Tuesday faction events are not healthy

seems like a reasonable request

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“Simply” need enough Gems to be able to buy Tier 7 x 8…


Just letting you use a hero character with a faction team would probably be enough to make them doable without potions.


haha, whenever this thread comes up I have to laugh. The title is so spot on that it could not be said any better. I feel for those that have gone all in on a Tuesday event and failed, I even feel for the ones that went all in on a Tuesday event and finished the faction after 5+ hours of constant playing after spending 2000+ gems. The pain is unreal no matter how we look at it.


Stopped by to see who stood their ground and didn’t spend gems… Anyone? Anyone? Doubt it lol


The devs avoid the delve debacle furore that they have abusively created with relish. But hey, no call outs right? No adherence to Sirrian’s BS recommendation of healthy game play as 28 daily battles? No…let’s make it 250 fights minimum in recent and forthcoming faction events whether as a 1 or 3 day insult to this obvious ‘we don’t care’ philosophy. The latest glory troop…broker of greed with a spell of “greed is good” says it all. Lose all my gold??? Hilarious. Thanks to you duplicitous tools we’ve got none. This troop is just a tongue in cheek finger and feck you endorsement of the status quo rip off that high level gamers are suffering from. No wonder they are leaving in droves.

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He takes all your gold and his phallic horns grow larger

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I spent no gems. one of the few people who actually visit the forums after voting with their wallet


Kudos, I mean that. It’s the only way to get things to change.


They won’t change though. Because the top guilds who can and will play all day long throw gems and cash if needed at these ridiculous events. That’s why factions are getting worse…potions have backfired for the company because 3000 gems on faction release will get it done for the players who can stomach the torture. LB scores are alarming…these guys are playing at an extent that is way, way beyond healthy. But hey some are filling the coffers in order to do so. This and most games care zero about the psychological and financial welfare of the playerbase. That is immoral on an alarming level, especially on a game with a very low PEG rating. Would the devs let their kids, nephews, cousins etc play this game ? Put it this way, I wouldn’t let anyone who is under 18 or with a mental disorder anywhere near it.


People, stop complaining about nothing!
Nothing in this game is mandatory.
Yes, not even playing this game is mandatory.
If you don’t want to do the Fraction Event, then just don’t do them!!!
End of the story.


Delve are a pain period, event or not, tbh i “felt” more today, done primal rift (and past week did ase and ck), first time i got to last room without driad, the fight took me 1 hour , lost alderfather too (their stupid redthorn always targeted/hitted him), had a treant that was at 1k attack and around 800 armor and 2 golems.

Finally managed to get down to only alder on enemy side (that looked like was always full lol) and? the 2 golems died meanwhile, was my treant vs his alder , 1 skull match was enough to kill him and… skull galore from the sky!!! pam pam pam, 3 hits in one turn, game over.

Second run gone more smooth but even so betwhen both runs waste more than 2 hours (that wasnt fun at all).

Last tuesday did Dark pits on the event and defo dont regret it, in fact was nice kick those stinky rats that killed me so many times when tried normally, more nice than wasting hours trying out of events.

Ofc cant afford to do them all seen there’s also the new delve every month (not that i even want, just want 41500 so can get +1 magic at next new delve) but tbh i dont agree with thread title, should be “delves are not healthy”.

Well, I didn’t quit drinking my first attempt either. I sat out Fang Moor and Dark Pits. But then the gems pile up…

And I never bought the event weapon. Surely there’s no harm in that? Compare the price of Doom Crossbow (Available now in Forge for a mere 60k souls + a nominal fee. You’ll hardly notice it) to the cost of the new Doom event weapon.

And then, well, I’m so close to 300, and fail 1st try, of course. And you know the rest. What else was I gonna do today? Argue politics?

“Let he who is without sin cast the first Gem”. I summoned him, y’all deal with it. I’ve got an addiction to feed.

Please keep in mind that any of the statements made in these quotes should be read in the context of the entire post and thread in which they appeared.

I thought this might be relevant for the current discussion, even though addiction is the more extreme end of the spectrum.

Obviously, lots of things have changed about the game, and probably its production, since then, but I don’t think the statements in there ring as true for me as they once might have.


I have never seen a dev reply In a delves complain thread lmao

It happened in this very thread!

And the quoted post is itself a quote of one of Salty’s posts in a different faction complaint thread.


There have been plenty of responses, mostly defending themselves against the word “abusive”.

They use the same defense as casinos, tobacco companies, drug dealers, and human traffickers: it’s your fault. You installed the game, you can delete it. It’s “not their problem” if they implemented it to appeal to psychological triggers you can’t resist without the help of a professional therapist.

They just set the bear trap, covered it with camouflage, and placed a lot of prizes near it while saying, “Wow, I sure do hope a person lured by these prizes steps in the bear trap so I can charge them money for medical treatment”. It’s not their problem if a sucker dumb enough to actually do it walks in, right?


Presto, stop complaining about people who are concerned about players’ health.
Taking part in a discussion about healthy gaming is not mandatory.
Yes, not even reading this thread is mandatory.
If you don’t want to be a healthy gamer, then just play GoW 24 hours a day!!!
End of the story.


I remember zoo keeper making an entire thread about pvp being unhealthy, and it was extremely physically unhealthy for the whole week.

Seems to me that faction events boil down the worst of that, concentrating it into one singular day, and add the added stress of not betting assured you’ll get to finish. It sounds awful.

Not that i know first-hand. I quit playing this game for real, oh, about 3 years ago.


I stopped after failing the fifth time. I only bought nine tier 7s. There was still a half hour left. See? I can quit anytime I want…

My head feels hungover. gl hf, stay healthy, and avoid Tuesday faction events. That’s my policy.

Until the next time I have a pile of unused gems staring at me. I used to carry a Calvin and Hobbes strip with me: “Zorn, grant me the power to change what I want, the incapacity to accept what I can’t, and the inabilty to tell the difference”. Thanks for letting me share.