(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Awesome. We don’t want every monster type as a journey looper

Thankyou so much. I’d rather take less reward from journey event, than see anymore stupid chalcedony clones.:heart:

Btw I don’t think OP, because there’s frostmage.

What I do think is, copy n paste chalcedony, one button click win troops.

Just awful , worst troops in game, yes people get easy wins.
But why would you want to, there awful boring AF.

It’s a bad issue in both directions; they’re not great troop designs, but at the same time they make Journey more bearable.

It’s the major fundamental problem where Journey grows too much in stats too quickly and becomes near unplayable for a lot of kingdoms after 10k miles or so.

But… it’s also the only weekly event that gives Imp Deeds/Books, so of course people want to do it.

I don’t know what the answer is in this situation.


No ino , there great for journey and help us, that’s not the issue.

I don’t think there OP, I also think there great for lower level players.

But what I hate is seeing them non stop in other modes, every time I see a journey troop team I think .

Well-done theres another player losing braincells, if they could be banned outside of journey then fine.

But there stupid to see outside journey, I’d rather have less rewards and not see them.

the correct answer would to have positive scaling points-wise in journey in general, instead of the negative scaling that happens because of the harder fights. Make it so going farther is more rewarding, like invasion/raid boss


A team has 4 troops on it, and these teams are 99%, one button using only the journey troop.

I wish they’d never been made, I’d pray for a bug, to wipe them from the database forever, if I thought it would work.

Dumb, mind numbing, brain-dead, childish troops.

Hate with a passion sorry.

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In other lighter news:

Next campaign Mythic. It’s interesting. Almost seems useable compared to Tauareus…

but… why is a Blue/Green/Red Tauros making Yellow Lightning Gems?


The strongest troops in the game , zuul, ctharrasque, diamantina, stillarix. All need help to get mana and win.

These journey troops, are stronger than the best boss troops in the game. Stronger is the wrong word, but you know what I mean. It might take 50 button presses to beat a level 500 on journey. But it shouldn’t be possible to do.

Bad Dev design of spell.

Please this is a good start, then maybe dump journey, design new event.

Ooooo can the real Taureas please stand up, please stand up, please stand up :joy:

Ok I read lightning gems, I thought blue, then read that there yellow.

Lightning is an electric shock, ino it’s coloured yellow on silly phone emojis, but should deffo be a blue gem.

Also As a user of all doomed weapons (apart from the daggers :man_facepalming:)

The new doomed weapons coming look very fun :blush:

What’s the point of a green/yellow pathfinder that creates PURPLE gems?

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So players have to think, use other troops using purple mana and have to look at the screen when playing.

Which they don’t have to do, with the journey troops, already in our collections.

In my opinion, the nerf’ing of Journey captains from their current “EZ button” status is long overdue. There ought to be some re-examination of the scoring for Journey events as has been discussed above and in other threads, but that’s a somewhat independent discussion.

As for the Journey captain from the Maugrim Woods in specific? Let’s wait and see what the restrictions on that event will be; if it’s Green/Wargare then it won’t matter that the new one creates Purple because we’ll all just use Todd Greenwood anyhow.

And the campaign mythic? Yeah, it’s better than Tauraeus but worse than Ketras because the latter has a much better boost ratio (2:1 vs. 3:1), a third trait that feeds his spell better, and the ability to aim his damage. Not terrible, especially as compared to a lot of the mythics that have been released recently, but something that’s not going to see much use from players who have (almost) everything.


Probably one of the worst possible day for new spoilers, on paper this mythic seem reasonably good. Not reliable, but… good.

Then you compare it to Venoxia, because of course a player is going to do that due to similarities, and it’s basically just doing the same amount of damage as Venoxia, but to 2 troops. It’s making 20 gems instead of Venoxia’s 18.

But now you’re paying 24 mana to Venoxia’s 16 mana.

Traits are a bit messy. At least Venoxia has Arcane, this troop has… Tough Scales, which is only 30% skull reduction on a troop you’d never put near the front.

That 3rd trait is promising though, but I don’t know if its enough to balance for its other aspects. Wildcards are strong though.


I wonder if they’ll catch it.

They brought the shiny spell down, but haven’t brought the main spell down. For the few people left buying headstarts and using shiny keys to upgrade them: the upgrade doesn’t do anything.

I expect them to adjust the base spell, thereby copying the useless troop formula. But we’ll see what happens.


So, whoever is designing troops is at least paying attention. That’s good.

That being said, Purple Wargares… We have 15 purple Wargares in the game, then +2 during that event week.

Maybe, I’ve been too negative lately. I’ll let others decide how well that goes.

Guess it was strong enough to warrant +2 to the mana cost.

That’s a little odd. (the damage amount). Not sure what happened there, since it looks right in the back.

The troop is… okay? A little situationally easier to use that Werecat, but loses the loopiness too. Anyone that has used Werecat knows it tends to transform quickly at 25%. Remains to be seen if Torbern can transform back into this one.

That’s something in the future.

Relevant that it exists, even if unmade at the moment.


I do wonder which troops we are supposed to use against level 500 opponents. Damage options seem to be next to zero. Fenix might be able to win in 20 - 30 turns, if you happen to own him. Everything else is support and tickle damage. There’s one single way to cheese fights, but even that won’t avoid full score penalty.


The restriction says “Wulfgarok” to me; knock one enemy down far enough for him to OHKO and you get a devour to take out a second troop.

But if you have a way to cheese fights, I’m all ears.

all of the words that matter, but at the same time… does it really mean anything if we’re still stuck with the old VP system?

everyone would have access to said double VP, so it doesn’t really change anything.

let’s be real, some of those outside regions aren’t worth it even with double VP, like Sword’s Edge, let alone dealing with 50% bonus enemy stats.

If anything, shouldn’t double VP make it even more lopsided and worse for high level players?
What is 50 vs 100 VP after battle now would, in theory, turn into 100 vs 200 VP after double VP kicks in, right? If that’s how it works, it’s yet another stupid piece of carp.