(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Daemonic portal gems?

I’m sure they’re won’t be any bugs from this!:rofl:


So with a gem creator + exploder, you can… summon troops to replenish your team? But also your opponent might get the summons before you’re able to? Couldn’t you just run a summoner?

Seems like this just exists to slow the game down.

There’s also no point in more than 3 of these gems existing at a time, and in matches you’re winning, they’re actively bad. Why run troops/traits that create comeback mechanics for your opponent?

I guess i just don’t see the vision here.


Oh yay
And then we’ll get portal gems for all troop types I guess?

Not my favorite name for a troop ever…

interesting attempt to mix Phoenicia and Zilopochtli

its just… better than Zilopochtli

takes Zilo’s trigger, but mixes Phoenicia’s spell. The boost ratio is very awkward, since you need Freeze Gems on the board, which is oddly specific. It creates 3 freeze gems, but by the time it gets to cast again, its very unlikely to be there.

I wish they would use a more realistic boost ratio, but otherwise, solid troop. It’s just a Phoenicia clone.


It’s not just a Phoenicia clone, but again a wasted 3rd trait for mythic level plus lazy design.

I can see Kukulkan used with daughter of time because they have no mana conflict, she can create more freeze gems, and you could use the hourglass gems to keep the loop going or make his spell stronger. The final trait is what holds him back because zilopochtli has a similar trait that did nothing.

Maybe they could have made Kukulkan’s final trait like Salamandria? Sleet Strom: “Create 2 freeze gems when matching 4 or more gems.” I also would have made his boost to ratio of ×6 based off of freezing gems and frozen enemies to give it a little more damage.

This would have made him a little better, while being easier to use than Phoenicia because you could deal double damage with any storm, but it will be another “what if” mythic…:thinking:

I like adding frozen enemies to the boost ratio, but you also couldn’t keep the boost ratio at x6. It would be far too easy to get +48 damage just doing regular elementalist things.

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Zilopochtli actually makes some sense in teams with a Stormcaller Hero or a lot of Suncrest/Stryx troops because that lends itself to a lot of yellow on the board and yellow matches, thus setting off “Dawn Slayer”. It’s not the best synergy in the world, given Zilo’s spell boost (off purple) and Zilo’s colors, but at least there’s a thread of logic underpinning the whole thing.

None of that works the same way for Kukulkan unless your “plan” is to run him with a bunch of Glacial Peaks troops such as Daughter of Time (for the freeze gems) and Skadi (for the perpetual blue storm).

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“Kick Ass!!”

Or is it a ass kicker…


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they must know something I dont know where Freeze Gems that it can’t do on demand is worth a downgraded 2x boost ratio without any other type of damage boost type like frozen enemies.

also, one mana more expensive than phoenicia. so… why would I use this over phoenicia?

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This Friday’s new mythic coming in late.

Really good and really terrible at the same time, oddly impressive.

If player ran, you’d assume it gets used to get an extra turn then pop the death mark gems with the uber doomskulls. If randomly casted, the caster’s team is going to get cursed and deathmarked lol.

I give em small credit, its not an Infernus clone.

Please lower the mana cost from 24 to something else…

pst… “Covert 3 Skulls”


I don’t think that we will be able to choose which skulls transform into death mark gems because we select which color gems get converted into cursed gems. The cursed gems can refill this ancient pharaoh, but the enemy team can take advantage of poorly placed death mark gems or Uber doomskulls.

They could have made his spell easier to understand and more useable like this:

“Convert all gems of a chosen color to cursed gems. Then, create 6 skulls and 6 Uber doom skulls. Death mark 2 random enemies.”

I would remove the random death mark gems and make the spell easier to understand. It’s hard to balance out his spell because I like control over which gems get converted into cursed gems, but the Uber doom skulls could easily overpower everything with too many.

We are all going to use this mythic for the 2 explosions at the start of our turn anyway because it’s like Takshaka 2.0, but I will try to experiment with the other practical uses of his spell.

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While its a valid suggestion and something I could see being used in the future on a different troop, creating the skulls after converting can lead into problems where the skulls will overwrite the converted cursed gems, potentially breaking extra turn opportunities. I’m not too sure I’d like that

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Oh… Yellow Centaurs. Slightly better than Green Centaurs, but more importantly this means we could be getting all 6 colors for all troop types. All in this nerfed not pleasant to use form.



When I first saw zebrataur, it’s like the devs said, “Yeah, we messed up the centaur journey with hippolyta, so let’s try it again with yellow gems.”

It looks like a rough journey, but we can cheese it using Elementalist to inflict entangle on all enemies and then use Hind to chip them all down into World Breaker range to wipe everyone out. We will lose miles because it will take some time spamming Hind, but I don’t see other options (like doomed spear or rope dart) working out against level 300+ enemies.


We’ve just had a blue/undead journey event on August 12th, so the next one is red/undead?

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It’s Red Daemons next. There are a couple of decent lethal damage options, Consort of Darkness and Archduke.

Im hoping its placeholder traits…

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You’re right, I’ve just seen that. It’s most likely they haven’t put the Godslayer trait on it as the other troop that week also has no trait or spell description.

But there’s also a red/brown Orc Pathfinder scheduled to release Friday September 13th, however that is a bounty weekend and probably only has the wrong trait associated with it.