(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

ah yes, the game that keeps on giving:

This faction is impressively stupid lol. no skull reduction, but the legendary is skull based. A faction based on terror, but 3 of the troops have no protection from Terror. Can’t wait to scare my own team out of the game. … No curse either, so impervious troops should be fun. Fire Juggler is the damage to all troop value of the kingdom, I guess.

Also Terror Gems are a thing to deal with now.

On an unrelated note, they fixed the yellow dragon. Woo.


strongman is the core. boost himself life and attack for skull damage. ringmaster of backup and lion for conversion loop (terror gems are purple ?)
but… build up faster than the opposite strongman

yep, i thought it would be that bad, good to have possible bless and barrier from hoard level or potions

I guess Terror Gems are going to be purple?

Pure faction is going to be a pain in the tucchus. It’s neither a good team nor a cohesive one, though I suppose that a lot of the “strategy” in the intermediary rooms will be to play Terror games with the opposition and try to get them to run away before they maul your team to death. And to avoid Terror games being played with your troops, especially a Ringmaster.

You know what this pure faction outfit could use? How about a dedicated cleanser of some sort so that the team isn’t hoisted by its’ own petard in the unlikely case that the Player can survive a skull festival or level 500 teams blasting away with good magic attacks?

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That might be the ‘Deep Dive’ troop that comes out in a couple of years or so.

They made another Yasmine’s Chosen, but Yasmine’s Chosen is underpowered in 2023/2024.

Journey troops can already make 12/13 gems with 3 matching troops, yet YC/this mythic is stuck making 10.

Thumbs down.


I wish it did. I really do.

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The terror gems and the 2 new ones preloaded in for I guess upcoming campaigns.

Even though the gems aren’t there, the Terror mechanic is live as I’ve seen it using Essence of Evil.

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Magnus has put it on me twice too.

True just saying the gems are coming as well as the other 2 at some point.

A shot in the dark, but I wonder if Mydnight’s Quest line dialogue is one of the major reasons its been delayed. Not usually the first thing I think of for a new kingdom, but I don’t think I’ve seen it uploaded at any point.

nice found. pretty sure these new lightning gems are for the next campaign, which is for wild plains and the campaign mythic is called Guardian of the Storm Throne :wink:

I like the new questline for Mydnight, finally the hero engages in some really deep and meaningful dialogue. :woozy_face:


still better loveline than twillight


wait, they’re gone until Jan 1st AEST.

If this doesnt get changed in time… Ooooooh boy.


Obviously a Beatles fan:

“You say Goodbye and I say Hello” :slight_smile:


next pvp update ??

[MONOLITH_00] Sheggra’s Cavern
[MONOLITH_01] Infernus Depths
[MONOLITH_02] Henge of Amarok
[MONOLITH_03] Knights’ Enclave
[MONOLITH_04] Guardian’s Maze …

[MONOLITH_43] Herald’s Altar
[MONOLITH_44] Doomed Shrine

4 monolith/obelisk

The new/next Journey type troops.

The design team heard loud and clear that the Chalcedony/Seekra/Todds were too op in some people’s minds since … these suck.

Now they are 15/14/13 mana and make 10/11 gems. Zzz…

As a friendly reminder, Yasmine’s Chosen and Mandragora makes 10 gems.

Honestly, these troop types didnt need the double nerf.


Wait what? can’t keep their own template straight? This one makes 11/12 gems (compared to Adelwing’s 10/11 gems) which doesn’t sound like a big difference, but is where it starts to matter more… However, Todd exists… so what’s the point of this one?

yea… this is WAY worse and that makes the journey that much worse as an event too. The looping is needed for the event because you lose miles past a certain number of turns. Hopefully they change something back before release.

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