Video: BIGGEST Drop Fail Ever - RIP $700+ Worth of Gems

Getting enough Glory to at least unlock the new troops is not that difficult. Getting enough per week to buy arcanes is another matter…

Unlocking them isn’t the issue that I was defining, but unlocking, leveling and traiting.

What about the existing $50 Legendary packs? Those are guaranteed. How is that not “P2W” by your definition?


Oh yeah, those exist lol.

Yeah that defines P2W to a degree. However, I’m not a Dev saying this game is F2P while slipping P2W options in the back door.

With these drop rates, I am very worried about console.

Our economy is far behind the PC economy. I am in a top 25 guild and only have about 2k glory keys and 2.5k gems after about 2 months of saving up, and guarantee that’s one of the best returns of any guild on Xbox. Only a few guilds in the top 10 are getting more resources than that.

With the new system we aren’t going to come close to contributing the 16 mil + required to “finish” the guild tasks (my guild contributes about 2 mil per week, which again is a top tier guild for the xbox; I doubt more than 5 guilds are doing more than that) and we are going to suffer far worse on resource loss with the new system. This will make those of us who like to collect towards a complete troop collection much more of a fiction that something realistically achievable with the current mythic drop rates. I could easily spend the last 2 months’ worth of resources to try and get a single mythic and fail.

I would implore the console devs to look at this issue and come up with something, since we don’t have the same problems that PC/Mobile has. Even the #1 guild on Xbox I am skeptical if they will max out their guild tasks in the new system.

I’m not planning to acquire any mythics with the way the rollout is planned. I’m going to focus my resources on acquiring Mab (maybe 2 copies) and Khorvash. To the extent resources allow, I’ll pick up as many of the other troops as possible, and if things are going well, will try for the other legendaries if there are weeks I can target them with event chests. I would like to have a complete collection, but to expect that I should be able to have one is not reasonable, in my opinion. At my level of play, being complete at legendary and below will be more than enough. Any mythics that happen to drop for me will be a bonus.


Is it wrong that I want them to introduce a $75 pack for the Mythic troops so if there’s once I really want to play with I can guarantee I get it? (I’m probably too thrifty/cheap to actually buy it, but I’m sure some would.)

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" I didn’t get a new card of the highest rarity 5 minutes after it got released => SOMETHING IS WRONG, FIX PLEASE"

I’ll just sit here smiling silently at every single variation of this line that was/will be posted here :wink: so please carry on, make my day.


Your comment only makes sense in a true RNG environment. When P2W mechanics are introduce whose sole purpose is to do exactly what you are attempting to make fun of, your comment shows either a 1) intend to troll for the lolz or 2) a complete lack of understand for how P2W works or 3) both.

Enjoy your lolz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: Actually, @VegaDark541’s comment (below) is even more on point than mine. Lolz denied.

Your point would be accurate if months worth of resources were not used in an attempt to get said troop. For an average player under the current system, the amount of resources spent trying to get this troop could easily be 6 months’ worth or more to no avail.


I’ve felt this bite myself (Plague). The thing I hate about the caps was I spent real money for bonuses to get those extra gold/soul boosts for the purpose of completing tasks to get gems to get the cards I’m missing. Those purchases in my opinion lost their value since they no longer provide the end resources I purchased them for. Gold alone cannot get legendary or mythics so that excess gold is a waste. Hopefully they will create a mythic task system and initiate the once we get a card to mythic it gets taken out of possible pulls would be great. I’m kind of hoping that’s what the guardians were, a trial run.


I don’t know how many examples like this we need to get the right reaction from the devs…


Going to need way more than 1 (or 10) when you factor in the number of players there are.

For every player like Tacet, there’s been a player who got the Mythic in WAY less attempts.

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At this point i’m a very disappointed that you are not being productive. :angry:
You could be creating some hoax about how to get the mythics and spread those around!
Something like: Before opening the vip chests put your phone into the microwave, and turn it on for 30 secs at max potency. After that get your phone with cooking gloves, to not burn your hands, and open 50 vip chests. Done! You will get at least two Mythics!

Is that before or after you drill a headphone jack into your iPhone 7?

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My question with that logic is, what happens to trait stones and other not troop stuff you get in chests?

What makes it more disheartening for me is seeing many of my guildmates, often the same ones, getting the last two mythics, (some using few resources) when I have spent as much or far more and got neither.

Tacet my friend I still don’t have a single horseman. After all this time I have no idea of the insane amount of gems and glory keys I spent and still not get them. Imagine how I feel. And I am in a top guild that’s very active and we get more rewards (there for more chances to get stuff) than probably 95% of the rest of the players. . To represent what I mean by activity we completed 5/6 tasks and are at 10/12 for the last one. I doubt than more than about 20 guild finish that much tasks. Still no horseman.


And you still got your new mythic. Me? Still no horseman, not even dreaming about getting this mythic xD

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