Vn4ever (Top 5 guild) is recruiting


I’m looking to join a more serious guild. I am currently level 215, I have about half of the kingdoms level 10 and I’m working on the rest at the moment. I can contribute about 300 trophies and 300K gold per week.

Are there any available spots in your guild?

My invite code is TANIS_15


hello everyone,

we have few spots open at this moment. for those who wants to join our guild please send a PM to @YOYO or put a post here with your invite code.


EDIT: currently we have 2 spots open and a third might open up.

If you’re looking for a job in real life, we are apparently the guild to come to. We lost a long term player to a real life job he’d been hoping for.

Waiting for that call back? Come join us! :sunglasses:


EDIT: Read your comment wrong, my apologies.

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Been in for a few weeks now and really enjoying it. Friendly crew and lots of strong contributors. I’m pretty sure I’ve netted around 2k gems each week.

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we still have a spot open for whoever wants to join let me know

Free bump to congratulate @YOYO on hitting a thousand!


if you still have a spot, I’m level 330 or so, have all my kingdoms maxed, and can easily do 500k+ per week. Just looking for a good guild to invest the gold in! Invite code is GUSTOV_14

See post hereunder :relaxed:

For anyone who wants to join please make a post here in this topic or send a message to @YOYO

thanks :slight_smile:

Hello everyone,

we currently have a spot open for who wants to join us instantly, please post your invite code or send a Pm to @YOYO with the invite code.
The minimum requirement to join is 300k gold and 300 trophies per week.

Thanks All

Edit: the spot is still open (September 5th)

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LEGOLAS_11 i would love to join you guys

hello legolas,

please leave your current guild so we can sent the invite, reply to this message so I can invite you as soon as ou leave

i left my guild

We have two more slots opening this week. If you’re interested, please let @JackBauer know, or respond to this post.

We can pick you up any time, but we only have 1 task left this week, so I’m sure we can work out a Sunday recruitment.

We plan on working to complete all tasks all week, and are reviewing our contributions. I expect they will stay the same minimums.

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I‘m interested in joining the top guild,
level 781 ,all cities lvl 10 , can donate 600K gold minimum per week, plus 300+ trophies
invite code: ZIGURRAT

Level288, all kingdoms lvl10, invite code: ENTROPIA, VIP11,can buy guild keys every week

We are full again for the time.

Hi my name is T0X1C. I am looking for an active guild.
Invite code: T0X1C
I am currently level 237. All 25 kingdoms level 10.

I should be able to easily meet your Weekly Requirements:
✪ 500+ trophies
✪ 500,000+ gold

If you are currently full I would love to be added to your wait list.

I am still in my current guild but I will leave right away if you have an opening.
Let me know if you are interested.

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Hello T0X1C,

we are currently full but you’ll be the first one to get an invite as soon as a spot opens

you’ll receive a PM telling you to leave your current guild when we get a spot :slight_smile:

thank you