Video: BIGGEST Drop Fail Ever - RIP $700+ Worth of Gems

With Mythics becoming a monthly enterprise, I completely agree with an increase in their drop rate. VIP should guarantee a mythic from every 50 chests, at least. $100+ for 50 chests is ludicrously priced.


Yeah I definitely wasn’t arguing with you. Anyone who thinks the current system is fine is either making money from it or deluded (or both lol).


That is P2W territory

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Or just doesn’t care much (like I do)

Not caring ≠ thinking the system is fine. Apathy is not agreement

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It isn’t P2W if everyone can repeat the same process to procure the card. The game is already P2W, just takes much much more money to do so.

Whatever. I try to stay out of this discussion (but I usually fail :sweat_smile:) . Since the very first mythic released I’ve realized that I probably won’t get them. I’m not dropping hundreds of dollars for a single card.

EDIT: @PinkMooNinja I’ve seen worse P2W issues. This game doesn’t feel P2W at all.

EDIT2: Rewrote the comment to sound a bit nicer. Sorry.

I know you weren’t arguing with me, ha ha. I just wanted to chime in and say that your above post was what I would’ve said to people regarding the current system.

It was a solid post, man! : ))

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You should be the spokesperson for it. You have the respect around here required to say things like that and for people to care. Go forth Master ogunther!

And that’s your choice but it doesn’t really mean anything. You can pretend anything you like but that doesn’t effect the reality that everyone else is living in. Good on you for figuring out a way to not care.

Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

P2W would be guaranteed drops, right now all you are buying is Gems with no guarantee on what you pull.

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That would be a fallacy of relative privation, simply stating something else is worse, doesn’t excuse the first.

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The current system is P2MW: Pay to maybe win

The plural of anecdote is not data. (A) Just because he spent as many gems as he did that doesn’t mean it’s the average amount required. (B) It’s not $700 worth of Gems if he spent nothing on them. Giving away craploads of free Gems and Keys devalues the cost of a Gem.

Bottom line: You should have no expectation of getting everything in the game unless you are a payer that spends thousands of dollars.

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It might not, technically, be guaranteed, but with enough rolls you will eventually gather the item you seek. So If I bought $2k worth of gems, you could say I was guaranteed, within an acceptable margin for error, a mythic pull. Why is that not the same as guaranteeing a mythic for $100?

LMAO! What is this respect you speak of? I’ve been on the internet too long to still think I have any power to make people care. I just enjoy screaming into the abyss along with everyone else. :stuck_out_tongue:


Fair point. Maybe I define P2W for me differently but… wouldn’t it be P2W if mythics were required to achieve good results in PVP? That doesn’t seem to be the case at the moment.

For all the talk of “ruining the economy” the Devs demonstrated no knowledge of economics. They cited inflation yet no currency is transferable and when spent, the currency isn’t rereleased into circulation.

What they think is inflation was literally an increase of number of players and players hoarding.

Since I have to assume they aren’t monetarily retarded, I have concluded these changed were targeting “stashes” of resources. If not, then they ARE monetarily retarded afterall.

Ah, those gems still carry value of $700, even if the intrinsic value could be thought of as much less (“freely gained”), possibly more accounting for how much more scarce those same gems are in our current environment. He dedicated his time and attention to gathering those resources, he has every right to demand their worth. If I make $50 an hour in my current vocation, and I were to spend 4 hours of that time gathering resources, in lieu of gathering additional money, the opportunity cost of those gems are 4 x $50 = $200.


Pay to Win is difficult to define, technically, any function that gives an advantage over another through paying, would be defined as a Pay to Win mechanism. Gems of War is a F2P game, and with that comes a level of P2W. Good results is equally ambiguous, 50% defense win rate could be considered good results, and most of those teams have mythics and legendaries(Khorvash, Death, Famine). If I were a new player, and bought a crap ton of VIP keys, I would have a very real advantage over others in the same segment of the game as I.

@TaliaParks I agree. I definitely suspect the team has targeted these caches of resources. Two to Three new troops coming out a week, and a monthly Mythic, there is no way someone can keep up with out cash, or dipping heavily into caches and eventually running dry.