Token of Cedric, drop rate awry?

Thanks @ChunkyMono , after that was mentioned I figured out how to check and verified I was on normal mode.

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Gaard 67
Yasmine 90
Cedric 168
Aranaea 50
Anu 16
Nysha 9 (my first nysha medal)

Cedric = 168 (42%)
All others = 232 (58%)

435 collected at L12

70 (16%) Gaard
99 (23%) Yasmine
182 (42%) Cedric
54 (12%) Aranaea
23 (5.2%) Anu
7 (1.6%) Nysha

219 at difficulty 12:

Count Percentage
Gaard: 29 Tokens (Common) 13.2%
Yasmine: 36 Tokens (Rare) 16.4%
Cedric: 101 Tokens (Ultra-Rare) 46.1%
Aranaea: 33 Tokens (Epic) 15.1%
Anu: 11 Tokens (Legendary) 5.0%
Nysha: 9 Tokens (Mythic) 4.1%

LOL I haven’t even equipped anything yet, except that forced Cedric token/badge.

I decided to compile the data of everyone doing big sets (going upward from the bottom up to Neritars set, avoiding duplicates)

Total Samples: 2393

Submitter C R U E L M
Voq 29 36 101 33 11 9
HugeOgre 70 99 182 54 23 7
Fleg 67 90 168 50 16 9
TheIdleOne 33 48 67 13 6 7
Avathar 22 18 40 16 2 0
Clark 12 7 34 10 8 0
Mithran 24 43 70 21 9 2
Laenir 22 34 45 11 6 2
Redi1 41 70 93 27 7 12
Shimrra 8 13 28 5 2 1
Neritar 82 78 166 44 26 4
TOTALS 410 536 994 284 116 53
AVG% 17.13% 22.40% 41.54% 11.87% 4.85% 2.21%
Drop Rate Esimate (95% CL) 15.62%~19.12% 20.73%~24.59% 39.56%~44.13% 10.57%~13.57% 3.99%~5.98% 1.63%~2.99%

If the rates of Cedrics aren’t intended to drop ~40%+, then something is probably wrong, since we are fairly confident they do. We have a 99.9999% confidence level that the true rate of cedrics token drops falls between about 36.5% and 46.5% based on our sample size, so if the “true rate” is supposed to be anything lower than 36%, well, something is absolutely wrong.


We can’t know if something is wrong based on this because we don’t know how it is supposed to be. Not likely this will result in a change for the better if it is wrong and it does get noticed… but, based on other stuff that has flown under the radar for ridiculous lengths of time, I think drop rate discussions are on auto-filter for all the staff unless they are directly reported as a bug. And its not going to be me for this one, I don’t feel like having to lobby just for what would, best case, probably result in a nerf, and worst case, be wasted effort. Nysha numbers look depressing, but probably intentionally so.


I am okay with Cedric (ultra-rare) dropping more often than Gaard (common) or Yasmine (rare). When upgrading troops, you can use any medal of a higher rarity to guarantee success at any of the three eliteness tiers. I upgraded my Tigraki Warrior on a whim, and I used a Medal of Cedric for gold rather than the three Medals of Yasmine it would have otherwise taken to hit 100% upgrade chance.

We know that eventually kingdom power levels will require upgraded troops, so I am quite happy if the game showers us with ultra-rare medals in place of common/rare medals that are effective on fewer troops.

Now, with all that said, I do think the rate of Epic and higher needs to be adjusted. 2% chance for a token of Nysha means that almost* nobody will be upgrading mythic troops.

*I am sure there are some users dedicated enough to grinding that they can earn the 6 Medals of Nysha needed to upgrade their mythic troop. But they are a minority of a minority.


The rarer they make Nysha medals the more people will buy the inevitable flash offers. I really truly hate this type of ftp sales model.


Cedric: 17
Gaard: 10
Yasmine: 5
Aranaea: 2