(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

You don’t see a “gain an extra turn” mythic very often.


That thing is going to be nice for its colors in PvP.

On paper, everything reads nicely. 3rd trait adds a big bonus to 1.5x magic as is…

I just have concern that always targeting the enemy most used color is not going to be as useful as it should be, though an extra turn compensates?

I don’t know if it should have that extra turn either, but it can lead to destroy gems → cast Groe + extra turn → destroy more gems and get a ton of positive status effects.

In theory, this troop could end up only hitting 1 enemy at a time, randomly as a worst case scenario? Gorgotha, Essence of Evil, Thrall, Tesla as a really random example… Most diverse teams will end up getting hit for 2 and this troop will otherwise be very effective in those yellow, green, and blue PvP areas.

Its still good for a Hellcrag troop, so I guess that’s a positive.

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Groevanga reminds me of the good ol’ days of divinia, who was my favorite troop until beetrix and all the other powerful options took over. The damage is also like the gray king to target one specific color only, and it does cover yellow and green, which makes it have potential.

If u can reliably destroy or explode the board with high enough extra turn chance, your team will have enough positive status effects to overpower anything without curse.

I like mythic ideas like this because they make them unique and powerful in certain situations. It becomes more difficult to come up with interesting traits and abilities when we get more and more troops over time.

We’ll see what happens when he arrives in 2 months.:beer:


In this case though, you don’t get to choose like Gray King does

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So I was thinking about this one today, and I have a thought/question:

There are five other mythics that have “create a mix of gems of two types” as part of their spell. (Stonehammer, Wild King, Wild Queen, Champion of Gaard, Rath-Amon). Four of them create 22 total gems; Rath-Amon creates 24. Of those five mythics, none of them has a spell cost greater than 24. And most of them have useful traits above and beyond their spell.

(I happen to believe that Rath-Amon is useless, but the other four are viable in a number of different ways.)

So why does Takshaka only make 20 gems, fewer than all the rest? And does so with a higher spell cost than all of them?

New addition to this saga

How did talismans work (haven’t looked into it as I consider them total and utter useless junk)? Active for 1 battle only?
This one would surely cost gold marks to activate, gold marks go 9.99 per pack…profit.

I have not used a talisman myself, but I’m under the belief its 1 battle per use since you get 5 talismans per purchase.

They could always sell new ones with less/more uses :person_shrugging:

Finally the 14th weapon for Karakoth!
Mixed feelings about it, however, as f2p players still won’t be able to upgrade the power level.



As one of those dedicated f2p players? It’s nice in an abstract way that the weapon roadblock would cease to be an absolute thing, but I’m so far away from that mattering that it may as well be irrelevant. Because my major roadblock continues to be Books of Deeds and will be that for a long time – despite how much I play and how long I’ve been playing, I still only have ten (10) kingdoms at level 18 and the rest are down at level 16. Let alone any thought of getting them to level 20 such that I might approach 30 stars before the sun is snuffed out like a candle.

Personally, I’m wondering if and when we’ll see kingdom power stars go beyond 30. It wouldn’t matter for f2p types like myself, but one has to assume that the developers will want another stretch goal for their whales to chase at some point, unless they’re okay with those whales “completing the game” and getting bored and wandering off to play (and spend on) something else.


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Okay, I saw this on the discord but re-reading it I’m realizing alliances appear to be potentially unrelated to Guilds? I assumed they were coalitions of Guilds, grouped either manually (although the strongest Guilds would join together as an unstoppable force) or automatically by the system based on level or whatnot.

But with this phrasing - “select an alliance to join from the list below,” my Guild coalition theory is thrown off. I’m so curious how this will differ from Guild Wars and what the differences are between Alliances. It sounds like the Alliances will fight each other, being akin to (very large) Guilds.

My best guess would be that there are different troops restrictions applied to each alliance, which may rotate every “season.” Early/mid-game players would select an Alliance based on which troops they have unlocked which fall under an Alliance’s restrictions, while end-game players would try to identify a meta - particularly which restrictions allow for common high-tier troops/weapons such as The Ruby Macaque, Diamantina/Stellarix, Queen Beetrix, etc.

This encourages thoughtful team-building and intra-Alliance communication and team sharing, which would be awesome for players of all levels. Unsure how popular this format would be to some, as I know not everyone on these forums loves troop restrictions on every gamemode, but so far I’ve found troops restrictions to vastly expand the base of troops which I actively use and enjoy. There is no longer a meta team which works in every mode. We are seeing so many more troops gain usefulness and really expanding on one of this game’s top strengths - it’s massive amount of troops and opportunities for team-building strategies.

I hope I’m right about this, because it sounds like an awesome game mode!


Without any means of personally contacting other players in-game (outside global chat), I don’t see this Alliance thingy going anywhere.

Presumably the score of an alliance is measured by VP, only the high scorers will alliance themselves with the others of last weeks (Top 10) leaderboards.

Or if it’s two guilds forming an alliance, then most likely the top guilds of a major family do so and fight another (Or two week long GW?) for VP.

And I’m also assuming the price pool will be gold- and silver marks, maybe a handful of gems.

With the way I envision it, communication wouldn’t be needed, just useful for team-sharing. I figure Alliance Wars would function similarly to Guild Wars except teams are locked to their respective troop restrictions.

I’m very much hoping it has nothing to do with VP earned from the current “quick battles,” which are simply competitions of who spends the most time on PvP. In an ideal world there would be limited daily battles as in Guild Wars.


From spoilers I have seen there will indeed be limited battles - managed by how many sigils you PURCHASE just as in guild events.

Monolith Sigils

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Hmm, interesting. Do we know for sure Alliances are tied to Monolith battles?

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Nope we do not. However how do you know Alliances will be tied to troop restrictions? I am rather thinking it might be tied to hero levels - given the emphasis in PVP on hero levels.

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Next patch features with Monoliths are probably “done” and they’re working on the patch after that with Alliances.

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There are only 5 alliances, one of which must be chosen. Each region has 4 monoliths. For all remaining alliances. I think by choosing a monolith, we will attack a specific alliance.

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