TaliaParks' Team Build Series: Original Blue

actually, in his Gloom is quickly beaten by a very simple Ultra rare that can get much stronger than him. treant makes a better tank than gloom, in any case if you trait him. Gloom is good for weakening the opponents.

I like putting Gloom Leaf 3rd or 4th where he seems more devastating.

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even with all traits it’s always a mistake to play him first.

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I didn’t get Gloom Leaf until recently, and have never really used him. When facing him, the only time he concerns me is when he has the third trait and is in first slot. Any further down the lineup and I can reduce his health or kill him before I am ever faced with having to choose whether to take a skull match against him or not. Is your thinking with 3rd or 4th slot that you want his other attributes (huge and corruption) to have more time to work, and if the opponent ever gets down to him that thorns are a nice bonus?

Yes, exactly. If you don’t target Gloom Leaf when he is in the 3rd or 4th slot he is a nightmare.

I tried your team but my cards were not upgraded and it didn’t work out well.

From there though, i decided to try something with the same idea of using water link X3 but, with a tougher lead card and I am having a lot of success, even though I still need levels and stones for both Druid and Shadow hunter.

Treant level 20 *** M
Shadow hunter Level 17 * E
Valkyrie level 19 *** L
Druid level 18 * M

Adana banner. Red/yellow

With treant lasting a long time and getting very high attack before dying, it is a solid replacement team.

I was thinking of switching treant and hunter when she gets stronger so I can have treant become a monster before she dies off and really take over the match then.

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Good job on the team tweak!

That’s a very solid team, especially when you don’t have the Traits for Original Blue.

Yeah i’d say you need atleast the water link traits.

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That team looks amazing! I’ve only been playing this game since the end of June and am still using the same team I managed to put together after the first few days of playing. I was extremely lucky to get Druid from one of my first glory keys.

Masters of Nature (I call it that because 4 unique green troops get me a 25 + mastery bonus)

My hero with Dragon Oak (1 trait and the Archer class perk of +4 attack)
Boar Rider (3 traits)
Druid (2 traits - I have the traitstones necessary for the third one, but since those Arcanes are so hard to come by I’m still hesitating)
Archon Statue (1 trait) - during quests I exchange him with Tyri to farm for treasure maps

Maybe I should start switching things up. I guess I’m a bit too loyal to my first team. The only time I make/use other teams is for the daily tasks. Now that I reached level 100 yesterday evening, I might have to start thinking bigger.

Original Blue seems really neat to try out! It would take me a while to fully level up and trait the three troops besides Druid though.

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I played one kopeshi, it got a pvp victory on defence, i think it needs a nerf for its one victory.
Ps he was alone on the team with no teammates.

I would definitely encourage you to branch out with your team and this is a good option to start with. It isn’t even critical that you get everyone levelled up and traited for it to work. You already have Druid ready to go (the third trait is a luxury, not a necessity).

Getting Valkyrie into the mix is really valuable. You won’t believe how much faster you can collect souls if you are able to use her ability a couple times per match. She is also amazing at creating blue mana, which can feed a lot of other good troops. For example, if you happened to have Knight Coronet levelled up, you could put him into this lineup in place of either Shadow Hunter or Behemoth and that would work just about as well.

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