(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

There has been data mined spoilers on immortal troops being able to “awaken” their final traits. This will probably be monetized and whales in this game will spend more for better troops.

It’s unfortunate that heroic gems can override their associated color (freeze gems can override blue gems for example). The devs probably know that this mechanic exists, but they probably can’t keep up with all of the new heroic gems they add. Still, newer players might get confused as to why the same color gem isn’t matching with a heroic gem and they just say, “Fine, I will just use thrall to destroy everything and not think too hard.”

As the game gets more and more complex, heroic gems need to be differentiated between ones that can be matched or destroyed. Earlier heroic gems (like lycanthropy) can be matched with purple gems, but more recent power gems (like the ghost gems we have during this campaign) have to be destroyed or exploded. The game has just too much going on right now, and they are just going to add more gems and status effects…

Immortal Glaycia will be able to create 4 freeze gems at the start of her turn.
Immortal Ossifer will be able to curse and stun all enemies on 4 or 5 gem matches.
There are also immortal weapons that have nice synergy with these troops, but these powerful tools of war will have to be paid with a hefty price I imagine.

This little fish will just keep swimming against the current…


you’re right. I forgot about immortal traits being a thing, then missed the upgraded trait portion of Immortal troops in that infodump.

Kinda nuts. I’m starting to lean towards F2P can eventually get the troops, but the people buying the PvP Season Pass have a better time unlocking upgraded traits and stuff.

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so… Immortals are now a troop type…

these 3 + immortal glaycia might be very strong when awakened, if only so that it makes 3 colored gems a turn… and not even if ran by themselves, but with 3 copies of the troop to spew out 9 colors of a gem per turn while being invulnerable…

funny enough, 3 of the 4 go from 1 gem to 3 gems, but the burning gem starts at 2 and goes to 3… getting less value than the others. Its odd, but its not like the alternative is better (getting another troop with Pyrophemus create 1 burning gem per turn would be absurdly boring)

Awakened Holy Armor is just Stoneskin.
Awakened Stone Skin is just Aegis.


I’m guessing the Adana Immortal is getting the bomb gem trait. I know which one I’m avoiding if I have the choice, and/or I know which one I’m getting if its random acquisition…

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Immortal troops and their associated weapons are very powerful, but I’m guessing that they are going to be locked behind a paywall that will probably be priced the same (or even more) than the campaign pass. I’m predicting that we will get 1 new immortal troop with their related weapon every week for the 6 troops and weapons that have been listed on Taransworld. I have no idea how or if we can obtain the guardians that we fight in citadel battles.

The heroic gem spawns from the new immortals and weapons would have more potential to loop if they couldn’t override their associated color (stun gems can override brown for example). I wish that the devs would fix it so that heroic gems would act like normal gem spawns that wouldn’t conflict with getting extra turns or gem matches. I don’t know if these interactions will replace WoS, but I will have to wait to test it out because I’m not paying for these fancy, new toys.

But where will this leave us? Stellarix joining Diamantina with the constant power creep? It seems players invest a lot in new, powerful troops, and then the devs introduce something even more powerful, with no chance to catch up. I fear that they are going to have immortal “eggs” because we’re having so much fun with wasting our dragonite…

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I find myself wondering if the Immortal troops will somehow be tied to the “PvP seasons” concept the developers have hinted at a few times. As a way to try and encourage us players to spend more time in that mode.

very much likely

Spend more real money in that mode*


The rest of the immortals were finally adjusted. all of them seem quite crazy strong except the ones that deal damage from 3 - some value ( Immortal Sagittarian, Immortal Lucifa ). Historically, being able to hit low values means it will hit low values at inconvenient times.

Immortal Aquaria probably has the wrong spell, since its taking from an already existing hero weapon… but we’ll see what happens.

I don’t have a good feeling about this system, but surely it has to be better than the Underspire Sentinels…

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Needs more details. Underspire was random pulls on six whole Sentinels. I suspect the new system will be random pulls on a dozen different Immortal fragments, with a high number of fragments needed to craft the associated Immortal. That would probably be a whole lot worse than Underspire, because you first need to roll the same fragments often enough to even have something to play with.

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On the flip side, it can feel like more progress compared to being stuck on 0 sentinels forever like I currently am.

Even having needed to open up 37 cosmic dragon eggs for me to get Stella, the sentinel situation feels even worse than that.


I think the main difference between sentinels and dragon eggs is that we will be able to pay for immortal fragments, burning marks (the new currency that is needed to open burning chests for immortals), immortals, and their associated weapons (from the season pass).

I would advise people to try to get Stellarix if you don’t already have it, and try to ignore this new content, which will supposedly be here around July 23. They’re trying to push harder on “pay to win,” but that just means that they’re desperate and don’t know what else to do.


Likewise, I haven’t got my first sentinel. Despite pretty much clearing underspire every week

I feel the Zuul experience years ago before GaP is the way to chase an elite troop.
It was a year long target. And every minor blue orb made you feel that bit closer.
Ofc you could always buy the power orb pack. Or buy gems and chase the power orb in an event if you wanted it faster.


@Bramble @Nimhain
As it stands, the Pathfinder for next week’s Journey ( July 8th, 2024 ) won’t deal any magic damage when upgraded to Shiny Level 2.



Well, that would be quite the disaster while Kafka is away next week. Business as usual right?:rofl:

I think most players nowadays worry about things more than get excited for them, which is why it’s getting harder and harder to keep guilds together. It puts pressure on the people that decided to stay, and then they have to use more time and resources to finish events.

Help us, Obi-Wan-Kenobi…you’re our…eh, forget it.


Thanks, @Bramble .


Test Block spell hmmm intriguing …

I don’t know what happens to Forest Guardian after this troop releases

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Forest Guardian probably still has some value in an all-Beast or all-Maugrim team. The spell is absolutely worse than this new critter, but Forest Guardian has a third trait that’s useful in some contexts.


Hopefully the name is a placeholder, I mean, the devs already have a weapon with that name.

