!!

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Hi i am level 295 and a friendly active player. I normally donate around 500k and 4-500 thropies. So i would like to join if you have any space open. My invite code is Andesen and i am now in Blockbusters rank 57

Hi , i player LvL 185, i can contribute with 300k gold and 300 trophies weeak
Invite code : DRAKEHER

Invite code DRAKEHERO

hello,i`m interested in joining the guild,i can donate gold and trophies every day.
very active in pvp
invite code:LITTLE RED HOOD

Looking for an open spot, all my kingdoms are maxed, and I donate 1mil gold minimum per week, plus 400+ trophies


Very active guild with lots of quality players. Be sure to keep an eye out for next available spot.
Feel free to contact us if interested !
3-;)—~ or o-:)-----

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We will not buy you an armor, neither golden panties, or whatever you could dream of. But we will surely provide you a great amount of keys and gems every week, a good number of masteries and serve you with a good advice whenever you will need one. Feel free to contact any of us if interested in joining.


I am very interested dude. Sent PM.

I’ll be in touch with you. Cheers.

I just updated the topic to fit our current rules.

if anyone is interested in joining our guild please contact @YOYO he’s the guild owner and the one responsible for kicking and inviting other members.

thanks all

sorry for the double post,

for whoever wants to join, we’re looking for best of the best players who can provide us with ATLEAST the minimum requirement which is 300 trophies + 300k gold per week. but you will get 1000-1500 glory keys per week atleast in return for your contribution.

please send a PM to @YOYO to whoevery wants to join our guild.

thank you

Edit: we have few spots open now

We still have 4 slot open.

Our guild generates 1500+ glory keys and 1200+ gems every week.

Come and join us!

Hi. I’m now at level 590 and i’am willing to donate as much as your guild requirement. But i’m in a other guild now, so please let me know when you are able to send invite.

Thought I’d stop by for a minute:)

I’ve been in the clan for a week now and I was surprised they gave me a chance, being relatively low-level compared to most of the members. The welcome was warm and I was pleased to see there is a high level of activity, in chat and in gameplay. Everybody fullfills their contribution with nice rewards for everyone in return.

The new guild system has shaken up several clans but the members in this clan stay committed to being competitive and cheerful, something I was looking for.

That being said, they are still looking for new members, imo a great opportunity !

Grtz, bjorn.

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Nice sentiments @Thegreyorc. Yoyo is a nice stable fair guild leader. I almost suspect he manages a major corporation from his ability to motivate and encourage.

We are a nice stable guild. We won’t push you past the 300/300 level and burn you out. Yes, we love the weeks when a member shoots for top 20, but we also know that can burn you out. We have long term players that can put in for a vacation week or two, and come back refreshed.

Our team does have a passion for the game. Want to see a fun reaction, troll them with map and soul tasks. Start a debate on which Crimson Bat team is best, and get multiple great versions based on each players style.

It’s a great guild where you can have a Work, Life, Gems of War Balance.

Only 2 spots left now.

Can do 300kgold and 300 trophies a week. my invite code is AristaCatt 1 if that doesnt work try AristaCatt_1 i can usually contribute a lot more gold that that per week around 500k to 1 mil a week.

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